What Foods should I Avoid on Dialysis

Patients will typically need to have dialysis three times per week. Patients receiving dialysis should take care of the graft site, attend all scheduled dialysis appointments and avoid certain foods that may make the filtering process more difficult.

On a dialysis diet, limit the amount of dairy products you consume, states MedlinePlus. Dairy products are high in phosphorous, which can cause low blood calcium and thinning of the bones over time. Thinner bones are more likely to break and create further complications for the dialysis patient. Reduce your intake of milk, yogurt and cheese. Choose low-phosphorous foods, such as non-hydrogenated margarine, cream cheese and non-dairy whipped toppings.

Reduce your sodium intake once you begin dialysis. Sodium causes high blood pressure and fluid retention. Reducing sodium intake will cut down on the amount of fluid to be removed during dialysis. Read food labels to choose products that are low in sodium or unsalted. Avoid adding additional salt to your foods.

In addition to salt, you must be conscious of your potassium intake. Potassium is an electrolyte that controls your heart rhythm and muscle function. Abnormalities in potassium levels can occur in patients receiving dialysis and cause irregular heart beat or muscle cramps. Avoid foods high in potassium, such as oranges, raisins, bananas, prunes, avocados, tomatoes and cooked spinach.

If you need more information about diet on Dialysis, feel free to email us at khkpcn@hotmail.com. Take care please!

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