Stem Cell Therapy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital Two

Kidney diseases that can be treated by Stem Cell Transplant in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital:
2. Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis
A scientist used autogenous hemopoietic stem cell transplant treated a mouse with Crescentic Glomerulonephritis. After transplant, the survival rate of that mouse increased remarkably; the levels of dsDNA Ab, ssDNA and antoneutrophil cytoplasmic also decreased. Hematuria, proteinuria and peripheral lymph node enlargement also alleviated. Deposition of fibrin decreased and formation of crescent also inhibited. From this experiment we can see how powerful the Stem Cell Transplant is in treating Glomerulonephritis.
3. Diabetic Nephropathy
Kidney damage is a common complication of Diabetes. Diabetes leads renal microcirculation obstructed resulting in oxygen and blood insufficiency of the kidney, damage of renal intrinsic cells and proteinuria. Loss of massive proteins leads to Hypoalbuminemia which decreases oncotic pressure of plasma and causing edema. Damaged renal intrinsic cells fail to regulate fluid and electrolytes normally causing water and sodium retention and as a consequence, edema appears. In this case, treating of Diabetic Nephropathy should focus on repairing damaged renal intrinsic cells and preventing further deterioration of the kidney. Diabetic Nephropathy happens in relation to many factors such as Hyperglycemia, abnormal hemodynamics of the kidneys as well as familial heredity.

Either primary or secondary causes cause blood glucose elevating which change renal hemodynamics. Then, elevated glomerular perfusion and filtration increases the pressure to the glomerular capillaries hurting renal intrinsic cells. That broadening of mesangium; fusion of epithelial cell foot processes and formation of dense droplets detaching glomerular epithelial cells from glomeruli therefore thickens glomerular basement membrane and eventually, diffuse mesangium, nodular lesions activate the process of Kidney Fibrosis leading to glomerular sclerosis. According to this, preventing or delaying development of Diabetic Nephropathy is very important to reduce the morbidity rate of Diabetes. Stem Cell Transplant can increase the actual number of functional renal intrinsic cells thus improving kidney function and making the patients lives normally. (To be continued)

Stem Cell Therapy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital One

Stem Cell Therapy is no longer a new technique for people all over the world. Treating kidney diseases by Stem Cell Therapy have been practiced clinically. Stem cells are known as Universal cells because they have the superpower to differentiate into various cells of tissues and organs of the human body. Stem cells are a group of undifferentiated cells that can be cultured in vitro and then be directed to differentiate certain cells. Stem cell therapy provides a new and promised treatment for patients with kidney diseases.
In China, with the support of government development of Stem cells in treating kidney disease improves day by day. In 2010, the first Stem Cell Centre for kidney disease was founded in Shijiazhuang, the capital city of Hebei Province, China. This Stem Cell Centre is authorized to do studies of stem cells in the nephrology field and practice clinically. This centre belongs to Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. So, what are those kidney diseases can be treated by Stem Cell Transplant in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital?
In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, cord blood stem cells are the most common stem cells that applied clinically. Besides, cord blood stem cells have close relationship with kidney disease. Cord blood stem cells are easy to be separated; their proliferation ability is very considerable; and they have very low immunogenicity that rejection almost will not happen. In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease, Stem Cell Transplant is applied to treat the following kidney diseases:
The principle of treating IgA Nephropathy by stem cell transplant is that, variant stem cells can inhibit the production of autoactive T cells which decrease the production of IgA antibodies.
1. IgA Nephropathy

Pathogenesis of IgA Nephropathy is not yet figured out at present. There are some experiments shows disturbing immune system plays an important role in the development of IgA Nephropathy. Many medical scholars believe that IgA antibodies are not antigen-dependent. They think IgA Nephropathy is a kind of stem cell disease. For patients with IgA Nephropathy, abnormal increased levels of autoactive T cells are found. Peripheral blood increase excessive IgA antibodies are also detected. Professor Sakai used variant bone marrow stem cells treating a patient with both leukemia and IgA Nephropathy. After variant bone marrow stem cells transplant, leukemia was treated and deposition of IgA immune complex in mesangial area of kidney also disappeared. The principle of treating IgA Nephropathy by stem cell transplant is that, variant stem cells can inhibit the production of autoactive T cells which decrease the production of IgA antibodies. (To be continued)

What do Stem Cells do after infusing in the body of patient with kidney disease

Stem cells are a group of undifferentiated cells that are able to replicate, proliferate and differentiate into various cells in the body by themselves. They are the original cells that further form all types of tissues and organs of our bodies. They can be directed to differentiate into any type of cells in some certain conditions. Stem cells are recognized and accepted as universal cells by many medical scholars.
Recent years, more and more successful cases of Stem Cell Transplant in treating various diseases are reported by many countries. Stem cells also can be used to treat kidney diseases. They are found out that can differentiate into any renal intrinsic cells. These years, stem cells are practiced clinically to treat kidney disease. Well then, what does Stem Cells Transplant do after infusing into the body of patient’s’ with kidney diseases? A nephrologist from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital listed the following actions of stem cells after infusing into the body of patient’s with kidney diseases:
1. Differentiating into damaged tissue cells of the kidney;
2. Replacing the function of damaged renal intrinsic cells;
3. And stimulating reproduction function of the body to proliferate more renal intrinsic cells.
Many people worrying about the side effects of Stem Cell Transplant. What are the side effects of Stem Cell Transplant? Until now, there are no side effects that documented in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. Only a few patients are documented of having mild dizziness, headache and fever right after Stem Cell Transplant. However, such discomforts soon disappear. Stem Cell Transplant is expected to exhibit no side effects no matter Stem Cell Transplant delivered by any route. Nevertheless, no promise can be made that Stem Cell Transplant will not definitely produce any side effect.

Stem Cell Transplant is transplanting completely healthy stem cells into the patient’s body to achieve the goal of producing new functional cells and repairing damaged kidney function as well as stopping/delaying progression of kidney damage. If you want to know more information about stem cells, please continue to browse our website or sent emails to

Stem Cells Transplant:A Powerful Enemy of Kidney Diseases

At present, Stem Cell Transplant seems to be best solution in treating kidney diseases. What are the advantages and how does Stem Cells Transplant treat kidney diseases?
Principle of treating kidney diseases by Stem Cells Transplant:
Stem cells are able to proliferate unlimitedly. They can differentiate into various functional cells in the body. Besides, they have the same function after differentiate. In this case, stem cells can be used to repair certain damaged tissues or organs of the body. Stem cells are also able to differentiate into renal intrinsic cells thereby damaged kidney can be repaired and function normally again.
Advantages in treating kidney diseases:
1. Powerful reproductive ability and multi-directional differentiation ability of stem cells make stem cells differentiate into necessary renal inherent cells and reproduce spontaneously.
2. by cellular interaction and by producing cytokines to inhibit proliferation of T cells and their immune response. In this way, the recipients’ immune system will be “rebuild” and strengthened.
3. Supply of stem cells is good and convenient. Additionally, stem cells are easy to separate, culture, proliferate and purified. Stem cells still contain their characteristics even after multigenerational proliferation.
4. Stem cells have low immunogenicity. Stem cells are a group of undifferentiated cells which are hard to be recognized and rejected by our immune system. Rejection may not happen and Stem Cells Transplant needs no blood type match.
5. Stem cells that used in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital are cultured to differentiate into renal inherent cells.

Because of these characteristics and advantages, stem cells are concerned by more countries in medical field. If you have any questions you can email to

Uremia: What Are the Damages of Long-term Dialysis

Uremia can produce some life-threatening complications to patients. To dealing with the threatening of Uremia, Dialysis seems to be a good intervention. Once their illness conditions are stabilized, they should be given standard treatments. Because without other standard treatment, Uremic patients may become dialysis-dependent and their kidney function will drop rapidly without other relevant treatment.
There are some damages may come out after long-term dialysis. Expert Zhanping Wang, from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital introduced the following damages of long-term dialysis.
1. Infection
Patients with Uremia do not have enough immunity to resist infection. However, infection is a very common complication of long-term dialysis. Common infections are respiratory infection, urinary tract infection, pulmonary tuberculosis, renal tuberculosis and virus hepatitis.
2. Cardiovascular diseases
Cardiovascular disease occurs frequently on Uremic patients with long-term dialysis. Cardiovascular disease is also a significant cause of death. Normally seen cardiovascular diseases are Hypertension, Hypotension, Heart Failure, Dysrhythmia, Pericarditis, Coronary Ischemia and Myocardial Infarction.
3. Dialytic Osteopathy
Dialytic Osteopathy is caused be decreased kidney function of Vitamin D activation resulting in calcification insufficiency of osseous tissue. Dialytic Osteopathy usually manifests bone ache, fracture and myasthenia.
4. Anemia
Anemia is resulted by various problems of Uremic patients but the main reason of Uremic patients is because of kidney dysfunction. In addition, Uremic patients do not have good appetite so they eat a little and as a consequence, Anemia is aggravated.
5. Dialytic Encephalopathy
Dialytic Encephalopathy is also called Dialytic Dementia which is a complication of long-term Dialysis. In the early stage of Dialytic Encephalopathy, Uremic patients may exhibit intermittent difficult speeching and anarthria; later on they will get Motor Dysfunction, abnormal sensation, fibrillary, tremor and episodes of epilepsy.

Long-term Dialysis only is not a good choice for Uremic patients. The purpose of dialysis is to maintain the life of patient’s instead of making worse. Treating patients with Uremia should focus on preventing the process of Kidney Fibrosis and preventing continual damage of renal inherent cells. Email us if you have any problems regarding Uremia and other kidney diseases.

Is Purpura Nephritis Curable and How to Treat It with Stem Cells

Purpura, arthritis and abdominal pain will disappear spontaneously. Most people who have Schonlein-Henoch Purpura Nephritis for the first time can recover completely. Only a small part of patients will develop irreversible kidney disease due to touching allergen repeatedly. Once the kidney is damaged it is very difficult to recover entirely. Generally it has more chances to heal purpura nephritis if kidney damage occurs within one week or one month of the presence of purpura. Some will find kidney damage 2 years after purpura occurs. So people who have protein urine even hematuria should have regular tests for kidney function and routine urine for 1-2 months even much longer time. Some patients will recover completely. If they no longer touch the allergen, kidney function will be at the healthy state. But for some old people with Purpura Nephritis especially accompanied by hypertention or urine protein, it is difficult to make them recover completely. The kidney function will decline continuously. Many people may much concern about the treatment. Besides the conventional therapies, stem cells as an advanced technology, is used to treat Purpura Nephritis.

Stem cells are the cells capable of self-renewal and differentiation. Under the right condition, stem cells can differentiate into organ-cells of any type. Stem cells transplanted into body are able to produce healthy cells to repair and replace the damaged cells. Stem cells can regulate the immunologic mechanism, control purpura activity. The indicator of protein and occult blood will decline or become negative. In the long term it can repair the kidney intrinsic cells and block the kidney fibrosis. Presently, it has been used to treat purpura nephritis and has good effects. As the advanced technology stem cells has extraordinary promise and it is believed to have the potential to change the treatment of human disease.

The Newest Treatment for Lupus Nephritis – Stem Cell Therapy

Lupus nephritis is kidney damage which is a complication of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. It is a disease accompanied with obvious manifestations of kidney damage. So it is the core of treatment to target kidney damage. Stem cell therapy has good effects on Lupus Nephritis which gives patients chances to get rid of the condition and improve their life quality.
Stem cells are a group of cells which have the ability to self-renew and differentiate into cells of any type to repair and replace the worn and damaged cells. Stem cells can regenerate endothelial cells of blood capillary of glomeruli and repair glomerular basement membrane to improve the GFR (Glomerular filtration rate). Stem cells also can obviously improve the symptoms like hypertention, edema, and changes in urine due to glomerular lesion.
Stem cells are able to differentiate into immune balance cells like Ts cells, Th cells etc that can remove these factors that can damage tubule, avoid the further tubule damage and prevent renal failure.
When transplant into body, stem cells will move to kidney with blood and then they are able to regenerate renal tubular epithelial cells and interstitial cells, repair damaged renal tubular epithelial cells and interstitial cells due to bacterium and germ and also enhance physical immunity to prevent renal failure. Stem cells can recover kidney reabsorption and excretion functions so that the goal of treating lupus nephritis can be achieved. In many cases, stem cell transplant has good effects on treating this disease.

Stem Cell Transplant as a brand new technology in medical world is believed to have the extraordinary promise on treating kidney disease. It is possible to improve life quality by stem cell transplant. New hope is in near future for people with Lupus Nephritis.

Side Effects of Hormone for Primary Nephrotic Syndrome and New Treatment

Presently, many patients have realized the side effects of Hormone therapy on their life while treating the disease. This article mainly introduces the side effects of hormone therapy and another new therapy for Primary Nephrotic Syndrome avoiding the disadvantage of Hormone therapy and having good curative effects on treating the disease – Stem Cell Therapy.
The side effects of Hormone therapy
At present, it is commonest to treat Nephrotic Syndrome with hormone which certainly can reduce the proteinuria and increase the urine volume. Nevertheless, its dosage and effects varies due to different conditions. For instance, patients with minimal change nephropathy take hormone drugs one time one day for 8-12 weeks. It has good effects on this condition then the dosage can reduce if the condition is controlled well. But for other kidney disease, like FSGS (Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis) membranous nephropathy patients must take other medicine and hormone drugs together to treat diseases and the time of taking hormone drugs is longer than minimal change nephropathy. The longer you take hormone, the more outrageous its side effects are. The following is the possible side effects of various hormone drugs.
1. Weight gain. Most people taking hormone therapy usually gain weight which is boring especially for children and women. Weight gain can influence their life sometimes.
2. High cholesterol
3. Osteoporosis
4. nausea, vomiting, stomach/ abdominal pain
5. fatigue, headache, dizziness, insomnia, mood swing
6. dry skin, hair thinning,
7. leg cramps
8. blood clot
9. vision problems, dry eyes
10. injection site pain,
However, stem cell therapy doesn’t have these disadvantages. Stem cells derived from body human tissue are cultivated artificially to differentiate into cells desired to treat disease. Stem cells are a class of unspecialized cells which have the potential to self-renew and differentiate into new functional cells to repair and replace the damaged kidney intrinsic cells so that on the base of repair kidney function can gradually recover reducing the leak of protein. Eventually, protein in the urine will drop and other symptoms will remit with more cells functioning. Stem cell researches have been going. Scientists throughout the world believe that stem cells have the potential to change the treatment of malignant diseases. Stem cells have many types like cord blood stem cells or mesenchymal stem cells. The two has been used to treat many diseases. Its research and clinical experience are mature without the ethical dispute due to their source and cultivatable process. Medical technology development brings us more hopes to defeat disease and live better life. Stem cell therapy as advance medical achievement can give you a happy and normal life to free of the disease.

If you have any question about stem cell therapy for Primary Nephrotic Syndrome, you can send us email. We are glad to help you. Email:

How to Make Kidney Cysts Become Smaller

Kidney cysts are round pouches of fluid which appear in kidney. They will impair kidney function. Kidney cysts are caused by the expanding of single tube to a very large size. It is well known that renal blood vessels carry blood to tiny filters which are connected to tubes. Once a single tube expands to become a very large size cyst, the kidney cysts will form. How do stem cells treat kidney cysts effectively?
People with kidney cysts are looking forward a new therapy to help them get rid of this condition. For small cysts which don’t influence your life, you don’t need to be worried about this too much. But regular examination is needed to watch the size of kidney cysts. For these patients who don’t have obvious symptoms, they also should go for tests one time one year or half year including creatinine and urinalysis etc. For people with big kidney cysts, they may choose renipuncture or surgery. However many cases show that renipucture has not good effects on treating kidney cysts as respected. Even if one cyst is painful, there may be numerous cysts in kidneys. Surgery is not the best treatment for kidney cysts either. Even though the cysts on the kidney surface can be removed, the cysts in kidneys can not be cut off. Cysts will grow again. Patients with kidney cysts are looking forward to a new and effective treatment for kidney cysts. Stem Cell Transplant can be helpful to make it come true.
Stem cells have the properties of self-renewal, regeneration and being unspecialized. Stem cells are able to differentiate into organ-cells and tissue-cells desired to repair and replace the damaged cells. When transplanted into body, stem cells will move to the kidney nidus to recognize the damaged intrinsic cells and then to repair and replace them. Meanwhile they can produce cells of any types to improve the kidney microcirculation which can make the blood of cysts flow normally and absorb the fluid in the cysts.

Stem cells will prevent the development of cysts cell to make kidney cysts shrink. Also they can block the kidney fibrosis when they repair kidney intrinsic cells kidney function will become normal. Kidney function recovery blocks the form of myofibroblast so that renal failure is also delayed. Stem Cell Transplant has extraordinary promise in treating disease due to its properties. Scientists through out the world believe that stem cell has the potential to change the treatment of human disease. In many cases, stem cell transplant is used to treat kidney cysts and has good effects.

Stem Cell Transplantation for Kidney Cyst

People with kidney cysts are confused about its recurrence. After operation, the cysts will become very small or even disappear. But after a while they will grow and appear, which is a big problem patient with kidney cysts have to face. So what kind of therapy can treat the condition and stop its recurrence. Stem Cell Transplant can give you a hope to get rid of cysts and prevent its recurrence. The choice of treatment for kidney cysts should dependent on individual condition like the number of cysts, family history and the symptoms.
1. Surgical therapy: Most people with kidney cysts will choose to remove cysts by surgery which however, only can remove the cysts on the surface of kidneys. It is more difficult or impossible to wide away the cysts in the kidneys.
2.Medication:Medication is an auxiliary treatment. Generally, it is just treat the symptoms. For instance, antibiotic is used to treat hematuresis. If hypertention occurs, hypotensor is adopted. For high reatinine and BUN, people can take medicines that can reduce creatinine and BUN. Medication will play its role on lightening symptoms in short time. It can not stop the progress of condition in a long term perspective for it will not repair kidney intrinsic cells fundamentally. However, kidney disease is mainly caused by the damage of kidney intrinsic cells. So it is an optimal way to choose a method to repair kidney cells so that kidney function can recover fundamentally.
3. Stem cell therapy: stem cells are a group of cells which have the ability to self-renew and differentiate into types cells. When transplanted into body, stem cells will move to the kidney nidus to produce new cells and replace the damaged cells to function so that the state of kidney hypoxia-ischemia can remit to make blood circulation of cysts surface become normal which is beneficial to absorb the cysts fluid. Stem cells can stop cysts growth and make cysts shrink. Also they can prevent and reverse renal fibrosis. Therefore, the chance of developing renal failure is less.

Stem Cell Transplant is an advanced technology that will repair and regenerate healthy cells to function continually. It can prevent the recurrence of kidney cysts.

Should Woman with Lupus Nephritis Get Pregnant

Lupus Nephritis is an immune disease caused by Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). Besides damaging kidneys, SLE can also damage the skin, nervous system and other organs in the body. Lupus Nephritis is more common in women aged 20-30 than men. Should woman with Lupus Nephritis get pregnant?
There are two problems that woman with Lupus Nephritis has to face if pregnant.
1. Fetus: The incidence of miscarriage, premature birth is very high. Especially for woman with positive APA (anti-phospholipid antibody) the fatal mortality is higher than that of common women. Moreover, it will harm fetus to take hormone during pregnancy.
2. Pregnant woman: Pregnancy is likely to promote the recurrence of SLE or its activity. According to statistics, SLE can recur in 20 out of 100 patients after pregnant or delivery. Meanwhile, pregnancy will aggravate Lupus Nephritis to induce Nephrotic Syndrome, Hypertention and Kidney damage.
So it has great risk to be pregnant for woman with Lupus Nephritis than that with Glomerularnephritis. Generally, Woman with Lupus Nephritis can have a pregnancy if the state of their present condition reaches the following standards.
Firstly, they should receive systemic and regular treatment and the condition has been controlled well for more than one year. Lower the usage of hormone to the maintenance dosage.
Secondly, Woman with SLE is without Hypertention and kidney damage.
The above is an analysis of whether woman with Lupus Nephritis should be pregnant. If patients get the right diagnosis and receive better treatment early, it is possible for women with Lupus Nephritis to bear a baby. Presently, Stem Cell Transplant can make the dream come true.
Stem Cell Transplant is an advanced technology in medical world. More and more scientists through out the world believe it is able to change the treatment of human disease in near future. Stem Cells are unspecialized cells which have the potential to produce and regenerate healthy cells to repair and replace the damaged cells. Stem Cell Transplant is an infusion of healthy cells into your body. It has no side effects as the hormone has on your and your fetus. On the other hand, Stem cells are safe and have no toxins which will be greatly beneficial to your body and your fetus. If your condition is still at the early stage, you can have a try to receive Stem Cell Transplant, which is helpful to make your dream of getting a baby come true.
The above is about Stem Cell Transplant for women with Lupus Nephritis. If you have any confusion, you can consult the experts online for more information. Or you can send email to us for detailed information about the better therapy, you can send us email

Hope it is helpful for you and your family!

Stem Cell Therapy Shows Great Validity in Treating Diabetic Foot Ulcer

As we all know diabetic foot is one complication of Diabetes. If patients can not control the condition well, amputation may be required. Long-standing high blood sugar will damage the nerve and blood vessels. You will not feel the injury in your feet such as cuts, bruises and blisters due to the nerves damage. And also blood vessels damage will cause the lack of blood and oxygen in the foot. Both the two factors mentioned give rise to the diabetic foot ulceration. However, now people with diabetic foot ulcer don’t worry about amputation. Stem Cell Therapy, an advanced therapy gives the hopes to get rid of diabetic foot.
Stem cells have the potential to differentiate into various cell types in the body. They are a class of cells which are able to self-renew and divide new cells desired to repair and replace the worn and damaged cells. When transplanted into body, stem cells can produce endothelial cells to repair new vessels. They can differentiate into new capillary endothelial cells with the same function with the original cells to improve the blood circulation of low limb. After 3-6 months recovery, new vessels can be formed. Meanwhile, stem cells can help repair wounded, speed up healing and reduce scar formation so the goal of treating diabetic foot is achieved.
Stem Cell Transplant has been used in treating diabetes and its complications and showed its validity in treating these conditions especially on diabetic foot ulcer. In many cases, the dose of insulin is reduced and diabetic foot ulcer is cured well. More and more scientists throughout the world believe that stem cells hold great promise in the search for a cure and better treatment for diabetes and its complications. This advanced technology in medical world-Stem Cell Transplant can give you a chance to live a better life to get rid of Diabetes and Diabetic Foot.
The above is about stem cell transplant for Diabetic Foot Ulcer. If you have any confusion or want to know more information about this new therapy, you can consult the experts online. Or you can send email to us, we are glad to help you. Here is the

Hope it is helpful for you and your family!

What Kind of Treatment People with Kidney Insufficiency Should Receive

There are no obvious symptoms in some people with Renal Insufficiency but in fact, kidney function has been damaged. If they insist on receiving treatment to control some dangerous factors like high blood sugar and hypertention, it is possible to recover kidney function. But if they don’t have a systematic treatment, irreversible kidney function will occur in the near future. Besides the treatment for its symptoms, people also need to choose a treatment according to the stage of kidney damage. When kidney function is damaged slightly, patients will not realize the condition. Only the test for kidney function can tell people the disease which is called compensatory stage of renal insufficiency. If the kidney function is declined further to the 30 percent of normal kidney function, some symptoms will occur in patients like loss of appetite, fatigue, nausea etc. But among some people, they still can not feel any ailing which lead to lose the better chance of going to see a doctor. At this stage, patients should receive active treatment under the instruction of the physician to avoid all medicines and substance which may damage the kidneys and protect the residual kidney function to delay the process of uremia. Kidney function is damaged seriously and creatinine is elevated obviously which will give rise to acidosis, renal anemia and renal osteopathy. At this time, patients will have nausea, vomiting, itching, fatigue, sleepy etc namely uremia.
If people develop Uremia, they should undergo dialysis or kidney transplant. If the uremia is reversible, patients should grasp the chance to receive treatment actively to reduce the complications hoping to reverse Uremia. So besides dialysis and kidney transplant, Stem Cell Transplant is alternative therapy, which is advanced treatment for kidney disease at present. In many cases, it has been used to treat kidney disease.

If you want to know more about Stem Cell Transplant, you can consult the experts online.

What Are the Complications of Primary Nephrotic Syndrome

The following are the complications of Primary Nephrotic Syndrome.
1. Infection: Patients will have low physical immunity due to Hypoproteinemia and undernourishment and moreover immunoglobulin will lose from the body with the urine which makes it much easier to get infected for patients. So for patients with Nephrotic Syndrome, it is much easier to get infected like respiratory tract infection and urinary infection.
2. Hyperlipoidemia: Long-standing hyperlipoidemia in patients with refractory Nephrtoic Syndrome can induce atherosclerosis leading to heart cerebrovascular disease.
3. Hypoproteinemia: Due to the long-time lack of protein, people will become weak and undernourished. Even muscle can shrink. For children with Nephrotic Syndrome, they will have delayed development. Hypocalcemia and hyperspasmia will occur in patients due to the loss of vitamin D3 and Protein. Because elements combined with protein will lost, symptoms of iron and zinc deficiency will occur.
4. Kidney damage: approximately 30 percent of patients will have azotemia caused by the lack of effective circulating blood volume and insufficient blood for kidney. A small part of patients can get acute renal failure. As for the reason, it is still unknown.

Presently, people can have many choices to treat the condition. But they may have some side effects on treating the condition in a degree. Stem Cell Transplant is a newest technology in medical world. They are an innovative therapy for Nephrotic Syndrome. Stem cells have the ability to self-renew and produce new cells desired which will repair and replace the damaged cells to recover the renal function. Above all it has no side effects and the process of Stem Cell Transplant is simple, quick and painless. Experts are enthusiastic about stem cell. It is believed to have the ability to change the treatment of human disease.

Is Nephrotic Syndrome Curable

Patients: I am twenty-one year old and I have Nephrotic Syndrome for more than three years. Presently, edema and proteinuria appear. I want to know whether Nepphrotic Syndrome is curable.
Doctor: Nephrotic Syndrome is a group of symptoms including proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia and swelling. Its recurrence is the most boring problem. However, if people with Nephrotic Syndrome receive the suitable treatment, patients can have the chance of getting rid of the disease.
The disadvantages of conventional treatment:
The most common therapy is the hormone therapy. Hormone pills include prednisone, hexadecadrol and prednelan etc which have the ability of anti-inflammatory, antianaphylaxis and immunodepressive. However, most people would like to have alternative treatment other than hormone therapy, because side effects will affect the normal life. Weigh gain are the most common manifestation that also puzzles patients. Also there are other symptoms like dry skin, vomiting, insomnia, stroke, headache, increased sweating and osteoporosis. Infestation caused by immunodepressive will occur in people using hormone therapy. So hormone brings other healthy problems to people while treating kidney disease.
Hormone therapy just treats the symptoms controlling the condition temporarily. The recurrence of Nephrotic Syndrome is common in patients. At present, Stem Cell Transplant is widely used to treat kidney disease.
Stem cells have the ability to self-renew and differentiate into any type of cells which will repair and replace the damaged cells. When transplanted into body, they will move to the damaged part to produce new tissue-cells or organ-cells to repair kidney intrinsic cells so that kidney function will recover well. Symptoms will be improved gradually. Finally, the goal of treat kidney disease is achieved. Stem cells have no side effects. And they will not affect the life of people. It is more safe, painless and simple. It can block kidney fibrosis and prevent kidney disease developing into renal failure.
Nephrotic syndrome is a refractory disease. But it is not to say it can not be treated. So long as people choose the suitable treatment, it is possible to treat Nephrotic Syndrome well. Stem Cell Transplant as the advanced technology in the medical world has showed its vitality in treating kidney disease. It greatly improves the effect of treating kidney disease.

If you want to know more about stem cell transplant for Nephritic Syndrome, you can send email to us. We are glad to reply on your concerns. Here is the email:

The Clinical Symptoms of Diabetic Nephropathy

Hypertension will occur at the 2 or 3 stage of kidney damage. Other clinical symptoms will occur at the 4 or 5 stage. Here are the symptoms of Diabetic Nephropathy.
1. Proteinuria: The presence of proteinuria indicates that you are at the 4 stage of Diabetic Nephropathy that is the clinical sign of Diabetic Nephropathy. At the 2 or 3 stage, the protein may be negative even though persistent microalbuminuria is present. At the end stage of Diabetic Nephropathy, urine protein will increase. Within 3-5 years, it will develop into a large amount of protein urine (Urine protein more than 3.5g/d) which can cause Nephrotic Syndrome.
2. Edema: Edema will appear together along with urine protein. When hypoproteinemia occurs caused by the a large amount of proteinuria, colloid osmotic pressure will drop, which will give rise to the severer edema even abdominal dropsy and pleural fluid.
3. High blood pressure: High blood pressure is an earlier manifestation of Diabetic Nephropathy. At the early stage, spasmodic hypertention is the main symptom. Then it will develop into persistent hypertention. Hypertention will increase the discharge of urine protein, speed up the progress of kidney decline that is one factor to promote the kidney function decline.
4. Kidney function damage: The kidney function decline is slow. While persistent proteinuria occurs, kidney function damage will speed up. Kidney insufficiency will appear and Serum Creatinine and urea nitrogen will be elevated. It will develop into renal failure within weeks. Different from primary glomerulopathy a large amount of proteinuria and nephritic syndrome still occur in people, which make it more difficult to treating Diabetic Nephropathy.
As for the treatment, Stem Cell Transplant will be recommended. Stem Cell Transplant has been used to treat kidney disease and has good effects on treating Diabetic Nephropathy.

If you have any question about the Diabetic Nephropathy or you are interested in the stem cell therapy, you can send us email for detailed information. We are glad to help you. Here is the email:

Symptoms and the Newest Treatment of Chronic Renal Failure

Chronic Renal Failure is a disease caused by build-up toxins in body and the unbalance of internal environment, which results in damage of organ systems so that its symptoms are relatively complex.
Symptoms of Chronic Renal Failure
1. Gastrointestinal symptoms: Gastrointestinal symptoms are the earliest manifestation of Chronic Renal Failure like loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and a bad taste in the month. In addition, people with severe condition will have ulcer leading to bleeding in digestive tract. Blood in the stool appears in some people. Even some will have hemorrhoea of digestive tract which can threaten life.
2. Cardiovascular symptoms: It is common to have high blood pressure in patients with chronic renal failure that is called renal hypertention. At the end stage of renal failure, the incidence of renal hypertention is as high as 90%. Compared with primary high blood pressure, renal hypertension is much easier to develop into malignant hypertension and it is much easier for people with renal hypertention to develop easocular fundus lesion and cardio-cerebrovascular complications. Moreover, renal hypertention can aggravate the kidney disease. Besides the manifestations mentioned above, Patients with chronic renal failure are much easier to develop heart damage including pericarditis and myocarditis caused by Uremia. Patients who have uremia myocarditis feel short of breath, sense of suppression in the chest and palpitation.
3. The blood - system symptoms: Anemia commonly appears in patients with Chronic Renal Failure that is called renal anemia. At the end stage of renal failure, the incidence of renal anemia is 100 percent. The lack of hemopoietin is the main factor causing renal anemia.
The newest treatment for Chronic Renal Failure-Stem Cell Transplant
Recently, with the stem cell research developing, doctors have begun to use stem cell transplant for kidney disease. Stem cells are unspecialized cells which have the potential to self-renew and differentiate into new cells with the same function as the original cells. In right body condition, stem cells will move to damaged part of kidney to regenerate new tissue-cells or organ-cells to repair and repair worn or damaged cells so that the kidney function will recover. A series of clinical research projects have confirmed that it has good effects on treating kidney disease. As the advanced technology in the medical world, stem cell transplant is believed to have the potential to change the treatment of human disease which can give people with renal failure hopes to live a normal life!

If you are interested in the stem cell transplant or you want to know more about the treatment for renal failure you can send us email. We are glad to help you. Email:

What Causes Nausea and Vomiting in Patients with Uremia and How to Prevent It

Nausea and vomiting are the most common manifestations of Uremia. What causes nausea and vomiting and how to prevent it? The following is going to give the answers.
1. What causes Nausea and vomiting in patients with Uremia?
Gastrointestinal symptoms are the earliest manifestations of Uremia patients. With the condition developing, nausea and vomiting will become more and more severe. Especially the morning nausea is the most severe. Nausea and vomiting are caused by renal failure which can give rise to the elevated concentration of urea nitrogen, resulting in the more urea nitrogen in gastrointestinal tract. Bacteria produce urease to disintegrate urea into high-concentration nitrogen which can stimulate gastrointestinal mucous membrane to cause nausea and vomiting. On the other hand, patients will go to bathroom more often at nigh which is caused by declined function of urine concentration. More water is lost at night and moreover a large amount of protein taken in is transformed into urea nitrogen which is absorbed by blood through gastrointestinal mucosa so in the morning, the concentration of blood urea nitrogen is high and ammonia in gastrointestinal tract is higher which causes the severity of morning nausea and vomiting.
2. How to treat nausea and vomiting of Uremia patients?
In order to prevent the nausea and vomiting, patients need to control the protein intake and drink more water in the morning. For patients with serious condition, they can take Domperidone to reduce the ailing. Meanwhile patients need to keep the month healthy to avoid the oral cavity ulcer.
The above is small details in daily life people with Uremia should pay attention to. What kind of therapy can treat Uremia and improve the symptoms of nausea and vomiting?
The combination therapy of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Stem Cell Transplant has good effects on treating Uremia. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is characteristic therapy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital which can promote the blood circulation, repair glomerular basement membrane, improve the high blood pressure and make more toxins discharged. Then nausea and vomiting will disappear naturally. Stem cells are a class of unspecialized cells which are able to self-renew and differentiate cells. When transplanted into body, they will move to damaged part of kidney to produce new cells to repair and replace the worn or damaged cells to recover the kidney function so that the goal of treating Uremia can be achieved. In many cases, the combination therapy plays its important role on treating Uremia and improving the quality of life.
If you want to know more about the treatment of our characteristic therapy for Uremia, you can consult the experts online for more information. Or you can send email to us for detailed explanation of the therapy. We are glad to help you. Here is the email:

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An Innovative Treatment for ADPKD-Stem Cell Therapy

It is known to us that Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a hereditary disease which is the most common life-threatening genetic disease. ADPKD, one type of PKD is the most common. Children of people with ADPKD have 50% chance of getting the disease. With the cysts enlarging, numerous cysts will replace the kidney construction which may cause renal failure. Patients with ADPKD need to take active steps to prevent the condition developing into renal failure. Besides the conventional therapies for PKD like Renal Cysts unroofing, the most common therapy for PKD, However, in which some complication will appear like bleeding, infection, Hypercapnia etc presently, another therapy is used to treat ADPKD and has good effects on the kidney disease, namely Stem Cell Therapy.
Stem cells are biological cells which have the ability to self-renew and differentiate into various tissue-cells or organ-cells. Stem cells can now be artificially grown and transformed into specialized cell types with the same characteristics as original cells. Under the right conditions in the body, stem cells are able to produce more cells to repair and replace the worn or hurt cells which can achieve the goal of repairing the tissue and kidney function. Transplanted into body, stem cells will move to the damaged part of kidney to produce the healthy cells which can stop the kidney fibrosis and repair kidney intrinsic cells to make kidney recover to function as what it used to be. So it can prevent kidney disease developing into renal failure, which will help patients with ADPKD live a life as normally as possible.
Above all, Stem Cell Therapy has no side effects. People do not need to worry about the rejection. Also different from hormone, it will give you a healthy and normal life while treating your disease. Compared with kidney transplant, it is safe, quick and painless. Stem cells are infused into body so that people don’t need to bear the painless and risk of surgery. Once Stem Cell Transplant is successful, it can work at the rest of your life. In many cases, it has been used to treat kidney disease. Experts in the world believe that stem cells have extraordinary promise. In near future, Stem Cell Transplant will be used to treat more refractory disease.
The above is information about ADPKD treatment-Stem Cell Transplant. If you want to know more about Stem Cell Therapy for ADPKD, you can consult the experts online for more information. Or you can send us email for detailed explanation about your concerns. We are glad to help you. Email:

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The Clinical Symptoms of Acute Kidney Failure and Its Diagnosis

Acute Renal Failure(AKF) is a rapid loss of kidney function to remove wastes and concentrate urine without losing electrolytes。 There are numerous causes of kidney damage including disorders giving rise to clotting within the kidney’s blood vessels, infections that directly injure the kidney and acute tubular necrosis etc. It is very important for patients to know about its symptoms and the ways of diagnosis in order to receive early treatment when diagnosed with Acute Kidney Failure earlier, which can make sure the good prognosis.
1. The clinical symptoms of Acute Kidney Failure.
People with Acute Kidney Failure usually experience three processes that are oliguria stage, diuretic stage and recovery stage.
Oliguria stage: Oliguria stage is likely to last for approximately 2-3 days, sometimes 2-4 weeks for patients with severe condition. Generally, it will last about 10 days. The longer olgiuria stage is the more severe kidney damage is. At this stage, the main clinical manifestations are water-sodium retention, edema (swelling), heart failure and nausea. Even pneumonedema accompanied by infection, arrhythmia, tendency toward bleeding and narcosis can occur in patients with more sever AKF. The examination results are Hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis and the progressive decline of kidney function.
Diuretic stage: The diuretic stage begins after the oliguric stage has completed. At the end of oliguria stage, amount of urine begins to gradually rise which is likely to be 4000-5000ml/d. At this stage, SUN (serum urea nitrogen) can continuously rise but about one week later it will drop. It is much easier to develop Hypokalemia, Hyponatremia and dehydration. In addition, body resistance will drop due to the long-term consuming, which easily gives rise to overall infection.
Recovery stage: The recovery stage will last for several months to one year. During this stage, most patients’ kidney function returns to near base-line. However, a small part of patients will have the viarious level damage of kidney function. The longer oliguria stage is the more time it takes to recover kidney function.
2. Exams and Tests
As patients have generalized swelling, doctors may order tests for your kidney function. The following is related examination which will indicates the state of kidney function and the causes.
Tests for urine: it includes the color, amount, smell of urine.
Blood test: BUN, Creatinine, Creatinine clearance and metabolic acidosis should be included to evaluate your condition.
Renal Failure index: RFI=(Creatinine * urine sodium)/ Urine creatinine. The normal amount of RFI is less than 1.
As for the treatment for AKF, at present, Stem Cell Transplant as the new breakthrough in medical world has been used to treat the condition. Stem cells are a class of unspecialized cells that have the ability to self-renew and differentiate cells desired to repair the kidney intrinsic cells as a result of which kidney function can recover from damaging.
If you want to know more about Stem Cell Transplant for kidney failure, you can send us email for details about the newest medical technology. We are glad to help you. Email:

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Stem Cell Therapy for Nephritis – Prevent Its Recurrence

Stem Cell Therapy can treat Nephritis to prevent its recurrence. Nephritis is inflammation of the kidney. There are several types of Nephritis like Glomerulonephritis, Interstitial Nephritis, Pyelonephritis and Lupus nephritis. Hormone therapy a common treatment for Nephritis only can remit the symptoms rather than treating the disease fundamentally. Once infected by other factors, the nephritis may recur. However, with science technology developing, stem cell transplant is used in clinic to treat kidney disease, which will give people with Nephritis new hope to keep healthy and improve the quality of life.
Stem cells are a class of unspecialized cells capable of self-renewing and differentiating. In right body or lab environment, stem cells are able to regenerate worn and damaged cells to repair the hurt tissue. After transplanted into body, stem cells will move to the damaged part of kidneys, produce tissue-cells or organ-cells needed to repair kidney intrinsic cells so that the goal of treating Nephritis is achieved. Meanwhile stem cells are able to activate the original cells to function as normal as what they used to be. There are the following advantages in treating Nephritis.
1. They can move to the lesion part of kidney to produce or differentiate the kidney intrinsic cells to repair kidney function.
2. They can produce blood capillary-cells to improve microcirculation
3. Stem cells are able to promote the form of new renal tubular epithelial cells and interstitial cell to recover the reabsorption and secretion function of kidney.
4. Stem cells are able to enhance the immune competence to resist causative agent and prevent the disease developing into renal failure.
Stem cell science is constantly moving forward. Stem cell is extraordinary promising. It is believed to have the ability to change the treatment of human disease. In many cases, stem cell transplant has good effect on kidney disease. The above is about stem cell for Nephritis, if you have any question about kidney disease or you want to know more information about stem cell transplant, you can consult the experts online for details. Or you can send email to us. We are glad to help you. Here is the email

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How to Treat Renal Insufficiency with Stem Cell Transplant

Renal Insufficiency is also called Renal Failure in which your kidneys can not work as normally as what it used to be to excrete wastes and excessive water from blood resulting in the build-up of toxins in body. There are many approaches to treat renal insufficiency.
At the early stage of Renal Insufficiency. Usually, there is few or no physical symptoms that you can feel. When renal insufficiency develops further, symptoms will appear like higher serum creatinine, tiredness or fatigue, swelling (obvious in the hands or feet), back pain, high blood pressure and poor digestion etc. The following are the approaches people usually adopt
1. Diet: It is essential to change the diet for people. The diet should be low protein, low potassium, low sodium and high calorie.
2. Medication: people at this stage need to control blood sugar well to stop the kidney function further decline. Meanwhile patients may be asked to start to take a meal to supply the calcium or take pills to supply calcium.
Then with the renal function declining further into end-stage renal failure, these are the general symptoms appearing in patients like anemia, headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, numb sensation in the extremities, itchy skin etc.
At this stage, the treatments people usually receive are dialysis and kidney transplant.
However most people would like to look for other therapy other than dialysis for dialysis only can remove the toxins from body temporarily and in a great degree they will depend on dialysis and meanwhile the kidney function will decline continuously. Dialysis can not treat kidney disease fundamentally or stop the process of kidney damage. Kidney transplant may be a better choice for a small part of people. But most people will die during a long-term wait for the kidney donor.
Besides the treatment mentioned above, Stem Cell Transplant is another way to treat renal insufficiency. As a new breakthrough, Stem Cell Transplant is performed on people with kidney disease and has good effects. Stem cells are able to regenerate old and damaged cells as a result of which, stem cells transplanted into body can repair and replace kidney intrinsic cells and repair the kidney function. Besides the advantage mentioned above, the source of stem cells are wide. They can be taken from bone marrow, cord blood and peripheral blood. Stem Cell Transplant is simple, safe, and painless. It is believed to have the ability to change the treatment of human disease.
The above is about Renal Insufficiency treatments. If you have any question about Renal Insufficiency or Stem Cell Transplantation, you can consult the experts online for more information. Or you can send us email for details. Here is the email:

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Dialysis and Stem Cell Transplant for Diabetic Nephropathy

It is a necessity to undergo dialysis for Diabetic Nephropathy patients at the stage of ESRD in order to keep living. There are two types of dialysis, that is, Hemodialysis and Peritoneal dialysis, both of which have their own advantage and disadvantage. What kind of dialysis you should take dependents on your doctor who can give a better suggestion according to your condition. The following is the advantages and disadvantages of the two kinds of dialysis.
1. Hemodialysis: There are some disadvantages of Hemodialysis for patients with Diabetic Nephropathy.
Since it is common for patients with Diabetic Nephropathy to have high blood pressure, the change of Haemodynamics due to Hemodialysis is more likely to induce heart cerebrovascular disease.
For people with Diabetic Nephropathy usually have retinopathy, heparin used in the dialysis process can induce subhyaloid hemorrhage, resulting in going blind.
Because of high clean rate of Urea nitrogen, it is much easier to have dialysis disequilibrium syndrome for some patients who will have symptoms like being sleepy, weak, and nausea after being on dialysis.
2. Peritoneal dialysis: Here are the disadvantages of Peritoneal dialysis for patients with Diabetic Nephropathy.
Intraperitoneal infection can more easily appear in patient for their poor physical resistance.
Diabetic Nephropathy patients have poor nutrition which can be aggravated by the loss of protein due to Peritoneal dialysis fluid.
Glucose in peritoneal dialysis fluid can be absorbed, which gives rise to raising the blood pressure. So people must regulate the dose of insulin according to the level of blood sugar. Low blood sugar and Hyperosmotic coma will occur under poor regulate.
The above is only the disadvantages of the two types of dialysis. The advantage of Homedialysis is that it has no the disadvantage of Peritoneal dialysis, the condition of which is the same to Peritoneal dialysis.
Is it feasible to do a kidney transplant for people with Diabetic Nephropathy?
It is feasible to do a kidney transplant for patient. A successful kidney transplant will provide a better life and higher survival rate than dialysis. But There are advantages of kidneys transplant for people. For instance, after the kidney transplant surgery, Glucocorticoid is needed to prevent the injection that will aggravate Diabetes. And also there is a high incidence of Cardio-cerebrovascular complications. Patients also know that kidney transplant still can cause Diabetic Nephropathy before making a decision to do kidney transplant.
3. Stem Cell Transplant for Diabetic Nephropathy.
Compared with the approaches for Diabetic Nephropathy, stem cell transplant has its advantages on treating Diabetic Nephropathy. Stem cells are a class of cells which have the ability to self-renew and differentiate tissue-cells and organ-cells to repair and replace the worn or damaged cells. Transplanted into body, stem cells will move to the damaged part of kidney to regenerate kidney intrinsic cells and recover kidney function. Above all Stem Cell Transplant has no side effects or injection. It is a process to infuse the stem cells into body not by operating, so there is no harm to body. It is simple, painless, and quick. As the advanced technology, Stem Cell Transplant is believed to have a great promise to change the treatment of human disease. In many cases, it has good effect on Diabetic Nephropathy.
The above is about approaches of Diabetic Nephropathy. If you have any question about Diabetic Nephropathy or Stem Cell Transplant, you can consult the experts online for more information. Or you can send email to us. We are glad to help you. Here is the email:

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An Effective Treatment of PKD in Children- Stem Cell Transplant

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a genetic disorder characterized by the growth of numerous cysts in the kidneys. The kidneys are two organs which can filter wastes and excessive water from the blood. As the cysts form in the kidneys, they are full of fluid and can enlarge the kidneys leading to kidney function decline and then kidney failure. There are many treatments for Childhood PKD. But now stem cell transplant is recommended.
Stem cells are a class of unspecialized cells which have strong potential to self-renew and differentiate any type of cells. When transplanted into body, they have the strong ability to repair and replace the worn or damaged cells so as to repair the kidney function.Under the right conditions in the body, stem cells can regenerate tissue-cells or organ-cells to protect kidney function, improve and remit the state of kidney intrinsic hypoxia-ischemia and stop the process of secreting fluid. So that the goal of repairing damaged tissues or organs can be achieved.
Studies show that Stem Cell Transplant is a feasible therapy. It has no side effects which can comfort people. And after receiving stem cell transplant, there is no immune rejection compared with kidney transplant. It is safe, simple, and painless. For children parents should choose a treatment which is beneficial to their growth and will not affect their development. Everyone hope children can grow as normally as possible. Stem Cell Transplant may help them to make it come true.
The above is about Stem Cell Transplant for Childhood PKD. If you have any question about Stem Cell Transplant or Childhood PKD you can consult the experts online for more information or you can send us email for further consultation. We are glad to help you. Here is the email

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The Causes and Treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy

The causes of Diabetic Nephropathy
Diabetes is caused by absolute or relative lack of insulin due to the various causes and pathogenesis resulting in metabolism disorders of sugar protein and fat. Diabetes can damage kidneys in many ways which involves in whole kidney structure. Diabetic Nephropathy mostly appears in people who have Diabetes for more than ten years. Protein Urine is the earliest symptom and the exact causes is unknown. Studies show that many factors can give rise to Diabetic Nephropathy. The followings are the main factors.
1. Hyperglycaemia: Onset of Diabetic Nephropathy is closely related to high blood sugar. Poor control of blood sugar will speed up the progress of Diabetic Nephropathy. However, controlling blood sugar well will delay its progressing obviously. Increased productions of high blood sugar and Glycosylation cause masangial cells proliferation, increased extracellular matrix andextended mesenterium.
2. Hereditary factor: People with good control of blood sugar are likely to develop Diabetic Nephropathy. Recently, a study shows that the differences of control and regulate of intercapillary cells is one of factors causing kidney damage. People who have Hypertension family history have more chances of getting Diabetic Nephropathy than people without Hypertension family history.
3. High blood pressure: High blood pressure has no directly linke with onset of Diabetic Nephropathy. But primary Hypertention or blood pressure rising due to Albuminuria will speed up the progress of Diabetic Nephropathy and kidney function decline.
1. Medical treatment: There are three types of treatment in medical treatment. They are diet treatment, medication and antioxidant therapy.
2. Dialysis treatment: People with ESRF have to choose dialysis. However, dialysis can not treat disease fundamentally. It only can remove the toxins in body temporarily.
3. Kidney transplant: Only a small part of people will receive the kidney transplant.
4. Stem Cell Transplant: it is an advanced technology in the world. In many cases, Stem Cell Transplant has been used to treat kidney disease and achieves great effects. Stem Cell Transplant is simple, quick and painless. Above all, stem cells have no side effects. Stem cells capable of self-renewing and differentiating into tissue-cells and organ-cells are able to repair and replace the worn and damaged cells to achieve the goals of treating disease.
The above is about Diabetic Nephropathy. If you have any question you can consult the experts online for more information. Or you can send email to us. We are glad to help you. Here is Email:

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Stem Cells Offer New Hope for Renal Failure Patients

Renal Failure is a condition in which the kidneys are unable to adequately filter wastes and excessive water in body which gives rise to symptoms like edema, anemia, itching and feeling tired etc. For most Renal Failure patients, they are told to wait for the dialysis or kidney transplant when kidney function is damaged to some level. But besides dialysis and kidney transplant, there is a new therapy for Renal Failure patients – Stem Cell Transplant.
Stem cells are unspecialized cells which have the ability to divide and differentiate into diversed specialized cells types and can self-renew to produce more stem cells. Under the right conditions in the body, stem cells can self-renew and divide into any type of cells to repair and replace the worn and damaged cells. When transplanted into body, stem cells will move to the damaged part of kidney, producing new kidney cells and activate the original kidney cells to repair and replace the damaged cells. Stem cells can block renal fibrosis, repair hurt cells and reduce creatinine, edema and Nephrotic Hypertention. Even at the end stage of Renal Failure, Stem cells are still able to work.
Stem Cell Transplant is characterized with safety, simpleness and effectiveness. Above all, there are no side effects with Stem Cell Transplant or harm to kidneys.
Stem Cell Transplant as an advanced technology in medical world is believed to have the ability to change the treatment of human diseases especially refractory diseases like cancer, Uremia. In many cases, Stem Cell Transplant has great effects on treating Renal Failure, which can give people with Renal Failure new hope to gain happy life and extend lifespan.
The above is about Stem Cell Transplant for Renal Failure. If you have any confusion about Stem Cell Transplant for Renal Failure, you can consult the experts online for more information. Or you can send us email for details. We are glad to help you! Here is the Email:

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New Hope for Diabetic Kidney Disease Patients: Stem Cell Transplant

Diabetic Nephropathy is kidney disease due to the longstanding Diabetes and is a prime indication for dialysis in many western countries. As for treatment of the condition, besides conventional therapies like dialysis and kidney transplant, there is a new therapy for Diabetic Nephropathy-Stem Cell Transplant.
Stem cells are a class of unspecialized cells capable of self-renewing and differentiating into any type of cells to repair and replace the worn and damaged cells. Transplanted into body, stem cells move to damaged part to produce more tissue-cells or organ-cells to replace the damaged cells functioning continuously so that the goal of treating disease is achieved.
Diabetic Nephropathy is one serious complication of Diabetes. It is known that it can be reversed if receiving proper treatment at the early stage. However, once the protein urine appears, it is very difficult in reserving the condition so that it is crucial to stop its progress. Under right condition, stem cells are able to self-renew and differentiate into kidney intrinsic cells desired to improve the damaged tissue by disease and remit the state of renal hypoxia ischemia and renal microcirculation. Stem cells are able to repair and divide into Beta cells which are able to release insulin to further improve blood circulation and recover kidney function. Recently, a clinical research on Stem Cell Transplant for Diabetes Nephropathy by Chinese experts on Diabetes shows that Stem Cell Transplant in 61 patients with Diabetic Nephropathy has improved the urine, blood and kidney function in great degree. Experts introduce that Stem Cell Transplant for Diabetic Nephropathy is safe and effective especially at the early stage.
Stem Cell Transplant, an advanced technology in medical world has been performed in treating kidney diseases and has significant effects on kidney disease, which gives patients suffering from the condition new hopes to live high-quality of life and gain healthy again.
The above is about Stem Cell Transplant for Diabetic Nephropathy. If you have any question about Stem Cell Transplant or want to know more about Stem Cell Transplant and Diabetic Nephropathy, you can consult the experts online for more information. Or you can send email to us. We are glad to help you. Here is our Email:

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Advanced Treatment for Type 1 Diabetes-Stem Cells

Type 1 Diabetes is a disease that body can not produce enough insulin which is a hormone convert sugar (glucose) and starches. Type 1 Diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults but it can appear at any age. It is also called insulin-dependent diabetes, which shows that one person with Type 1 Diabetes need to take insulin for the rest of life. Now people with Type I diabetes have the hope to get rid of insulin-Stem cell Transplant can do.
Stem cells are a class of unspecialized cells which have the ability to differentiate into diverse specialized cell types and self-renew themselves to produce more healthy cells. Now stem cells can be artificially grown and transformed into tissue-cells and organ-cells to repair and replace the worn or damaged cells. Stem cells are able to self-renew to produce any type of cells desired to repair the beta cells which secrete insulin. Diabetes is caused due to the lack of insulin so that glucose will build up in the bloodstream not go to the cell so that the body is not able to use the glucose for energy. So once the beta cells are repaired, enough insulin will be produced and then glucose will reduce as a result of which, Type 1 diabetic will be treated well.
Stem Cell Transplant as an advanced treatment is believed to have the ability to change the treatment of human beings. Experts in the world are enthusiastic about stem cell research. In many cases, Stem Cell Transplant has been performed to treat Type 1 Diabetes and has good effects. Stem Cell Transplant will give you a hope to get rid of insulin to gain healthy life again.
The above is about Stem Cell Transplant for Type 1 Diabetes. If you have any confusion or want to know more about Stem Cell Transplant, you can consult experts online for more information. Or you can send email to us. We are glad to help you. Here is the Email

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The Best Treatment Time and Approach for PKD in Children

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a hereditary disease that is characterized by the growth of many cysts in the kidneys. With the child growing, cysts forming in the kidney will profoundly enlarge the kidney, resulting in reduced kidney function and finally giving rise to kidney failure.
At the early stage of PKD in child, there are no obvious symptoms so that PKD in child can not be found timely so that child with PKD does not receive proper treatment as soon as possible as a result of which, child with PKD has severe symptoms when diagnosed with the disease. Parents who have PKD should pay more attention to children in order to earlier find the sign of PKD in children to receive timely treatment for them and maintain children growing and developing as normally as possible.
The early symptoms of PKD in children:
High blood pressure
Hematuria (blood urine)
Back pain
Urinary tract infections
Delayed development
Bruise easily
Abnormal heart valves
If your child has signs mentioned above, you should take him/ her to go to see a doctor for a test. With child growing, cysts are growing enough as a result of which, cysts can profoundly enlarged the kidney replacing the normal kidney structure and damaging the kidney function. Finally, it is likely to develop into kidney failure.
Parents should take the right time to treat PKD in children. It is the best time for child with PKD to receive treatment at the early stage of PKD. The earlier child with PKD receives treatment, the better the prognosis is.
Stem Cell Transplant is recommended to treat Childhood PKD. Stem cell is a class of unspecialized cells which have the ability to self-renew and differentiate any type of cells. After transplanted into body, stem cells move to damaged part of kidney to self-renew or differentiate tissue-cells or organ-cells to repair or replace the worn and damaged cells so as to achieve the goal of treating disease. Compared with conventional therapies, stem cells have the advantage of treating Childhood PKD with the features of being simple, painless, and quick. Above all, Stem Cell Transplant has no side effects on their growth and development in the future. As parents, what they want is to choose a safe and effective therapy to treat the condition well and keep child growing and developing as normally as possible. In many cases, Stem Cell Transplant has great curative effects on Childhood PKD so that children with PKD can live a better life in future.
The above is about Stem Cell Transplant for Childhood PKD. If you have any question about Stem Cell Transplant you can consult the experts online or you can send us email for detailed consultation. We are glad to help you. Here is Email:

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Advanced Treatment for Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome: Stem Cell Transplant

Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome is likely to occur in any age. However, it is most common between the ages of 1-2 and 8 years. Usually, boys have more chances of getting the disease than girls. An effective treatment is needed to maintain children growth and development as normally as possible.
Stem Cell Transplant is recommended to treat Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome.
Stem cells are a class of cells which have the ability to self-renew and differentiate any type of cells. The course of Stem Cell Transplant is to take stem cells from organs. After stem cells grow and differentiate in right condition, they will be transplanted into body. In body, stem cells move to the damaged tissues and organs to repair and replace the damaged cells. They are also called ‘pluripotent stem cells’ which can produce cells desired with the features of immunoregulation and self replication. Stem cells as seed cells are able to repair the damaged organ due to the lesion and also to replace the damaged intrinsic cells to function continuously.
Stem Cell Transplant as a new therapy is believed to have the potency to change the disease of human beings. And many experts are enthusiasm about stem cell technology. Compared with conventional therapy for Childhood Nephropathy Syndrome, Stem Cell Transplant is simple, painless and quick. Above all there are no side effects on children which will not affect their growth and normal development in the future. In many cases, stem cells have great curative effects on treating Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome.
The above is about stem cell for Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome. If you have any question about stem cell transplant or Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome, you can consult the experts online for more information. Or you can send email to us for detailed consultation. We are glad to help you. Here is the Email:

Hope it is useful for you and your child!

A Typical Case of Purpura Nephritis Treated by Stem Cell

Name: LiYun 
Sex: Woman 
Nationality: Jiangxi, China
Process of diagnosis and treatment: She got bellyache, diarrhoea and arthralgia ten years ago. One week later, there appeared red spots not beyond skin on leg inside. Then she hospitalized in Jiangxi. She was diagnosed with Purpura Nephritis and received glucocorticoid treatment. However, she was not satisfied with the treatment. Six years ago, she felt overall weakness so that she went for a test in the local health center. The test result showed that both urine protein and occult blood were positive. It had no effects on her to use penicillin then she began to take prednisone 20 mg one day. Two months later after taking prednisone, protein urine and occult blood became negative. From then on, the dose of prednisone was reduced to 2.5 mg one day and half year later she stopped taking medicines. The test result showed that protein +++ occult blood +++ and there appeared red pot on the leg inside without obvious inducements. She came to Shijiazhuang Kidney Hospital Disease for further treatment.
Admission condition: After hospitalizing here, the test result is 24h protein urine is 2.13g/d, urine protein + + +, Urine creatinine( UCR ) 7840.322umol/l,triglyeride ( TGL)4.68mmol/l,ultrasound examination shows that the size of right kidney is 10.5cm, left 10.7cm. ECT indicates that GFR is 104ml/min. During hospitalizing here, Stem Cell Transplantation is performed on her. When she leaves hospital, symptoms are normal. Appetite, sleep and urine are normal. Protein and occult blood becomes negative. Creatinine clearance is elevated.

Experts comment: People with Purpura Nephritis have normal kidney function. Stem cells are taken from cord blood without any antigen on the surface. When transplanted into body, stem cells will move to kidney nidus to directly repair worn or damaged intrinsic cells protect residual cells. There are no side effects in the process of stem cell transplant to achieve the goal of treating Purpura Nephritis fundamentally.

Stem Cell Transplant for Treating Diabetic Foot

Expert on diabetic foot from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital introduces that Diabetic foot is a disease caused by Diabetic neuropathy, Nerve terminal sense disorder and Autonomic nerve damage that seriously influences the life quality. So is Diabetic foot cured? As for the treatment for Diabetic foot, stem cell therapy is widely used. Can stem cell treat Diabetic foot well?
Experts on Diabetic foot introduce that stem cell technology, as the newest and advanced medical technology in the world has great effects on treating the condition. The course of treating Diabetic foot with stem cells is that cells with normal function and structure as the medicines is transplanted into patients with Diabetic foot to repair worn or damaged cells, or organs so as to achieve the goal of controlling and curing Diabetic foot.
Stem cells are believed to have the ability to change the treatment of human diseases. Compared with other conventional therapies, Stem Cell Transplant has great advantages of treating Diabetic foot for it is quick, painless and simple. It has no side effects which has brought new approach to free of the disease and gain health again. In many cases, it is proved that Stem Cell Transplant is able to treat Diabetic foot with safety and effectiveness.
If you have Diabetic foot, don’t worry. Stem Cell Therapy has great effects on treating Diabetic foot. It is promising for you to get rid of the disease to gain health.
The advantages of Stem Cell Transplant: it is painless, simple, quick and safe. Stem calls can be taken from wide sources. There is no side effects and immune rejection.
Stem cells: Stem cells are a class of cells which have the potency to self-renew and differentiate into any type of cells. In laboratory or right condition, they are able to differentiate into cells with function and organ-cells to repair and replace the worn or damaged cells or tissue. It is known as “pluripotent system cell” which is able to produce any type of cells desired in the laboratory condition or experimental condition.
Diabetic foot, a serious complication of Diabetes may give rise to the possibility of amputation if not treated timely. Stem Cell Transplant can give you a chance to keep healthy.

The above is about Stem Cell Transplant for Diabetic foot. If you want to know more about Stem Cell Transplant you can consult experts online for more information. Or you can send us email. We are glad to help you. Email:

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