What Protein Supplement Drinks are Proper for People on Dialysis

Peritoneal dialysis involves filling the peritoneal cavity with a dialyzing solution, letting it dwell and removing it from a catheter in the belly. Hemodialysis involves cleaning the blood using a dialysis machine. The patient's blood flows into the machine, where it is cleaned and then returned back to the patient. Regardless which technique you choose, protein loss is a problem for both peritoneal and hemodialysis patients.

Protein-energy malnutrition in peritoneal dialysis patients as caused by inflammation, low nutrient intake, nutrient losses during dialysis, metabolic acidemia, coexisting illnesses, and possibly the endocrine disorders of uremia. All of these problems are common to patients on hemodialysis as well.

While some speak to the value of protein supplements, none distinguish between protein supplement drinks and other types of protein supplements. Oral supplementation with amino acids helped hemodialysis patients. These patients had lower levels of C reactive protein, better serum albumen and less anemia.

Supplementation with tryptophan-fortified, collagen protein supplement administrated during hemodialysis helped improve wasting.

Never start taking a protein supplement without consulting your renal dietitian or nephrologist. The nutritional status of kidney patients is too complex to take supplements without consulting your doctor. Supplements must be low in potassium, phosphorus and vitamin A . You can email us at khkpcn@hotmail.com for more details about Dialysis health care.

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