A Common Cause of Chronic Renal Failure: Pyelonephritis

Pyelonephritis is an infection of one or both of kidneys. It is a common cause of Chronic Renal Failure. Hence, it is very important for patients to deal with Pyelonephritis properly and effectively.
Pyelonephritis, a bacterial infection is usually caused by a bacterium (Escherichia coli). The infection usually occurs when bacteria from the urethra and bladder travel up your ureter to kidneys. If not treated, the infection will damage the kidneys in the following ways:
1. Inflammation in kidneys.
If left untreated, the inflammatory response will attract more and more inflammatory factors to cause more severe damage to kidneys.
2. Retention of urine in bladder.
The pressure in kidneys will increase significantly, thus causing compression to kidney tissues. If the kidney tissues and cells can not get insufficient blood, oxygen and nutrients, they will loss function gradually and finally complete Renal Failure.
How to stop Pyelonephritis from progressing into Renal Failure?
Once the infection occurs, a proper treatment is quite necessary.
1. Patients are recommended to drink more water to produce more urine. In this way, a part of bacteria will be washed out of body by urine.
2. Patients are often prescribed antibiotics to control the infection. By this way, it can prevent the spreading of the infection effectively.
3. When the Pyelonephritis has resulted in overt kidney damage, the above treatments are not enough to control the disease. Patients need to seek for better ways to repair the malfunctioned kidneys and restore the kidney function.

Causes and Treatment for Restless Leg Syndrome in Chronic Renal Failure

Restless leg syndrome makes people with advanced stage of Chronic Renal Failure extremely uncomfortable and even disturbing. What causes it and how to treat the problem?
Restless leg syndrome
It is a disorder in which patients feel an uncomfortable sensation in the legs and are compelled to move them. This syndrome usually occurs along with painful sensation, burning sensation and pricking.
Nerve damage. Diabetes can contribute to restless leg syndrome. Diabetes can damage nerves and tiny blood vessels, thus resulting in the disorder.
Deficient iron and EPO. In Chronic Renal Failure, the malfunctioned kidneys only make little or produce no EPO at all. With low iron levels and fewer red blood cells being made, anemia commonly develop in Chronic Renal Failure.
Low PTH. Increased PTH can increase the patients' risk of developing bone diseases. Therefore, they are usually prescribed medications to control its level tightly. Some researches show that a common trait among patients with restless leg syndrome is that they have low PTH levels.
As restless leg syndrome results from impaired kidney function. The primary goal of the therapy should aim at restoring the impaired kidney structure and recover its secretory and excretory function. Once the kidneys are restored very well, the relative symptoms and discomforts related to Chronic Renal Failure will disappear gradually.

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