List of Foods to Avoid with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

If you know you have chronic kidney disease (CKD, you can help your kidneys function with greater efficiency by reworking your diet and avoiding specific foods.

High Potassium
If a patient's potassium level increases, the dietitian may reduce the amount of high-potassium containing foods in the diet. Oranges, melons, potatoes, sweet potatoes and bananas all are foods that should be eaten in moderation or avoided in patients with chronic kidney disease.

High Sodium
Patients with chronic kidney disease should eat low sodium or no-salt foods and avoid high-salt products. Canned vegetables and soup, hot dogs and snack foods like chips and crackers should be consumed in moderation as well.

Foods with High Phosphorus Levels
Decreasing the number of high phosphorus-containing foods that a person eats can help the kidneys by lowering the amount of the mineral that the kidneys have to eliminate from the body. Examples of these foods include milk, hard cheeses, ice cream, peas, lentils, starchy vegetables and chocolate.

Saturated Fats
People with chronic kidney disease should avoid unhealthy fats like saturated and trans fats that can increase cholesterol levels and lead to clogged arteries. Red meats, poultry, whole milk, cookies and cakes all contain saturated fats or trans fats and should be avoided. A dietician can work with the patient to find ways to increase intake of healthy fats like corn or olive oil.

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