Chronic Renal Failure:Prognosis and Treatment

Chronic Renal Failure refers to a steady deterioration of kidney functions over a period of time. It indicates that high level of toxins builds up in the blood, which will affects other organs in the body.
Prognosis of Chronic Renal Failure
Chronic Renal Failure will eventually lead to end-stage renal disease (ESRD), which asks for renal replacement therapy (i.e., dialysis, transplant). Chronic Renal Failure is a leading factor for cardio disease (How does the Chronic Renal Failure Cause Heart Failure) and the majority of patients with Chronic Renal Failure will die prior to reaching ESRD. When renal functions fall down, complications such as Anemia and Hypertension advance that help worsen heart disorder and Renal Osteodystrophy respectively.
Treatment of Chronic Renal Failure.
If you have already stepped into Uremia stage, you need to take the following treatments into consider.
Dialysis. People undergoing dialysis have an overall five year survival rate of 32%. The elderly and those with diabetes have worse outcomes.
Kidney Transplant. Recipients of a kidney transplant from a living related donor have a two year survival rate greater than 90%.
Recipients of a kidney from a donor who has died have a two year survival rate of 88%.
Immunotherapy. Immunotherapy is a new holistic treatment for Chronic Renal Failure. For those who adopte this therapy in early stage, they can even avoid dialysis and kidney transplant. For more information, please send an email to

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