Alternative Treatment for Patients with Kidney Failure

Dialysis and Kidney Transplant are still commonly used by Kidney Failure patients. However, with the medical development, a new alternative therapy for treating Kidney Failure appears and brings new infinite hope for the persons. It is the combination therapy of Immunotherapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
Kidneys are composed of renal functional cells which can help the kidneys realizing the functions like filtering blood, discharging metabolic products, keep PH balance etc. However, in Kidney Failure, a large part of renal functional cells are damaged and even necrotic. As a result, the kidneys can not work normally as before. Therefore, to restore the impaired renal functional cells is a crucial point in improving renal function.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help clear the patients' internal environment. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can dilate systemic blood vessels so as to improve renal ischemia. Also, once the renal blood flow increases, it can promote the excretion of metabolic wastes like nitrogen, creatinine etc. Therefore, it can create a favorable environment for repairing the damaged kidneys. Moreover, the effective medicines can provide some nutrients for the growth of the new cells in kidneys.
Then Immunotherapy is used to repair the damaged kidneys and regulate the overall immune system. The combination of Immunotherapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has showed enormous effect in clinic and it brings a new chance for the recovery of the patients with Kidney Failure. You can leave a message in the below or Email me at

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