Protein Supplements for People on Dialysis

Patients on dialysis need up to 1.2-1.5 g of protein per kilogram of body weight. It can be difficult to eat that much protein, especially when following a restricted dialysis diet. Protein supplements may help.

Patients on dialysis need to limit their intake of the minerals potassium, phosphorus and sodium, as well as fluid. Because of the physical demand dialysis places on the body, patients need more protein than individuals not on dialysis.

Protein is a major nutrient in the diet. It's responsible for building and repairing muscle and tissue, healing wounds and fighting infection. Protein comes from animal sources such as beef, pork, chicken, eggs, fish and dairy, as well as plant sources like nuts and beans.

Eating enough protein may sound easy, but because of the nutrients you need to limit when on dialysis, it can get tricky. Most sources of protein contain phosphorus. Cheese, nuts and other dairy products are especially high in phosphorus, and you should limit your intake. Eating enough meat and eggs may be difficult. Using protein supplements may help you meet your needs.

Not eating enough protein can land you in the hospital or even steer you towards an early death. Protein supplements are food products that provide extra protein, which may be helpful if you can't get enough protein in your diet. Protein supplements can be drinks, powders, bars or concentrated liquids. The best protein supplement for dialysis is one that the patient tolerates, is willing to eat, and is low in phosphorus, potassium and sodium. For more information, you can email us at

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