Why Do Patients with Renal Failure Get Anemia

Many patients with Renal Failure often have fatigue, pale face and so on. In fact, those may manifest you have anemia. Why do patients with Renal Failure have anemia? This article will discover the answers for you.
1. Insufficient supplements of raw materials of blood
The patients with Renal Failure often have intestinal diseases like poor appetite, nausea, and vomit and so on. Therefore, their bodies can not get sufficient iron, folic acid and other raw materials of blood. Protein is the essential substances in synthesis of hemoglobin. However, the patients with Renal Failure have to decrease the protein intake and also loss much protein in urine. Therefore, the patients with Renal Failure often have anemia.
2. Decreased synthesis of erythropoietin
Decreased synthesis of erythropoietin plays a major role in anemia for the patients with Renal Failure. Erythropoietin can stimulate the bone marrow to produce red blood cells. However, in Renal Failure, the uremic toxins restrain the erythropoietin secretion. As a result, hematopoietic function of bone marrow decreases greatly leading to anemia.
3. Hematuria
Hematuria is a common complication of Renal Failure. As kidneys are impaired, some red blood cells will leak into urine, which has promoting the occurrence of anemia.
4. Uremic toxins shorten the life expectancy of red blood cells
For the patients with Renal Failure, their kidneys are damaged seriously and fail to filter blood normally. As a result, a large amount of uremic toxins build up in blood increasing the fragility and shortening the life expectancy of red blood cells enormously.
In order to correct anemia for the patients with Renal Failure, they should pay more attention to their daily diet and eating more foods abundant of iron, folic acid like lefty vegetables. In terms of the causes of anemia, the key for correcting anemia is to repair the injured kidneys. In this way, the kidneys will be able to improve and even recover their functions of secretion, excretion and so on so as to correct anemia from its root causes. If you or your loved ones are patients with Renal Failure and have troubles in the treatment of anemia, you can email to khkpcn@hotmail.com. Hope we can help you on your problems.

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