Kidney Failure: Avoid High Potassium Foods

Kidney failure is the inability of the kidneys to eliminate all of the waste from the blood. When failure occurs, people receive dialysis treatments. Dialysis removes the excess waste by filtering the blood through a machine. Following a renal diet can help decrease the amount of waste made by the body, thereby improving kidney function.
Potassium is a mineral that controls nerve and muscle function. Most important, it affects how steadily the heart beats. It is also responsible for maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance. Healthy kidneys promote a healthy potassium level within the blood. In renal failure, potassium can rise to a dangerous level because the kidneys are not able to regulate it. The best way to control potassium levels in the blood is to avoid high potassium foods.
Potassium is found in many foods, but it is most abundant in fruits and vegetables.
Fruits high in potassium include bananas, oranges, papayas, prunes and cantaloupe.
Vegetables such as tomatoes, sweet potatoes and avocados are also high in potassium.
Other high potassium foods include milk, yogurt, nuts, peanut butter, chocolate, dried peas and beans, turkey and salmon. While these foods do not have to be completely avoided, smaller portions and moderation are recommended.
A renal patient should consume a variety of foods, but in moderation. Several low potassium foods can be used in place of high potassium foods. For example, a patient may eat apples instead of cantaloupe or cucumbers in place of broccoli.
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Low Protein Diet for Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

In Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), patients are generally suggested to eat a low protein diet. In this article, we will talk about this issue in details.

Protein serves to maintain muscle mass and support your immune system. Urea is a by-product of protein breakdown by the liver. Your kidneys take the urea and produce urine for excretion of waste products. Reducing your protein intake reduces the amount of urea produced and, thus, the workload of the kidneys. However, for stage 3, a dietitian will usually recommend eating a healthy diet with protein at the level of 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, the same level recommended for all healthy people. One kilogram of body weight is equivalent to 2.2 lb.

Because your protein intake is more limited, your physician will recommend choosing the very best protein sources, meaning those that are low in fat and eaten with minimal waste produced in the body. Examples of protein sources that meet these criteria include fish and eggs. You also can add protein powders to oatmeal or cereal to increase your protein intake.

Stage 3 CKD can affect your bones, so your physician may recommend limiting your phosphorus intake because excess phosphorus can rob the bones of calcium. Foods that are high in phosphorus include dairy products, dried beans, nuts, peanut butter and beer. Your physician also may recommend taking a medication called a phosphate binder that helps to reduce the amount of phosphorus your body absorbs.

Sodium is another factor that must be monitored when you have stage 3 CKD because you may be beginning to experience some effects related to poor fluid regulation. Excess sodium in your diet can attract fluids in the body. To reduce your sodium intake, avoid processed foods like hot dogs and frozen foods, in which sodium is used as a preservative.

Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K may have to be taken in water-soluble form. Switching to water-soluble forms prevents buildup of these fat-soluble vitamins. Increasing the availability of vitamin D in water-soluble form is helpful as your kidneys may not be able to convert UV light into the active form of vitamin D.

Fluid Restrictions
Fluid isn't restricted on the stage 3 diet for chronic kidney disease. Stage 3 chronic kidney disease doesn't warrant a change in how much fluid and water you drink per day. For more information, please Email us at

Recommended Foods for Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Specific dietary arrangements depends on patient's personalized illness condition. Proper diet can help slow down the progression of kidney disease and even reverse the problem. What diet should a Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) patient follow?

Eating more protein than you need is taxing on your kidneys because they help remove excess protein from your body. Try to reduce the amount you eat by limiting your portion sizes and choosing lower-protein options such as chicken drumsticks, egg substitute or tofu instead of chicken breast, tuna or ground beef.

Sodium, Potassium and Phosphorus
Too much sodium can cause swelling and raise your blood pressure, which can further damage your kidneys. You should limit your sodium intake by reducing the amount of processed salty foods you eat such as fast food, frozen meals, canned soups and vegetables, lunch meats and cheese.

Additionally, when your kidneys are damaged, your potassium level may be too high or low. Too much or too little potassium can cause muscle weakness and cramps, and irregular heartbeat. Reduce your potassium intake by selecting low-potassium produce, such as apples, carrots, green beans and berries, instead of high-potassium foods such as bananas and potatoes.

When your kidneys are not working well, phosphorus can build up in your blood, causing weak bones that can break easily. You should reduce your phosphorus intake by limiting dairy, cola, beans, nuts and processed meats.

Your tastes may change when you develop kidney disease and as such, you may need to work with a nutritionist to find ways to get the calories you need to maintain your weight. As your kidneys have more difficulty removing extra water from your body, you may need to reduce your fluid intake. For more information about the best diet for your disease, please email us at

List of Foods and Drinks to Improve Kidney Function Naturally

As with all of your organs, your kidney health and function can be directly tied to your nutrition. Certain foods and nutrients may help to improve kidney function.
Calories and Protein
Severe loss of renal function may require you to limit the amount of protein you eat. If this is the case, you will need to adjust the amounts of other foods that you eat to replace the calories that you losing from minimizing protein intake. Generally, increased intake in fruits and vegetables are good replacement foods for loss of protein.
Low Salt and Phosphorous
By reducing the amount of sodium-cased salts that you eat, you can better control your blood pressure. Foods that are high in phosphorous may also overwhelm your kidneys and lead to a condition called hyperphosphatemia, which is excess blood phosphorous. People with kidney disease should limit themselves to no more than a 1,000 mg of phosphorous per day.
Apples are high in antioxidants and relatively low in potassium and sodium. Apples are also high in fiber and help to reduce inflammation, which can improve kidney function. All types of berries are considered super-foods because they contain phytonutrients, nutrients from plants that contain protective compounds. Berries, such as blueberries, cranberries and strawberries, are also low in potassium and high in antioxidants, which can help to protect against free radicals, a group of highly reactive atoms that can cause damage to cells. Red grapes and cherries are also healthy fruits for kidney functions.
Many vegetables can help to improve kidney functions, as long as they are low in potassium. Red bell peppers, for example, are a good source of vitamins C, A and B-6, folic acid, fiber and the antioxidant lycopene. Cabbage contains phytonutrients that help break up free radicals and prevent certain diseases. Cauliflower is high in vitamin C and fiber and contains compounds that can help improve kidney functioning. Onions are another super-food that is high in antioxidants that can help prevent certain diseases, including diseases of the kidneys. All of these vegetables are low in potassium.
Generally, beverages and fluid intake should follow the same conditions as that applied to food requirements. However, total fluid intake may need to be reduced in the advanced stages of kidney disease. Management of kidney function should also be done under the consideration of other diseases an individual may be suffering from, including hypertension and diabetes. Adjustments to your nutritional intake should be done in accordance to your restrictions and schedules used to manage these other conditions, which include careful monitoring of your blood glucose and your blood pressure. For more information, please email to

List of Foods to Avoid with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

If you know you have chronic kidney disease (CKD, you can help your kidneys function with greater efficiency by reworking your diet and avoiding specific foods.

High Potassium
If a patient's potassium level increases, the dietitian may reduce the amount of high-potassium containing foods in the diet. Oranges, melons, potatoes, sweet potatoes and bananas all are foods that should be eaten in moderation or avoided in patients with chronic kidney disease.

High Sodium
Patients with chronic kidney disease should eat low sodium or no-salt foods and avoid high-salt products. Canned vegetables and soup, hot dogs and snack foods like chips and crackers should be consumed in moderation as well.

Foods with High Phosphorus Levels
Decreasing the number of high phosphorus-containing foods that a person eats can help the kidneys by lowering the amount of the mineral that the kidneys have to eliminate from the body. Examples of these foods include milk, hard cheeses, ice cream, peas, lentils, starchy vegetables and chocolate.

Saturated Fats
People with chronic kidney disease should avoid unhealthy fats like saturated and trans fats that can increase cholesterol levels and lead to clogged arteries. Red meats, poultry, whole milk, cookies and cakes all contain saturated fats or trans fats and should be avoided. A dietician can work with the patient to find ways to increase intake of healthy fats like corn or olive oil.

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Herbs Used to Reverse Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

When suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), the filtration of toxins is not performed fully, and some herbs that would regularly be beneficial to the kidneys, such as bayberry, parsley and dandelion, may worsen the condition. There are safe and effective herbs that can help restore kidney health by bringing tone back to the kidneys, stimulating blood flow and helping remove excess toxins without any harmful side effects.
Select organic herbs. This is specifically important for kidney disease, because non-organic herbs contain harmful chemicals that will be hard to filter out of the bloodstream.
Fill a medium pot with four cups of filtered water and bring to a boil.
Measure 1/2 oz. organic dry hydrangea root, 1/2 oz. organic dry gravel root and 1/2 oz. organic dry burdock root and bring to a boil. Cover the pot, turn the heat down to medium-low and let the herbs simmer for 15 to 20 minutes (a method known as decoction).
Strain the herbs into a thermos. Drain out as much water from the plant material as possible.
Pour a cup of this decoction and take three times a day.
Toss used plant material into a compost bin or throw in normal trash bin.
Repeat this process every day for a month and review your kidney health to make sure the herbs are helping.
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How to Reverse Chronic Kidney Disease Naturally

Can Chronic Kidney Disease be Reversed? The exact answer to this question depends on the kidney failure stages. Decreased kidney function is reversible. Removing the obstruction causing acute renal failure, treating diabetes and blood pressure can reverse kidney damage up to some extent. However, it should be noted that these methods help in prevention of further deterioration of the kidneys. However, if the kidneys have been damaged significantly, the doctor may suggest dialysis or transplant.
How to Reverse Chronic Kidney Disease Naturally
Firstly, as mentioned above, diabetes and high blood pressure are the most common causes of this condition, it is essential to bring these conditions under control. Diabetes should be controlled by following the diet and taking medicines at proper time. Similar is the case with high blood pressure.
Secondly, you should have a healthy diet with fresh foods and avoid eating processed foods as they are high in sodium, which damages the kidneys. One should avoid salty, high sodium containing, high protein containing foods as they can exert pressure on the kidneys.
Thirdly, one should exercise regularly to bring the weight under control. At the same time, it is essential to cut down on smoking and alcohol consumption.
If the damage is in the initial stage, it can be reversed by following the above mentioned methods. Lastly, note that it is essential to undertake regular checkup to monitor the functioning of the kidneys. For more information, please email to

Cure Kidney Disease with Natural Foods

Along with the many treatments available to fight kidney disease, you can be proactive and follow a renal diet, eating certain foods that support healthy kidney function.
Various foods have diuretic properties, which promote healthy urination and reduce swelling that may be the result of kidney disease. Use parsley, celery watermelon, tomatoes, grapes, cucumber, dandelion greens and fennel to relieve swelling throughout the body.
Pineapple is high in the natural enzyme, bromelain, which is reputed to fight inflammation. In the case of kidney disease, bromelain may help to reduce amyloid deposits in the kidneys
Cranberries and cranberry juice have long been used in the treatment of urinary tract infections. Cranberries are high in vitamin C, anthocyanins, a potent anti-inflammatory compound, and potassium, sodium, and phosphorus. These minerals are all critical for proper kidney function and to balance the blood pressure, one of the kidney's main functions. Additionally, cranberries and cranberry juice can prevent and dissolve kidney stones. Cranberries are considered safe for use in acute urinary tract infections but may cause unseen side effects for those with renal disease. Don't use cranberries or cranberry juice medicinally if you have active kidney disease without first consulting your health practitioner.
Blueberries, raspberries and strawberries are all foods to include on a renal diet. They all contain anthocyanins, the compound that gives the berries their reddish-purple color. Anthocyanins are high in nutrients that reduce inflammation in the tissues. All three types of berries are high in vitamin C, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and manganese. Raspberries are also high in antioxidants as well as fiber and folate. They're reputed to slow the growth of cancerous tumors. Most berries are high in essential minerals, which are required for healthy kidney function; however, they may cause problems in certain types of kidney disease where mineral consumption must be reduced.
Fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants include cabbage, cherries, strawberries, red grapes, cranberries, cauliflower, onions, garlic, red bell peppers, blueberries, raspberries. Adding a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables into your daily diet can provide you with the nutrients that your body needs to function efficiently and protect you against kidney-related diseases.
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List of Foods to Avoid with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

If you know you have chronic kidney disease (CKD, you can help your kidneys function with greater efficiency by reworking your diet and avoiding specific foods.

High Oxalate
Limit foods high in oxalic acid to avoid developing a variety of kidney stones. These foods include instant coffee, tea, Concord grapes, tofu, beets, berries, peanuts, oranges, sweet potatoes, beans, chocolate, dark leafy green vegetables and draft beer.

Too much sodium intake can trigger high blood pressure, with renal function going haywire. Lower salt intake and all foods that are high in sodium, all canned foods (unless they are labeled "low sodium"), canned and dried soups, vegetable broths, soy-based cheeses, convenience foods, chips, fast foods, boullion, frozen meals, hot dogs, processed cheese slices, salt, soy sauce, processed meats, pickled foods, tamari, ketchup, marinades and anything that has the words "sodium added" on the label.

The body's electrolyte balance is controlled by the kidneys. If they are not working properly due to disease or other conditions impacting their function, electrolytes must be reduced to avoid straining the kidneys. Phosphorus blocks the absorption of calcium, so reducing the following high-phosphorus foods will help retain needed calcium. Cut back on cocoa, nuts, chocolate, vegetables, carbonated drinks and dairy products. Eat only one portion of these foods per day, especially cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, soy cheese, soy yogurt and hard cheeses, which are high in phosphorus.

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Best Foods to Take for Dialysis Patients

Following correct diet plan will keep dialysis patients healthier, which will consequently make treatment easier and more effective.

Best Foods to Take for Dialysis Patients

Fluids: Due to the impaired function of kidneys, they are not able to get rid of the excess water from the body. This leads to water retention which can increase the blood pressure. Therefore, the intake of fluids should be limited. One should not have fruit juices or water containing fruits like melons, grapes, etc. Water and other beverages should also be consumed in limited amounts.

Sodium: Sodium containing foods make one thirsty, which will consequently increase fluid intake. Therefore, it is wise to cut down on sodium containing foods. Salted foods, spices, preserved foods should be avoided. Rather, one should have fresh foods and those marked with 'low sodium'.

Proteins: Once the person is on dialysis, his protein requirement increases. Specially people on the peritoneal dialysis have a higher requirement of proteins as much proteins are lost when the peritoneal fluid is discarded. Meat and meat substitutes, egg, fish, milk and dairy produce are some protein containing products that can be eaten. However, one should note that higher intake of proteins can exert pressure on the already weak kidneys. Therefore, it is wise to consult a doctor about the protein intake.

Potassium: People on hemodialysis (HD) need to lower their intake of potassium as potassium can build up in the body, in between the sessions of dialysis, which can lead to hyperkalemia. On the other hand, people on peritoneal dialysis (PD) should have higher potassium intake as their potassium levels fall due to daily dialysis. Tomatoes, bananas, oranges, contain high potassium.

Phosphorus: You also need to limit the intake of phosphorus containing foods, irrespective of whichever dialysis you are undergoing. This is because excess phosphorus in the body causes hollowing of bones. Cheese, peas, nuts, peanut butter, contain high amounts of phosphorus and hence, should be avoided. The phosphorus obtained from meat and vegetables is sufficient for the body.
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Natural Herbs for Kidney Failure

Kidney failure is the medical term used to describe a situation in which a person suffers from diminished function of the kidney. The situation may be temporary, describing only partial loss of function, or it may progress to a complete and permanent situation. Prevention of kidney failure or slowing the progression of kidney disease can be accomplished through the application of herbs that support kidney function and that work to alleviate the symptoms of kidney disease.
Herbs that act as natural diuretics, such as kelp, parsley and juniper berries, promote urine production, which helps clear the kidneys of toxins. Unlike prescription diuretics, however, these herbs are unlikely to dehydrate you or to leach important minerals, like potassium, from your body. Juniper berries have the added benefit of clearing congestion from the kidneys and urinary tract.
The leaves of the uva ursi, a trailing evergreen shrub also known as bearberry, has antibacterial properties, as well as an astringent effect on mucous membranes, which helps to fight infection and inflammation. uva ursi strengthens kidney function.
Two cups of cleavers tea daily will help to normalize kidney function, while two daily cups of dandelion tea help to flush out the kidneys. Burdock tea (or burdock in capsule form) cleanses and detoxifies the kidneys. Evening primrose oil can help to reverse damage to the kidneys.
This herb is also called uva ursi. It is astringent, antiseptic, and antibacterial, making it useful for inflammation in cystitis, prostatitis, and urethritis.
Couch Grass
Couch Grass is a diuretic, as well as an anti-inflammatory with some antibiotic effects. It can be taken for kidney stones and inflammatory conditions of the urinary tract.
Corn Silk
Corn silk, which is rich in vitamin K and potassium, has diuretic and antiseptic properties. It is also soothing, making it popular for urinary tract inflammation.
Parsley is valued for its diuretic effects, which promote elimination of wastes. It is contraindicated in pregnancy.
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Kidney Failure: Improve GFR Kidney Function Naturally with Herbs

Numerous herbs may help treat chronic kidney failure and improve the GFR or kidney function naturally. The following is a list of these herbs:

Astragalus has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years to strengthen your body against disease. Astragalus helps protect the body against physical, mental and emotional stress. Astragalus has a sweet, moist taste. The root of the plant is used medicinally. It is an anti-inflammatory, diuretic and hypotensive that protects the kidney function.

Hydrangea, or Hydrangea arborescens, is a calmative to the genitourinary system. Hydrangea, a nontoxic remedy, has been used to treat numerous conditions, including kidney disease, bladder infections and prostate problems such as prostate pain. The root of the hydrangea plant -- which contains saponins and other active ingredients -- is used in herbal medicines.

Chinese Rhubarb
Chinese rhubarb may prove effective for the treatment of chronic kidney failure. Research indicates that the extract of rhubarb may prolong survival during kidney disease.

Cranberries are a culinary herb, widely used to strengthen the kidneys and urinary tract. They prevent the production of oxalate kidney stones.

Dandelion greens
The common garden herb dandelion, has been used for centuries as a diuretic to reduce swelling in the body's tissues. Less fluids in the tissues translates to less tendency toward hypertension. In addition, dandelion helps flush the kidneys, increase urination and balance the body's electrolytes, controlling blood pressure.

Juniper is a cleansing herb that may help to flush toxins from the kidneys. The berries contain oils that can help relieve stress on the kidneys and allow them to regenerate. You can crush the berries in boiling water to make a tea, or make a tincture by soaking the berries in vodka or gin for at least seven days.

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Lower High BUN and Creatinine Levels in CKD Naturally with Herbs

Urea and creatinine are nitrogenous end products of body metabolism. High levels of creatinine and BUN usually mean that the kidneys are not working properly and that waste has accumulated in the system. Here is about herbs to lower these levels naturally.

Cinnamon has been used to treat kidney problems especially in diabetics with kidney disorders. Cinnamon helps to enhance the filtration process and to strengthen weak kidneys and thus increases the evacuation rate of creatinine.

Stinging Nettle Seed
Patients who were given stinging nettle seed extract showed a significant decrease in their serum creatinine levels while they were taking the extract and that the effect lasted well after they stopped taking the extract. Stinging nettle seed is possibly the most effective herb available that has been shown to lower these levels.

Siberian Ginseng
Siberian Ginseng is often used with cinnamon to revitalize the kidneys and to lower creatinine levels. It is known to be very helpful in treating kidney disorders by stimulating the circulation to the kidneys.

Dandelion Root
Dandelion root is known as an herbal diuretic. Diuretics can help inactive kidneys by increasing urination. This increases the output of the kidneys and will dilute the amount of creatinine in the body by increasing the output of the urinary waste at a faster rate.

Researchers have used salvia on patients who were on dialysis for kidney failure and found that it increased the rate of which creatinine was filtered and evacuated from the body. They also noticed that it enhanced the circulation to the kidneys as well.
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Life Expectancy for Stage 5 Kidney Failure after Kidney Transplant

If you have Stage 5 Kidney Failure and choose to have a kidney transplant, you may live longer than if you choose only to treat your kidney disease with dialysis alone. Survival rates after a kidney transplant are:
92% at 1 year. 80% at 5 years. 54% at 10 years.
Transplants using a kidney from a first-degree relative, such as your father, mother, brother, or sister, are the most successful. Success rates are better when people have a transplant before kidney failure becomes so severe that they need dialysis.
There is alternative treatment for Stage 5 Kidney Failure other than Dialysis or Kidney Transplant. It is known as Clear Blood Pollution Therapy.
Under the treatment of Clear Blood Pollution Therapy, patients can even avoid Dialysis or Kidney Transplant. The life expectancy of Stage 5 Kidney Failure can be largely improved.
Treatment plan is made according to each patient's illness condition. If you would like to know how to live a long life on your own kidneys, please email us at

What will Happen If Stage 5 Kidney Failure Patients don't do Dialysis

If Stage 5 Kidney Failure Patients don't do dialysis the following will happen.
To begin with, the individual will most likely start to feel nauseous and experience vomiting. Consider what happens when we get food poisoning. We usually get sick, vomit, and have diarrhea. This is because the body is responding to the toxins that have entered out system and is trying to dispose of them.
Although the situation with renal failure is not the same as food poisoning, the person's body, since it cannot dispose of wastes in the natural way, will respond by vomiting and perhaps diarrhea in an attempt to get rid of the buildup of waste. Most people will not be able to eat much if at all, since they will become ill after eating.
If Stage 5 Kidney Failure Patients don't do dialysis, vomiting and diarrhea will not get rid of all the wastes that are accumulating in their system, because most of it is in the blood. The toxins and fluids will continue to accumulate, since they have no way of being disposed of.
Eventually patients will begin to swell from the retention of fluids, and will be poisoned by the toxins. Since the fluids have nowhere to go, they will begin to fill parts of the body such as the lungs.
Without life-sustaining dialysis or a kidney transplant, once a person with kidney disease reaches Stage 5 (end stage renal disease (ESRD)), toxins build up in the body and death usually comes within a few weeks.
Fortunately, there is alternative treatment for Stage 5 Kidney Failure without Dialysis, it is known as Clear Blood Pollution Therapy. You can refer to '' for more information.

Stage 5 Kidney Failure: How Long can I Live on Dialysis

The normal life expectancy of a patient is 3-5 years. It is assumed that if a person is undergoing the treatment for chronic kidney diseases, then the end is near. This is because only someone with the most advanced stage (stage 5) of this disease will be put under the treatment. This stage is also known as End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) and recovering from this is virtually unheard of. The mortality rate for patients suffering from Stage 5 Kidney Failure is 22% annually, and this effectively means that surviving beyond 5 years is going to be highly unlikely.

Side Effects of Kidney Dialysis
Once the patient has decided to undergo dialysis, there are several side effects that he/she will have to live through. Since the life expectancy is not much more than 5 years, the patient will have to live with these side effects for a long time. So the decision becomes even harder to make. Here are some of the common side effects that the patient will have to live with.
Diseases like Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C
Various infections at the access point
Bleeding from the access point
Nausea, headaches and cramps
Low blood pressure
Loss of nutrition
The risk of these side effects is very real, and this is something that the patient will have to live with. Sooner or later, the body will be unable to deal with all these added pressures, and it will succumb to the disorder.

Besides, there are herbal medicine that help to allieve the side effect of Dialysis and also prolong the life expectancy for Stage 5 Kidney Failure on dialysis.

• Hawthorn: best herbal cardiovascular tonic, improves heart function, reduces cholesterol, helps treat arterial plaque, increases circulation, treats high or low blood pressure
• Olive Leaf: helps fight infections of all kinds (bacteria, parasites, fungus, viruses), useful for treating dialysis access point infections, cardiovascular tonic, lowers cholesterol
• St Mary's Thistle (aka Milk Thistle): Protects liver from liver damage and associated conditions, anti-nausea/anti-vomiting action, improves hunger levels for those with low to no appetite, and balances blood sugar levels
Micro-Chinese Medicine. This natural remedy helps to reduce the frequency of dialysis or even get rid of Dialysis.

List of Herbs for Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is not curable, but it can be treated. Herbs may ease some symptoms, but consult your doctor before adding any herbs to your treatment plan.

Uva Ursi
Uva ursi, also called bearberry or rockberry, is an herbal remedy that has been used to help treat urinary tract infections. It also acts as a diuretic. Individuals with PKD may have chronic urinary tract infections, and the antibacterial properties of this herb make it an effective remedy for these infections.

Garlic contains antioxidants, which help protect healthy cells from damage caused by free radicals. Garlic has antibacterial properties and has also been shown to help lower high blood pressure. Although PKD does not cause high blood pressure, controlling your blood pressure can help slow the progression of PKD.

Dandelion is an herb that is full of nutrients and medicinal properties. Dandelion has been used traditionally to help treat kidney disease. It acts as a diuretic, promoting the excretion of wastes from the kidneys. This herb can be consumed as a decoction, tincture or powdered extract. For kidney and diuretic purposes, the leaves are used; a common dose is 500 mg of standardized leaf powdered extract, one to three times a day.

Sparganum stoloniferum
PKD is associated with mutations in two key proteins, namely polycystin-1 and polycystin-2, PC2. PC2 creates channels in the membrane of cells to allow the passage of potassium, sodium, and calcium, which is necessary for the formation of PKD. The Chinese herb Sparganum stoloniferum, commonly known as bur-reed. The effects of bur-reed on human PC2 channels and found they were inhibited in a dose-dependent manner. Their study suggests that Sparganum contains components that are inhibitors of PC2 channels and could be an alternative therapy for PKD.

Orthosiphon stamineus
Orthosiphon stamineus, also know as misai kucing, is an Indonesian medicinal herb used for diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and PKD.

Paeonia lactiflora
PKD may be aggravated by a condition called hyperoxaluria, which is the urinary excretion of a salt, calcium oxalate. Adhesion of the salt crystals to kidney cells may be a key event in the pathogenesis of kidney stones and PKD. The researchers found that a compound isolated from a traditional medicinal herb, Paeonia lactiflora, also called Chinese peony, reduced crystal adhesion to kidney cells by acting on the cells as well as on the crystal surface. The authors claim that this study demonstrates that the purported compound reduces renal crystallization and renal cell injury, and may be a prospective preventive agent for PKD.
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List of Herbs to Reduce High Creatinine Levels in the Blood

While healthy kidneys remove creatinine from the blood, impaired kidneys are less able to perform this function. When the kidney function falls below approximately 50 percent because of chronic kidney disease, creatinine levels start to creep up, because the kidneys are less able to remove the creatinine from the blood. List of herbs to reduce high creatinine levels in the blood is as below:

Stinging Nettle Seed
Patients who were given stinging nettle seed extract showed a significant decrease in their serum creatinine levels while they were taking the extract and that the effect lasted well after they stopped taking the extract. Stinging nettle seed is possibly the most effective herb available that has been shown to lower these levels.

Cinnamon is a common household spice that helps regulate blood sugar. It has also been used to treat kidney problems especially in diabetics with kidney disorders. Cinnamon helps to enhance the filtration process and to strengthen weak kidneys and thus increases the evacuation rate of creatinine.

Siberian Ginseng
Siberian Ginseng is often used with cinnamon to revitalize the kidneys and to lower creatinine levels. It is known to be very helpful in treating kidney disorders by stimulating the circulation to the kidneys.

Dandelion Root
Dandelion root is known as an herbal diuretic. Diuretics can help inactive kidneys by increasing urination. This increases the output of the kidneys and will dilute the amount of creatinine in the body by increasing the output of the urinary waste at a faster rate.

Researchers have used salvia on patients who were on dialysis for kidney failure and found that it increased the rate of which creatinine was filtered and evacuated from the body. They also noticed that it enhanced the circulation to the kidneys as well.
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Symptoms and Natural Ways to Lower High Creatinine in the Blood

Sometimes, the symptoms of elevated creatinine levels may not be immediately visible. The body's response will depend on the degree of its excess in the body. Keep a watch for these symptoms:
Shortness of breath
Loss of appetite
Changes in mental stability - confusion or disorientation
Low urine output
Swollen hands and legs
Pain in the lower back

Natural Ways to Lower High Creatinine in the Blood
It is important to avoid a high protein diet that includes all types of meat.
Drinking enough water and other healthy fluids.
The association of increased creatinine with diabetes makes it important to monitor blood sugar levels to be able to regulate it.
Avoiding caffeinated products such as tea, coffee, chocolates and cola is necessary to be able to reduce creatinine levels in the body.
Getting enough exercise and performing yoga will not only help in controlling excess creatinine, but will also help build immunity against and prevent other health problems.
Consumption of herbs such as ginseng, cinnamon and dandelion have been found useful in controlling creatinine levels in the body.
Lastly, keeping a regular check on creatinine levels by performing relevant tests of blood and urine will help keep them in control.
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