Natural Herbs for Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease occurs when your kidneys suffer damage and do not function as they should. If you have kidney disease, your kidneys may no longer filter waste material from your blood. Chronic Kidney disease may respond to certain herbal remedies.

Among the most commonly used herbs in treating Chronic Kidney Disease are dandelion, marshmallow, watermelon seeds, juniper, parsley, red clover, goldenrod, bearberry, hydrangea, celery seed and buchu. Many of these herbs may be consumed as a tea.

Red clover
Red clover may be one of the most helpful herbs in treating kidney disease. It performs numerous health actions within your body, including purifying your blood. This herbal remedy may be especially helpful in treating kidney problems, inflammatory bowel conditions and a weakened immune system. The flowers of the red clover plant contain many nutrients and phytochemicals, and they are the part of the plant used medicinally.

Gravel root
Gravel root, also known by its Latin name Eupatorium purpureum, is a plant in the Asteraceae or Aster family. Gravel root is used to treat a wide variety of urinary tract problems, including bladder infection, enlarged prostate and kidney disease. It may be helpful for chronic, or long-term, kidney conditions with symptoms of painful urination, bloody urine and diminished urine output. Gravel root is also used for treatment and prevention of kidney stones. Gravel root is especially therapeutic where there's deep, dull kidney pain associated with chills and bone pain. Gravel root has a slightly bitter and starchy taste and may be prepared as a decoction or a liquid extract.

Milk thistle
Milk thistle is an Aster family herb that is best known for its ability to protect the liver and treat liver-associated ailments. Milk thistle also has lesser-known beneficial effects on the kidneys. Milk thistle regenerates the kidney's cells and protects them against toxin-induced injury. The milk thistle plant has a thorny stem, white-blotched leaves and purple-red flowers. The seeds are used medicinally and they have a bitter taste. Milk thistle seeds are available as powder, extracts, tinctures and capsules.

Nettle is a member of the Urticaceae family. Both the root and the arial parts are used medicinally and they have earthy and bland tastes, respectively. Nettle supports overall urinary tract function. It is a urinary tract tonic that is rich in the minerals potassium, calcium and silicic acid. Nettle functions as a diuretic and an anti-inflammatory. It's important to obtain nettle, as well as all herbs, from a qualified and reputable source.

The severity of and prognosis for Chronic Kidney Disease varies between people. What herbs are the best choice for your disease condition? You can email to with more of your condition, so can offer you personalized advice!

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