Stem Cells Transplant:A Powerful Enemy of Kidney Diseases

At present, Stem Cell Transplant seems to be best solution in treating kidney diseases. What are the advantages and how does Stem Cells Transplant treat kidney diseases?
Principle of treating kidney diseases by Stem Cells Transplant:
Stem cells are able to proliferate unlimitedly. They can differentiate into various functional cells in the body. Besides, they have the same function after differentiate. In this case, stem cells can be used to repair certain damaged tissues or organs of the body. Stem cells are also able to differentiate into renal intrinsic cells thereby damaged kidney can be repaired and function normally again.
Advantages in treating kidney diseases:
1. Powerful reproductive ability and multi-directional differentiation ability of stem cells make stem cells differentiate into necessary renal inherent cells and reproduce spontaneously.
2. by cellular interaction and by producing cytokines to inhibit proliferation of T cells and their immune response. In this way, the recipients’ immune system will be “rebuild” and strengthened.
3. Supply of stem cells is good and convenient. Additionally, stem cells are easy to separate, culture, proliferate and purified. Stem cells still contain their characteristics even after multigenerational proliferation.
4. Stem cells have low immunogenicity. Stem cells are a group of undifferentiated cells which are hard to be recognized and rejected by our immune system. Rejection may not happen and Stem Cells Transplant needs no blood type match.
5. Stem cells that used in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital are cultured to differentiate into renal inherent cells.

Because of these characteristics and advantages, stem cells are concerned by more countries in medical field. If you have any questions you can email to

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