Common Symptoms of Kidney Shutdown

Kidneys are important organs in our body responsible for filtering blood and secreting hormones necessary for red blood cells production. However, once their kidney shutdown, it will lead to damage to other organs, symptoms and even death. If you can catch the symptoms of kidney shutdown, it will be able to decrease the damage and achieve a better prognosis.
1. Abnormal urine
Kidneys are responsible for removing the metabolic wastes and excessive fluid from blood and turn them into urine. Therefore, the changes urine can be the first symptom of kidney shutdown. If the kidneys are failing, the urine will become darker for like tea-colored, cola-colored for red blood cells loss. Moreover, there may be protein leakage in urine so the urine often becomes very foamy.
2. Edema
In normal case, kidneys can remove the excessive water out of body and turn them into urine. However, once the kidneys shut down, they fail to function normally. As a result, the fluid will accumulate in subcutaneous tissue and the patients will have edema around their eyes, extremities and so on. The edema is particularly serious when the patients keep the same gesture for a long time.
3. Anemia
Healthy kidneys can secrete a kind of hormone hemopoietin that can promote the red blood cells production. However, once the kidneys shut down, they will fail their normal secretion ability. Moreover, for the accumulation of metabolic wastes in body, they will kill some red blood cells or shorten their life expectancy greatly. Also some patients with kidney shutdown often have poor appetite, nausea and vomit, so they can not get enough raw materials of blood. The above factors can cause serious anemia for the patients with kidney shutdown.
4. Hypertension
Hypertension can be a cause or result of kidney shutdown. In normal case, the kidneys can release hormone renin to maintain the stable blood pressure benefiting to blood filtration. When the kidneys shut down, the blood pressure will rise. Further, high blood pressure can injure the renal capillaries thus aggravating kidney disease.
Once you have one or several symptoms above, you should pay more attention to the abnormal symptoms for they may be the early signs of kidney shutdown.

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