Symptoms and the Newest Treatment of Chronic Renal Failure

Chronic Renal Failure is a disease caused by build-up toxins in body and the unbalance of internal environment, which results in damage of organ systems so that its symptoms are relatively complex.
Symptoms of Chronic Renal Failure
1. Gastrointestinal symptoms: Gastrointestinal symptoms are the earliest manifestation of Chronic Renal Failure like loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and a bad taste in the month. In addition, people with severe condition will have ulcer leading to bleeding in digestive tract. Blood in the stool appears in some people. Even some will have hemorrhoea of digestive tract which can threaten life.
2. Cardiovascular symptoms: It is common to have high blood pressure in patients with chronic renal failure that is called renal hypertention. At the end stage of renal failure, the incidence of renal hypertention is as high as 90%. Compared with primary high blood pressure, renal hypertension is much easier to develop into malignant hypertension and it is much easier for people with renal hypertention to develop easocular fundus lesion and cardio-cerebrovascular complications. Moreover, renal hypertention can aggravate the kidney disease. Besides the manifestations mentioned above, Patients with chronic renal failure are much easier to develop heart damage including pericarditis and myocarditis caused by Uremia. Patients who have uremia myocarditis feel short of breath, sense of suppression in the chest and palpitation.
3. The blood - system symptoms: Anemia commonly appears in patients with Chronic Renal Failure that is called renal anemia. At the end stage of renal failure, the incidence of renal anemia is 100 percent. The lack of hemopoietin is the main factor causing renal anemia.
The newest treatment for Chronic Renal Failure-Stem Cell Transplant
Recently, with the stem cell research developing, doctors have begun to use stem cell transplant for kidney disease. Stem cells are unspecialized cells which have the potential to self-renew and differentiate into new cells with the same function as the original cells. In right body condition, stem cells will move to damaged part of kidney to regenerate new tissue-cells or organ-cells to repair and repair worn or damaged cells so that the kidney function will recover. A series of clinical research projects have confirmed that it has good effects on treating kidney disease. As the advanced technology in the medical world, stem cell transplant is believed to have the potential to change the treatment of human disease which can give people with renal failure hopes to live a normal life!

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