Is Purpura Nephritis Curable and How to Treat It with Stem Cells

Purpura, arthritis and abdominal pain will disappear spontaneously. Most people who have Schonlein-Henoch Purpura Nephritis for the first time can recover completely. Only a small part of patients will develop irreversible kidney disease due to touching allergen repeatedly. Once the kidney is damaged it is very difficult to recover entirely. Generally it has more chances to heal purpura nephritis if kidney damage occurs within one week or one month of the presence of purpura. Some will find kidney damage 2 years after purpura occurs. So people who have protein urine even hematuria should have regular tests for kidney function and routine urine for 1-2 months even much longer time. Some patients will recover completely. If they no longer touch the allergen, kidney function will be at the healthy state. But for some old people with Purpura Nephritis especially accompanied by hypertention or urine protein, it is difficult to make them recover completely. The kidney function will decline continuously. Many people may much concern about the treatment. Besides the conventional therapies, stem cells as an advanced technology, is used to treat Purpura Nephritis.

Stem cells are the cells capable of self-renewal and differentiation. Under the right condition, stem cells can differentiate into organ-cells of any type. Stem cells transplanted into body are able to produce healthy cells to repair and replace the damaged cells. Stem cells can regulate the immunologic mechanism, control purpura activity. The indicator of protein and occult blood will decline or become negative. In the long term it can repair the kidney intrinsic cells and block the kidney fibrosis. Presently, it has been used to treat purpura nephritis and has good effects. As the advanced technology stem cells has extraordinary promise and it is believed to have the potential to change the treatment of human disease.

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