Stem Cell Therapy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital Two

Kidney diseases that can be treated by Stem Cell Transplant in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital:
2. Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis
A scientist used autogenous hemopoietic stem cell transplant treated a mouse with Crescentic Glomerulonephritis. After transplant, the survival rate of that mouse increased remarkably; the levels of dsDNA Ab, ssDNA and antoneutrophil cytoplasmic also decreased. Hematuria, proteinuria and peripheral lymph node enlargement also alleviated. Deposition of fibrin decreased and formation of crescent also inhibited. From this experiment we can see how powerful the Stem Cell Transplant is in treating Glomerulonephritis.
3. Diabetic Nephropathy
Kidney damage is a common complication of Diabetes. Diabetes leads renal microcirculation obstructed resulting in oxygen and blood insufficiency of the kidney, damage of renal intrinsic cells and proteinuria. Loss of massive proteins leads to Hypoalbuminemia which decreases oncotic pressure of plasma and causing edema. Damaged renal intrinsic cells fail to regulate fluid and electrolytes normally causing water and sodium retention and as a consequence, edema appears. In this case, treating of Diabetic Nephropathy should focus on repairing damaged renal intrinsic cells and preventing further deterioration of the kidney. Diabetic Nephropathy happens in relation to many factors such as Hyperglycemia, abnormal hemodynamics of the kidneys as well as familial heredity.

Either primary or secondary causes cause blood glucose elevating which change renal hemodynamics. Then, elevated glomerular perfusion and filtration increases the pressure to the glomerular capillaries hurting renal intrinsic cells. That broadening of mesangium; fusion of epithelial cell foot processes and formation of dense droplets detaching glomerular epithelial cells from glomeruli therefore thickens glomerular basement membrane and eventually, diffuse mesangium, nodular lesions activate the process of Kidney Fibrosis leading to glomerular sclerosis. According to this, preventing or delaying development of Diabetic Nephropathy is very important to reduce the morbidity rate of Diabetes. Stem Cell Transplant can increase the actual number of functional renal intrinsic cells thus improving kidney function and making the patients lives normally. (To be continued)

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