Improve Kidney Function (GFR) Naturally with Herbal Treatment

Certain herbs are known for their ability to improve the health and function of your kidneys. The following herbs may be helpful in preventing kidney stones: uva ursi, corn silk, gravel root, horsetail, mullein and buchu. Herbs that support the general functioning of your kidneys include ginkgo, sage, ginseng, rhubarb and astragalus. Milk thistle, dandelion and cayenne are sometimes used as adjunct herbal therapies.
Astragalus is an herb that is often used to improve the health and function of your kidneys. The root of the astragalus plant is used medicinally and may be ingested via soups, teas, extracts or capsules. Astragalus has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and adaptogenic action; helps encourage tissue regeneration; and protects the function of your kidneys. Astragalus contains saponins and polysaccharides -- two of its most significant active constituents.

Cranberries contain proanthocyanidins. PACs prohibit E. coli bacteria from attaching to the surfaces of the urinary tract. They also acidify the urine and decrease the amount of bacteria in the kidneys.

Dandelion is high in potassium and other minerals. It works as a liver cleanser, a digestive aid and a natural diuretic. Dandelion also has anti-inflammatory properties that help with such problems as nephritis.

Marshmallow Root
Marshmallow root is beneficial as a cleanser for the kidneys. It acts as a diuretic by increasing the flow of urine through the kidneys. This, in turn, acts as a flush for the kidneys and prevents the buildup of kidney stones.

Corn silk
Corn silk is known to reduce water retention and edema. It also flushes the kidneys and works as a diuretic. Corn silk can be made into a tea or taken in capsule form for added convenience.

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Natural Herbal Remedies from Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Kidney Disease is any disorder or disease that impairs your kidney function. Common signs and symptoms associated with kidney disease include fatigue, weakness, decreased appetite, inability to sleep, confusion, and swelling in your feet and ankles. Here, we would introduce natural herbal remedies for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).

Certain herbs may help treat your kidney disease. Siberian ginseng is an herbal remedy that may improve kidney function and help treat kidney infection. Sage, ginkgo, Asian ginseng and astragalus may also be helpful in treating kidney disease and improving the health and function of your kidneys. Gravel root, hydrangea, corn silk, nettle and goldenrod may be effective in preventing kidney stones.

Corn silk is a popular herb used in treating kidney disease. Corn silk has antimicrobial, diuretic, demulcent and vulnerary action and is helpful for inflammatory conditions of your kidneys and bladder. Corn silk is a healing herb for your urinary tract and helps restore your urinary tract tissue tone and function. Corn silk stimulates your kidneys, which helps account for its ability to reduce edema, or swelling, in your body. Corn silk contains numerous substances, including potassium salts, tannins and saponins.

Improve your kidneys by taking western herbs that help to detoxify them and/or act as diuretics to get of high levels of uric acid. These include corn silk,celery, buchu, parsley, dandelion, red clover, uva ursi and juniper berries. Take these herbs only after consulting your doctor, especially if you are already taking prescription drugs or other conventional treatments for your condition.

If you want to know more information, please email us at

What Protein Supplement Drinks are Proper for People on Dialysis

Peritoneal dialysis involves filling the peritoneal cavity with a dialyzing solution, letting it dwell and removing it from a catheter in the belly. Hemodialysis involves cleaning the blood using a dialysis machine. The patient's blood flows into the machine, where it is cleaned and then returned back to the patient. Regardless which technique you choose, protein loss is a problem for both peritoneal and hemodialysis patients.

Protein-energy malnutrition in peritoneal dialysis patients as caused by inflammation, low nutrient intake, nutrient losses during dialysis, metabolic acidemia, coexisting illnesses, and possibly the endocrine disorders of uremia. All of these problems are common to patients on hemodialysis as well.

While some speak to the value of protein supplements, none distinguish between protein supplement drinks and other types of protein supplements. Oral supplementation with amino acids helped hemodialysis patients. These patients had lower levels of C reactive protein, better serum albumen and less anemia.

Supplementation with tryptophan-fortified, collagen protein supplement administrated during hemodialysis helped improve wasting.

Never start taking a protein supplement without consulting your renal dietitian or nephrologist. The nutritional status of kidney patients is too complex to take supplements without consulting your doctor. Supplements must be low in potassium, phosphorus and vitamin A . You can email us at for more details about Dialysis health care.

Protein Supplements for People on Dialysis

Patients on dialysis need up to 1.2-1.5 g of protein per kilogram of body weight. It can be difficult to eat that much protein, especially when following a restricted dialysis diet. Protein supplements may help.

Patients on dialysis need to limit their intake of the minerals potassium, phosphorus and sodium, as well as fluid. Because of the physical demand dialysis places on the body, patients need more protein than individuals not on dialysis.

Protein is a major nutrient in the diet. It's responsible for building and repairing muscle and tissue, healing wounds and fighting infection. Protein comes from animal sources such as beef, pork, chicken, eggs, fish and dairy, as well as plant sources like nuts and beans.

Eating enough protein may sound easy, but because of the nutrients you need to limit when on dialysis, it can get tricky. Most sources of protein contain phosphorus. Cheese, nuts and other dairy products are especially high in phosphorus, and you should limit your intake. Eating enough meat and eggs may be difficult. Using protein supplements may help you meet your needs.

Not eating enough protein can land you in the hospital or even steer you towards an early death. Protein supplements are food products that provide extra protein, which may be helpful if you can't get enough protein in your diet. Protein supplements can be drinks, powders, bars or concentrated liquids. The best protein supplement for dialysis is one that the patient tolerates, is willing to eat, and is low in phosphorus, potassium and sodium. For more information, you can email us at

What Foods should I Avoid on Dialysis

Patients will typically need to have dialysis three times per week. Patients receiving dialysis should take care of the graft site, attend all scheduled dialysis appointments and avoid certain foods that may make the filtering process more difficult.

On a dialysis diet, limit the amount of dairy products you consume, states MedlinePlus. Dairy products are high in phosphorous, which can cause low blood calcium and thinning of the bones over time. Thinner bones are more likely to break and create further complications for the dialysis patient. Reduce your intake of milk, yogurt and cheese. Choose low-phosphorous foods, such as non-hydrogenated margarine, cream cheese and non-dairy whipped toppings.

Reduce your sodium intake once you begin dialysis. Sodium causes high blood pressure and fluid retention. Reducing sodium intake will cut down on the amount of fluid to be removed during dialysis. Read food labels to choose products that are low in sodium or unsalted. Avoid adding additional salt to your foods.

In addition to salt, you must be conscious of your potassium intake. Potassium is an electrolyte that controls your heart rhythm and muscle function. Abnormalities in potassium levels can occur in patients receiving dialysis and cause irregular heart beat or muscle cramps. Avoid foods high in potassium, such as oranges, raisins, bananas, prunes, avocados, tomatoes and cooked spinach.

If you need more information about diet on Dialysis, feel free to email us at Take care please!

Natural Herbs for Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease occurs when your kidneys suffer damage and do not function as they should. If you have kidney disease, your kidneys may no longer filter waste material from your blood. Chronic Kidney disease may respond to certain herbal remedies.

Among the most commonly used herbs in treating Chronic Kidney Disease are dandelion, marshmallow, watermelon seeds, juniper, parsley, red clover, goldenrod, bearberry, hydrangea, celery seed and buchu. Many of these herbs may be consumed as a tea.

Red clover
Red clover may be one of the most helpful herbs in treating kidney disease. It performs numerous health actions within your body, including purifying your blood. This herbal remedy may be especially helpful in treating kidney problems, inflammatory bowel conditions and a weakened immune system. The flowers of the red clover plant contain many nutrients and phytochemicals, and they are the part of the plant used medicinally.

Gravel root
Gravel root, also known by its Latin name Eupatorium purpureum, is a plant in the Asteraceae or Aster family. Gravel root is used to treat a wide variety of urinary tract problems, including bladder infection, enlarged prostate and kidney disease. It may be helpful for chronic, or long-term, kidney conditions with symptoms of painful urination, bloody urine and diminished urine output. Gravel root is also used for treatment and prevention of kidney stones. Gravel root is especially therapeutic where there's deep, dull kidney pain associated with chills and bone pain. Gravel root has a slightly bitter and starchy taste and may be prepared as a decoction or a liquid extract.

Milk thistle
Milk thistle is an Aster family herb that is best known for its ability to protect the liver and treat liver-associated ailments. Milk thistle also has lesser-known beneficial effects on the kidneys. Milk thistle regenerates the kidney's cells and protects them against toxin-induced injury. The milk thistle plant has a thorny stem, white-blotched leaves and purple-red flowers. The seeds are used medicinally and they have a bitter taste. Milk thistle seeds are available as powder, extracts, tinctures and capsules.

Nettle is a member of the Urticaceae family. Both the root and the arial parts are used medicinally and they have earthy and bland tastes, respectively. Nettle supports overall urinary tract function. It is a urinary tract tonic that is rich in the minerals potassium, calcium and silicic acid. Nettle functions as a diuretic and an anti-inflammatory. It's important to obtain nettle, as well as all herbs, from a qualified and reputable source.

The severity of and prognosis for Chronic Kidney Disease varies between people. What herbs are the best choice for your disease condition? You can email to with more of your condition, so can offer you personalized advice!

What Vegetables are Proper for Kidney Failure and Dialysis Patients

People on dialysis treatment typically follow a special diet to help control blood levels of certain elements, such as potassium, phosphorus, sodium and protein. Some vegetables contain potassium and should be limited by those on dialysis.

Typically, the kidneys filter out and excrete excess potassium from the blood. For people with end-stage renal disease, the dialysis machine filters out excess potassium. The amount of potassium you consume in your diet directly affects the amount of potassium in your blood. People on dialysis are asked to follow a strict diet and consume no more than 2 to 4 grams of potassium per day. The amount of potassium you should consume each day depends on the type of dialysis you receive as well as your lab values. A normal serum potassium level is 3.5 to 5.0 mEq/L.

Certain vegetables contain significant amounts of potassium. These vegetables are not be recommended for consumption by patients receiving dialysis. All varieties of potatoes, including sweet potatoes, should be avoided, as they are high in potassium. Other vegetables that are high in potassium include tomatoes, winter squash, pumpkin, avocado, beets, asparagus and spinach.

Recommended vegetables
Summer squash, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, green and wax beans, celery, peppers, onions, and cucumbers do not contain large amounts of potassium, although they do contain some. These vegetables should be consumed more often than those high in potassium in order to keep potassium levels within a safe range.
Potassium is not only found in vegetables, but in fruits, legumes, salt substitutes, and dairy products as well. All of these sources of potassium should be taken into consideration by people who undergo dialysis.

Read more: Herbal Remedy Help Renal Failure Patients Avoid Dialysis
Renal Failure: Top Truth About Restoring Your Kidneys

Recommended Low-Sodium Foods for Renal Failure on Dialysis

Sodium is often restricted on a Renal Failure & dialysis diet. When the kidneys are not functioning properly, excess sodium can build up in the body resulting in dangerous fluid retention and high blood pressure. Recommended low-sodium foods are as below.

Apples have low sodium and potassium levels, making them a healthful choice for people on dialysis. One raw apple with the peel has just 1mg of sodium. Apples also contain fiber, which helps you feel full for longer periods and assists in maintaining a healthy digestive system.

For people who need to limit their potassium and sodium intake, blueberries make a healthy addition to a carefully controlled diet. Blueberries also contain vitamin C, vitamin E, fiber and manganese.

Cherries is one of the top 15 healthy foods for people who have kidney disease. Coleman reports that 1/2 cup of cherries has 0mg of sodium and 160mg of potassium. This fruit also contains phytochemicals and antioxidants, which protect the heart and other organs from damage.

Lean cuts of chicken provide protein without adding too much sodium to the diet.Use cooking methods that do not involve adding salt or seasonings that contain sodium to the chicken.

In addition to its low sodium content, cabbage has several other nutritional benefits. One cup of boiled cabbage contains 91 percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin K. This food also contains vitamin B6, vitamin A, calcium, protein, folic acid and magnesium. One cup of green cabbage has just 8mg of sodium, while one cup of red cabbage has 18mg of sodium.

Bell peppers
Red, green and yellow bell peppers have low levels of sodium and potassium and several health benefits. One cup of chopped green peppers has just 3mg of sodium. Bell peppers also contain folic acid, vitamin A, fiber, manganese, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin E and copper. Peppers add flavor and texture to salads, chili and other dishes.

Read more: Herbs to Help Dialysis Patients with Nausea
                   Will Dialysis Patients Experience A Seizures

What Foods should I Avoid with Kidney Failure on Kidney Dialysis

Dialysis is the treatment used for individuals with late-stage kidney failure, known as End Stage Renal Disease, or ESRD. Dialysis patients should follow a special diet and avoid certain foods as below.

Dairy products
Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt contain high levels of both minerals, and patients should limit or completely avoid these foods while on dialysis. Dialysis patients should limit their dairy intake to 1/2 cup of milk or 1/2 cup of yogurt or 1 ounce of cheese per day.

Fruits high in potassium
Limiting or avoiding the fruits that have large amounts of potassium is important for patients on dialysis. Examples of fruits to avoid include bananas, kiwi, and avocados. Oranges and dried fruits should be limited or avoided as well.

Canned foods
Sodium levels can become elevated when the kidneys are not functioning properly, leading to fluid retention in between dialysis sessions. Patients on dialysis should limit sodium intake to avoid this problem. Canned foods contain large amounts of sodium and should be avoided as much as possible.

Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds should be avoided by patients on dialysis because they contain high levels of both phosphorus and potassium. Peanut butter, dried peas, beans and lentils also contain both minerals as well.

Whole grain foods
Whole grain products like whole wheat bread, bran cereal or brown rice all contain significant amounts of phosphorus and potassium as well. These products should be avoided by dialysis patients.

Read more: What Herbs are Helpful for Kidney Failure
Natural Remedy for Renal Insufficiency: Micro-Chinese Medicine 

Natural Herbs to Improve GFR (Kidney Function) in CKD

Herbs are a natural way to improve kidney function and keep the kidneys in optimal health. It is important to consult your kidney doctor before starting herbal therapy for kidney function and to follow recommended doses.

Traditional healers used the leaves as an antiseptic to treat diseases of the bladder and kidneys. It was also used as a tonic to strengthen the whole urinary system, and some commercial products include it in teas for kidney and bladder health. The active ingredient is a glycoside called arbutin, which converts to hydroquinone in the body and has an antibacterial, antifungal and astringent effect. Bearberry soothes and strengthens the tissues of the urinary system, and he recommends it for kidney stones or ulceration.

Nasturtium and Watercress
The leaves of both plants are used as salad food and in herbal medicine to treat urinary tract, respiratory and fungal infections. Folk healers use watercress as a diuretic and spring tonic.

The fruit is a traditional remedy for urinary tract and kidney disorders. It also prevents infection. The juice had an anti-inflammatory effect and may prevent kidney damage from bacterial infection. Cranberries may also prevent the formation of kidney stones. Cranberry juice decreased the amount of oxalate the kidneys excreted into the urine, thereby reducing the amount of calcium oxalate crystals, one of the major causes of kidney stones.

Chinese boxthorn
The leaves can make a tea, and the fruits are able to be eaten raw or cooked. Leaves have a minty flavor and are used in salads. This Chinese herb has been used for more than 2,000 years. A tonic from the fruit can strengthen the kidneys and is rich in vitamins and minerals. The root bark has antibacterial properties.

Chinese dodder
Chinese dodder, or Cuscuta chinensis, is a perennial plant that can be made into a lotion from the stems or a tonic from the seeds. It typically is used with other medicinal herbs for conditions such as kidney ailments, vertigo, impotence and decreased eyesight.
Read more: How to Raise GFR Naturally    
                   How to Avoid CKD Develop into Kidney Failure

What Vegetables and Fruits can Help Improve Kidney Function Naturally

For kidney patients, diet can play an important role in how the kidney functions. Avoid foods high in potassium, which some fruits and vegetables -- such as bananas and spinach -- contain. However, fruits and vegetables often contain high levels of antioxidants and essential vitamins that can help improve your immune system and prevent infections.

Many vegetables can help to improve kidney functions, as long as they are low in potassium. Red bell peppers, for example, are a good source of vitamins C, A and B-6, folic acid, fiber and the antioxidant lycopene. Cabbage contains phytonutrients that help break up free radicals and prevent certain diseases. Cauliflower is high in vitamin C and fiber and contains compounds that can help improve kidney functioning. Onions are another super-food that is high in antioxidants that can help prevent certain diseases, including diseases of the kidneys. All of these vegetables are low in potassium.

Apples are high in antioxidants and relatively low in potassium and sodium. Apples are also high in fiber and help to reduce inflammation, which can improve kidney function. All types of berries are considered super-foods because they contain phytonutrients, nutrients from plants that contain protective compounds. Berries, such as blueberries, cranberries and strawberries, are also low in potassium and high in antioxidants, which can help to protect against free radicals, a group of highly reactive atoms that can cause damage to cells. Red grapes and cherries are also healthy fruits for kidney functions.

Besiedes, patients with kidney disease should limit the amount of protein they eat. Sodium, potassium and phosphorous are minerals that can worsen kidney problems. Avoid fruits such as bananas, oranges and dried fruits, because they are high in potassium. Vegetables with high potassium levels include tomatoes, spinach, artichoke and acorn squash.
Read more: Herbs That Return Kidneys Filtration to Normal 
                   Chinese Herbs for Kidney Disease

How to Reverse Diabetic Kidney Disease Naturally with Diet

If you have Diabetic Kidney Disease, there are changes you can make to your diet to help reverse or slow the disease.

1.Eliminate high protein animal meats. The intake of protein makes the kidneys have to work harder and often low protein diets are recommended for people experiencing kidney failure. Avoiding the high protein amounts of meats can help decrease the stress on your kidneys. Consume small amounts of plant-based protein to help you get essential amino acids without adding too much protein to your diet.

2. Limit intake of salt to 1,500 mg per day. Consuming too much salt can increase your blood pressure. Kidney disease can quickly worsen with even slight increases to your blood pressure. Add flavor to your foods with salt-free herbs and spices. Read labels to ensure the foods you buy do not contain too much salt. Many frozen foods, prepackaged foods and canned goods contain added salt.

3. Reduce the potassium intake.Control your potassium by eating fruits such as peaches, grapes, pears, cherries, apples, berries, plums, tangerines and watermelons. Stick to vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, eggplant, green beans, lettuce, onions, peppers, yellow squash and zucchini.

4. Eat enough iron. Your iron levels can decrease when you have kidney disease. Have your doctor check your iron levels regularly to determine how much iron rich foods you need to add to your diet. Add iron to your diet by eating cereal that has been fortified with iron, beans, lentils and white meat chicken.

5. Consume regular amounts of whole grain rich foods. Eat brown rice, whole grain pasta, quinoa, oatmeal, whole grain cereals and whole grain crackers.

For personalized advice on reversing Diabetic Kidney Disease naturally, you can email us at

Snacks for People with Diabetes and Kidney Failure

Almost 45% of the people with kidney disease have Diabetes, the number one cause of kidney failure.Your diet is an important part of the treatment of these diseases. What are healthy snacks for Diabetes and Kidney Failure?

Sweet snacks
Fresh fruit that is low in potassium can make for a healthful option. These fruits include apples, strawberries, pineapple, grapes and plums. Top with a dollop of sugar-free whipped topping to make a dessert out of them. Sugar-free gelatin and ice pops are other sweet snack ideas, although be sure to count them toward your daily fluid intake if that is something you need to monitor. Animal crackers, vanilla wafers and graham crackers are kidney-friendly snacks that you can include in moderation but may contribute high amounts of carbohydrates if you do not control portions.

Savory snacks
Savory snacks lower in sodium include unsalted breadsticks or pretzels, air-popped popcorn seasoned with a sodium-free herb blend and Melba toast with light cream cheese. Other healthy options include cut-up fresh vegetables, such as celery sticks, cucumbers, carrots and cauliflower with a low-fat salad dressing for dipping.

Portable snacks for Dialysis
If you are on hemodialysis, you may need a portable snack during the time-consuming process. Snacks that transport well and are appropriate on a renal, diabetic diet include a tortilla wrap with tuna or egg salad, homemade trail mix made with dried apples, dried pineapple pieces and rice and corn cereal, rice cakes or one-half of a bagel with light cream cheese.

While eating a healthy diet, Diabetes and Kidney Failure patients should adopt effective treatment to preservice and improve kidney function. You can refer to this article for better understanding: Chinese Medicine for Kidney Failure and Diabetes 

Diabetic Diet for Chronic Kidney Disease

Diabetes is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease. Chronic Kidney Disease advances at a faster rate in diabetics, especially when diabetes is poorly controlled. Proper diet not only is essential in the management of diabetes, but it also plays a pivotal role in preserving kidney functions.

Limiting protein intake
Protein metabolism places a greater burden on your kidneys than digesting fat or carbohydrates. The best way to slow the progression of kidney disease is to stop any behavior that taxes your kidneys more than necessary. Limiting protein consumption to no more than 10% of your daily caloric intake. The type of protein you eat makes a difference -- digesting plant protein is easier on your kidneys than digesting animal protein.

Potassium and phosphorous
People with diabetes are often encouraged to consume carbs low on the glycemic index to avoid dramatic increases in blood sugar, which include whole grains and brown rice, rather than refined white flours and white rice. Diabetics with kidney disease need to choose refined grains instead of whole grains to avoid potassium and phosphorous -- two minerals that can cause serious health complications if your kidneys can't filter excess minerals from your bloodstream. Excess potassium can lead to an irregular heartbeat and too much phosphorous can block your body's absorption of calcium, leading to osteoporosis.

Diabetes is the number one cause of kidney disease, and high blood pressure is the second leading cause. Reduce your sodium intake by eating more fresh foods and limiting packaged and processed foods. Blood pressure has a dramatic effect on the rate at which the disease progresses; even a mild rise in blood pressure can quickly worsen kidney disease worsen Excess sodium leads to water retention and increases blood volume, taxing your kidneys.

Hope the above information can be helpful to you! Here is another article you may be intrested to know: Diabetes: How to Avoid Kidney Failure and Dialysis

Live Healthily with Stage 3 CKD: Foods and Drinks

Patients with Stage 3 CKD have moderate kidney damage. Their glomerular filtration rate, or GFR, is 30 to 60 mL per minute. People with this disease can live healthily by eating proper foods and drinks.

Low-sodium snacks
Eating low-sodium snacks reduces the amount of sodium in the bloodstream and prevents the retention of excess fluid. Avoid high-sodium snacks like potato chips, salted pretzels, salted popcorn and fast foods. Replace them with low-sodium alternatives, such as unsalted popcorn, unsalted pretzels and unsalted crackers.

Fruits & vegetables low in potassium
When the kidneys stop working properly, it becomes difficult for them to control the amount of potassium in the blood. Elevated potassium levels lead to fatigue, muscle paralysis, irregular heartbeat and other serious problems, so reducing the amount of potassium in the diet helps prevent complications. Avoid fruits and vegetables with high levels of potassium. These foods include bananas, oranges, kiwifruit, potatoes and sweet potatoes. Replace these foods with bell peppers, onions, apples, watermelon, cranberries, carrots, cucumbers and grapes.

Phosphorus levels increase when the kidneys do not maintain normal mineral levels in the blood. Increased phosphorus levels lead to low calcium levels, secondary hyperparathyroidism and bone changes. Restricting the intake of dietary phosphorus helps to restore phosphorus levels to normal and prevent these complications. Replace high-phosphorus foods with lower-phosphorus alternatives, such as hard candy, frozen fruit pops, sherbet, cream cheese, rice milk, popcorn and clear soft drinks.

Lean meats
Kidney disease patients should eat 0.6g of protein per kg of body weight each day. This means that someone who weighs 150 lbs. would need to eat 41g of protein on a daily basis. Small servings of poultry and lean meats fulfill this requirement without putting additional strain on the kidneys.

Low-calorie beverages
Since the kidneys control fluid levels in the body, the beverages you drink also play a role in the management of your kidney disease. Someone with Stage 3 CKD may have to restrict fluid intake to prevent swelling and other symptoms of excess fluid in the body. Drink water, low-fat milk and clear soft drinks. Avoid cola soft drinks, as they contain phosphoric acid and may increase levels of the phosphorus in the blood.

Leaning more about Stage 3 CKD can help you manage this disease better. Here attach two articles for your reference:
Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3 Prognosis 
Hong Long It Takes from CKD Stage3 to Stage 5 

Why do Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Have High Creatinine

 When some patients are diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease, all of them will worry about their illness condition. But after some times, they can not feel any discomfortable symptoms, then they will think that their disease is not serious at all. But one day, when they find that their creatinine level is very high, they don't know why, because they still cannot feel any discomfort. Then, why patients with Chronic Kidney Disease will have high level of creatinine? Is it dangerous to have high level of creatinine? How to deal with it?

Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease have normal level of creatinine, it doesn't mean that their kidneys haven't been damaged. Our kidneys have tremendous compensatory ability. If some people are born with only kidney, if their only kidney is healthy, their level of creatinine is still in the normal range. So the kidneys of patients with Chronic Kidney Disease are being damaged day by day. If the kidneys haven't been damaged by more than 50%, patients will have normal level of creatinine. So creatinine level cannot be used as a reflection whether kidneys have been damaged or not.

Then, is it dangerous to have high level of creatinine? Yes, it is very dangerous for patients with Chronic Kidney Disease to have high level of creatinine. Level of creatinine will rise up with the declining of the renal function. When level of creatinine is a little high, patients cannot feel any discomfort. But if the creatinine level is very high, patients will feel nausea, vomiting, or headache, even cause faint sometimes. So it is very dangerous for patients with Chronic Kidney Disease to have high level of creatinine.

How to deal with high level of creatinine? When patients have very serious discomfortable symptoms caused by high level of creatinine, the doctor will suggest them have dialysis. Dialysis is really very effective on lowering down the creatinine level. But when dialysis is stopped, the creatinine level will rise up again. So patients have to keep their lives by dialysis in the future. Their renal function will decline day by day, and after some times, their renal function will be damaged completely. If patients have no urine, and no renal function at all, the best choice for them to lower the creatinine is kidney transplantation.

Is there a natural treatment that can stop the increasing of creatinine level? So that dialysis and kidney transplantation can be avoided. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural treatment that can stop the increasing of creatinine level without doing any side effect on patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. And Immunotherapy can repair the damaged kidneys to some extent, and the creatinine level will be reduced to some extent, too.
If you are interested in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy, you can email us to

What Creatinine Level Requires Dialysis

For patients with kidney problem, dialysis maybe not a strange word, they were told about the creatinine level, blood urea nitrogen, and some other important indicators related to kidney problem, what's more, they were told that without control or the end stage of this disease is dialysis or kidney transplant, as for kidney transplant has so many restricted conditions, dialysis them become the common way for patient with serious kidney diseases. So what kind of kidney patients will need dialysis? What creatinine level requires dialysis?

Creatinine level always be used as the major data for determination of renal function. But we need to know that whether dialysis is suitable is not only depends on creatinine level, it depends on the general situation of patients, how does patient feel, does patient have edema? Feel sick? Weakness or something else. Some patients may take dialysis when their creatinine is 300 but some may not do that even if creatinine level is 500 or much higher level. So creatinine is not the single standard for dialysis. Patients also need to realize what exactly dialysis is, generally dialysis can be divided into two types: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Both of them have no effect on treating kidney diseases, so strictly speaking, dialysis can not be regards as a "treatment". Dialysis machine is called artificial kidney, it can replace the renal function to a certain extent. Dialysis can discharge the wastes and toxin out of body and decrease creatinine level obviously in a short time, then patient will feel better, the feeling of nausea, vomiting or other discomforts will disappear. However, all of them are temporary. That's why patients need to take dialysis two or three times a week.

Now in china, dialysis or kidney transplant is no more the only way for patients with high creatinine, people start to realize that some traditional Chinese medicine can do something that can not reach by western methods, and some treatment there are really find a bright way for some patients still have hope. Refer to this article for more information: Alternative Treatment to Dialysis for High Creatinine Level

Chinese Treatment for High Creatinine Level in the End Stage of Renal Failure

High creatinine level is the main symptoms of the end stage of Renal Failure, no matter the renal failure is caused by what's kind of disease, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, nephritis, polycystic kidney disease and so on. Actually, creatinine is one kind of metabolism of the muscle. In normal condition, the creatinine should be filtrated out of the blood and then be discharged with the urine.

As for the patients with renal failure or the end-stage renal failure, however, their kidneys have been damaged and can't filtrate the toxins out of the blood normally. Then the creatinine will accumulate in the blood. The high level of creatinine also reflects that there are many kinds of toxins in the body not just the creatinine. What’s more, this condition is very dangerous for the patients. It will endanger the cardiovascular system, nerve system, digestive system, skin system and the whole body. So the patients need to take treatment promptly to lower the high level of creatinine level.

At present, dialysis is one of the most common treatment methods for the patients to lower the creatinine level. And dialysis is also called the “artificial kidney”, because dialysis can replace the kidney to filtrate the blood to some extent. But it is impossible to replace the kidney completely, such as the regulation function, the secretion function of the kidney.

Besides, the dialysis just can delay the progress ion of the renal failure temporarily. But the damaged kidney can't be repaired and it will get worse and worse without effective treatment. This is a reason why the patients believe that they have to take dialysis always and they will have to rely on dialysis once they began dialysis.

Indeed, if we can get the damaged kidney repaired or recovered, it is possible for some patients to lower the creatinine level without dialysis or for them to get rid of dialysis. To achieve this goal, the key point is to repair and recover the damaged kidney. For this, we combine the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy.

 The treatment mechanism of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is to block kidney fibrosis, repair damaged renal intrinsic cells and rebuild the normal kidney structure. And the realizing of these purposes is based on Chinese medicine curative effects like dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation and anticoagulation, preventing blood viscosity and degrading extracellular matrixes. These stages are named as block, repair and rebuild.  With treatment of Immunotherapy, we can ensure better curative effect.

By repairing the damaged kidneys, the patients can lower the creatinine level gradually or even avoid or get rid of the dialysis. 

Best Treatment to Lower or Recover High Creatinine Level in Blood

Most patients with kidney diseases or renal failure care the index of serum creatinine in the medical report, because creatinine level is an important data to reflect the condition of the kidneys. When the creatinine level increases, it means more than half of the kidney function has been damaged. So most patients want to know how to lower or recover the high creatinine level.

Actually, in clinical, there is no medicine that is specially used to lower the creatinine, except the application of dialysis when the creatinine level increases to a certain level, because what matters most is not how to lower the creatinine level. Let's think about what creatinine is and why the creatinine level will increase, and then we can easily to know the answer.

Serum creatinine is the one kind of metabolin of the muscle. In normal condition, creatinine should be filtrated by our kidneys then eliminated out of our body with the urine. When the kidneys are damaged, however, the creatinine and other metabolin can’t be filtrated out normaly. And then the creatinine level in the blood will increase. Indeed, the creatinine level in blood not only reflects its amount in the blood but also means that there are excess of other toxins and metabolins in the body.

Now, we can understand that lowering the creatinine level is just one of the aims, instead of our methods to solve the kidney diseases. To treat the kidney disease, we need to repair the damaged kidneys from the root.

How? What therapy has such function to repair the damaged kidneys?

After years' research and practice, we found that Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. The therapeutic mechanism is: by blood vessels expanding, anti-inflammation, anticoagulation, anti blood viscidity and fibrosis substance degradation, achieve the goal of blocking the process of renal fibrosis, recovering damaged inherent renal cells and renal function, and rebuilding the proper structure. By this, the creatinine level can be lowered from the root.

Besides, with the development of technique of Immunotherapy, it has been applied on the treatment of kidney disease. The application of this treatment technology in our hospital has greatly improved the treatment effect of kidney disease.
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Relation between Creatinine and Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)

People with kidney disease are very sensitive to their serum creatinine levels but some of them are not very familiar with glomerular filtration rate (GFR). There is a close relationship between serum creatinine level and glomerular filtration rate.

Serum creatinine refers to end products of creatine in blood. Usually creatinine is excreted in urine and the level of serum creatinine remains fairly constant in healthy people. The normal level of serum creatinine is between 0.6 to 1.2mg/dL (50-110mmol/L) in general. The value is a little different from one hospital to another. Serum creatinine level is used to measure the kidney function since creatinine level may not increase without kidney dysfunction.

Glomerular filtration rate is estimated by a certain machine. Each of our kidneys contains 1 million to 2 million glomeruli. These glomeruli normally work to filtrate blood and to form urine through their physical structures and chemical reactions. Mostly, when your nephrologist talks to you the kidney function, he talks about the glomerular filtration rate. Glomerular filtration rate measures the blood volume that is filtrated in one minute by the glomeruli. Glomerular filtration rate is a very sensitive indicator that is used to describe the kidney filtration function. A lower than normal glomerular filtration rate usually means you have some degree of kidney dysfunction. Our lives are sustained by continual function of the kidneys. So you may have one or some discomforts with inadequate glomerular filtration rate.

Glomerular filtration rate describes the excretory function of kidney in eliminating serum creatinine. If your serum creatinine level is doubled than normal, your glomerular filtration rate is most probably halved. A three times high than normal serum creatinine level means that you only have 25% of kidney function left. These two indicators reflect each other every minute. The higher the glomerular filtration rate is, the lower the serum creatinine level will be and vice versa.

Form this introduction of serum creatinine and glomerular filtration rate; you may acquire some knowledge about serum creatinine and glomerular filtration rate. 

If you look for natural way to lower high creatinine, please refer to 'Diet Plan to Reduce High Creatinine Level' for more information.

If you have any specific questions, you can consult our on line service or email to

How to Normalize Serum Creatinine Levels

To know the methods of normalizing serum creatinine levels, you should gain some knowledge about serum creatinine first. Measurement of serum creatinine levels is an essential method to detect renal function. In general, the normal range of serum creatinine for healthy adults is 0.6-1.2mg/dL (50-110mmol/L), but different hospital has different equipment to measure the serum creatinine according to the equipment and location.

To normalize increased serum creatinine, firstly you should know the diagnosis of your kidney problem. Although different kidney disease can all injure kidney tissues making kidney function decrease, the diagnosis and cause of certain kidney disease may help to determine the treatment priority. For example, if you are an IgA Nephropathy patient who has increased serum creatinine levels, you may already have Renal Failure. To normalize your higher than normal serum creatinine levels, the treatment should focus on cleaning away immune complex in mesangial area of kidney and repairing damaged kidney tissues.

To normalize high serum creatinine levels, corresponding treatment also plays an important role. If the treatment only emphasizes on alleviating symptoms of kidney disease instead of blocking the progression of the disease drastically, the disease will become worse sooner or later. At that time, even you use the best of the best treatment; your kidney function may not able to improve greatly. There are some treatments of kidney disease dedicate to treat kidney disease by using steroids and immunosuppressant only. Such medications do have undoubtedly effect to ease signs and symptoms of kidney disease and to make kidney disease patients feel better, but their side effects and disability of fixing damaged kidney tissue usually put kidney disease patients in another cruel predicament.

Another important factor of reducing high serum creatinine levels is daily care. Kidney disease patients with increased serum creatinine should watch out daily diet, life style and personal hygiene. You can consult a dietician to adjust your diet more detailed and integrated since different health condition and kidney disease need not the same diet. Throw away your bad life habits and establish good life habits, do regular exercise and have proper rest are all necessary.

Above are solutions of normalizing serum creatinine. If you are not clear above the things I mentioned the above, you can email to

Does Renal Failure Affect Serum Creatinine Levels

Serum creatinine levels display a patient's kidney function. Normal value of serum creatinine level differs from one hospital protocol to another but it is around 0.6 to 1.2 mg/dL in general. People with different stages of Renal Failure usually have higher than normal serum creatinine levels.

Renal Failure is a general term indicating kidney dysfunction instead of a specific disease. It is a critical state caused by known or unknown diseases or factors. It results the kidney failing to remove waste and toxins from blood. Dysfunction of kidney can be represented by increasing serum creatinine levels.

Serum creatinine level measures the kidney excretory ability of cleansing toxins and waste from blood. Ordinarily, our kidneys work flawlessly to remove most toxins and waste from blood and then discharge them through urination. Therefore, the measurement of serum creatinine level is about 0.6 to 1.2mg/dL for the healthy people or mild Renal Failure patients.

Each kidney contains about more than 1 million to 2 millions nephrons. They are the basic functional unit of the kidney. They filtrate our blood and regulate fluid and electrolytes as well as acid-base balance of our bodies. Glomerulus, the small but significant part of a nephron is responsible for filtrating blood. If the glomeruli are damaged, toxins and waste will be left and gathered in bloodstream. Because each people have millions of nephrons only a few amount of glomerular damage may not be detected by serum creatinine level. That is to say, mild glomerular damage will not cause serum creatinine levels to go up. Whenever a Renal Failure patient's Serum Creatinine level increases, about at least 50% of glomerulus are destroyed. In a word, Renal Failure dose affect serum creatinine levels to increase without timely effective treatment.

Renal Failure patients with increased serum creatinine levels usually have one or some symptoms of Renal Failure, such as water retention, internal bleeding, and abnormal urination and so on. Further progression of Renal Failure may bring about more serious health problems. Patients with Renal Failure should treat increasing serum creatinine levels seriously because they imply more damage of glomeruli and worsening of kidney function. Please refer to 'How Immunotherapy Helps Reduce High Creatinine Levels' for more helpful information about treatment.

Foods to Lower High Serum Creatinine Level Naturally

Serum creatinine measures the effectiveness of an individual's kidney function. Normally, creatinine is regulated and excreted by the kidneys. Constant high serum creatinine usually indirectly indicates kidney dysfunction. Some studies have shown that food have a great impact on serum creatinine level therefore patients should watch their diets in case of increasing kidneys' load. There are some food suggestions for people with high serum creatinine.

1. Salt
If you have Hypertension or edema, you should restrict your salt intake in a very small amount. Too much salt intake elevates your blood pressure and worsens your edema.

2. Protein
Excessive protein intake exerts an extra burden to your kidneys. Your kidney function may become worsen further by extra intake of protein if you have any kidney disease. In addition, you should eat low amount quality protein (like lean meat, milk and egg white). Make sure your daily protein intake is not beyond 0.8g to 1.0g per Kilogram.

3. You can take fairly more food containing plenty of Vitamin A, Vitamin B2 and Vitamin C.

4. If you are a Uremic and your serum creatinine is very high, you should eat low-salt, low-potassium, low-fat, low protein and high vitamin diet strictly.

You should also cease smoking and drinking alcohol if your serum creatinine levels are higher than normal. What's more, preventive measures should also be taken to avoid air-borne communicable diseases and other infections. Serum creatinine levels may be reduced within normal if your kidney diseases are effectively treated. There are some symptomatic treatments only works for a short periods. Your serum creatinine levels and other abnormal laboratory findings may be decreased for some time but soon you will find those indicators go up again. Such phenomenon is caused because symptomatic treatment only alleviates your symptoms instead of really treats the disease itself.

You may consult our on line service to know if your current treatment is effective or not. You may also send your laboratory reports to to analyze your current illness condition and for more details.

What Does it Mean to Have a Serum CREATININE Level 1.3

We are often asked that what does it mean to have a serum creatinine level of 1.3, or a higher level, people are aware of something wrong happened on them, but some feel good and do not have any obvious symptoms, they are sacred of high serum creatinine level, and all of them want to know what does high creatinine level means and what can they do to lower the serum creatinine.

The kidneys are organs with strong reserve capacity, actually, we just use less than 50% of renal function on daily life, so if creatinine rises, it means that kidneys are damaged more than 50%, so the high creatinine level maybe not a coincidence.

So what happened exactly, the early kidney damage is different to discover, the healthy functional cells will occur phenotypic transformation. At this time, a series of cells which can cause renal toxicity and growth chemokines, and then combine and secrete various extracellular matrixes which are hard to be degraded. A large mass of extracellular matrixes will take place of healthy functional units, and then Glomerulosclerosis, interstitial fibrosis will occur, then serum creatinine can not be discharged timely and effectively, that is the reason why high serum creatinine level occurs.

Well, the renal function can be divided into four stages according to the level of serum creatinine:

I Serum creatinine level: 141.4-177 μmoI/L (1.6-2.0 mg/dl), at this stage, the patients will loss 20-25% nephron, but they may not feel obvious symptoms.

II Serum creatinine level: 185.9-442.6mmol/L (2.1-5.0 mg/dl), at this stage, the patients will loss 50-70% nephron, and some symptoms such as Nocturia, weakness, edema anorexia, nausea and mild anemia may occur.

III Serum creatinine level: 442.-708.2 mmol/L (5.0-8.0 mg/dl), at this stage, the patients will loss 70-90% nephron, and patients also will suffer with severe anemia, edema, nausea, vomiting, metabolic acidosis, hypocalcemia and hyperphosphataemia.

IV Serum creatinine level: >708.2 mmol/L (>8.0 mg/dl), at this stage, except some serious symptoms, the patients will need dialysis to sustain their life.

Now we know what does it mean to have a high serum creatinine level, the timely treatment for kidney patients are necessary. Please refer to 'How to Reduce the High Creatinine Effectively' for more information.

Is There Any Remedy to Reduce High Creatinine Levels Naturally

Is there any remedy to reduce high creatinine levels naturally? Most kidney patients are concerned about this question. Indeed, creatinine level is an important index to judge their kidney problem, both patients and doctors can know how the illness condition of patients from this indicator is. However, the increasing of creatinine level is just a symptom of kidney disease. So the point is how creatinine level increases instead of how to reduce the creatinine level.

The following are some possible reasons that could cause high creatinine:

I For the patients with renal insufficiency, if they get a cold, Pneumonia, intestinal infection, urinary tract infection or some other kinds of infections, a sudden increase of creatinine level is possible;

II if kidney disease patients take some medicines which are harmful to kidneys, the creatinine may increase as well;

III Overfatigue, sleep insufficiency or some details in life could also cause transitional high creatinine;

IV Patients with high blood pressure, if they can not control their hypertension well, or they suffer with a large amount of proteinuria (the volume of protein in urine is over 1 or even 1.5 g per 24 hours), as this condition, the creatinine level is easy to rise.

The above-mentioned several points can be the reason of creatinine level increase. If patients found their creatinine rises, it is really necessary for them to go to the local hospital (kidney disease specialized hospital is best), to test their blood, urine as well as renal function, to have a better understand of both their body and kidney situation. A early precautions and treatment are helpful to the favorable prognosis. And patients can not hold the idea that “everything will be OK” when they found kidney problem, this is a disease which can not be cured totally, and if we want to have a easy life, we must pay special attention on it!

What Does it Mean When Your Creatinine Level Increase

High Creatinine level indicates serious kidney function decline. Kidney has powerful compensatory ability, which means that slight kidney function decline will not lead to creatinine level increase. Once there is creatinine level increase, overall kidney function decline has already progressed into the third or fourth stage (overall kidney function has already decreased by 50%).

Creatinine is the product of Muscle metabolic activity, so it is related closely with people’s physical activities. Even though daily creatinine producing differs from person to person, kidney can excrete out approximately all newly produced creatinine within body and keep its level within a certain range (commonly 0.8-1.3mg/dl). Due to kidney’s powerful compensatory ability, slight damage will cause no serious creatinine level increase, but once there is serious creatinine level, kidney function decline has already become very serious.

Creatinine level is affected by many matters like physical activities, infection in urinary system, even common infections and so on, but continuous high creatinine level most probably indicates to kidney function decline.

Cases can be like this; abnormal creatinine level is detected, but stays in a relatively low range like 2.0-3.0mg/dl, and this condition can last for years, with no obvious symptoms or discomforts. Then, what should they do?

Kidney disease is actually a progress of kidney function decline. What matters is the prognosis of long term illness condition. Healthy lifestyle and restricted Diet helps with slowing down this progression, but not blocking it. So, it may take ten years to progress into kidney failure, or it may take fifteen years, but the final result is the same. And, clinical practices have already proven that the recovery of late stage kidney function decline is even more difficult. In Traditional Chinese Medical concept, we cherish the philosophy of treating disease before its causing serious trouble to human body. So, my suggestion on patients with relatively not very high creatinine levels is prompt proper treatment adoption.
From the above context, you can tell that creatinine level increase indicates kidney function decline. Then, I think you may already get the answer on how to reduce creatinine level---blocking the progression and restore kidney function.

In China, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy are adopted in blocking further kidney function decline and restoring overall kidney function. If you or somebody you loved is now facing with increased creatinine level, do not be despaired, the concept of kidney disease has no treatment has already become a concept out of data.

This article mainly concerns high creatinine, you can send an e-mail to for expert's analysis on your specific condition.

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