Causes of Azotemia in Chronic Renal Failure

Azotemia in Chronic Renal Failure can put much burden on kidneys and accelerate the deterioration of renal function. Therefore, it is very important for the patients with Chronic Renal Failure to prevent azotemia.
Causes of Azotemia in Chronic Renal Failure
Kidneys are responsible for filtering blood and discharging metabolic toxins by producing urine. However, in Chronic Renal Failure, for serious renal injury, the renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) decline greatly. As a result, the kidneys can not excrete the metabolic products normally as before and massive of nitrogen remains in the bloodstream thus leading to azotemia.
In addition, some patients with Chronic Renal Failure have hemorrhage in other organs and system like gastrointestinal hemorrhage which can aggravate the primary azotemia. Hemorrhage can cause the whole blood volume to decrease thus resulting in renal ischemia. The insufficient blood supply to kidneys can influence the excretion ability of the kidneys. Moreover, the hemorrhage can aggravate the primary renal damage thus causing the exacerbation of azotemia.
However, in some cases, azotemia is not related to the disease. If the patients consume excess protein at a time, the kidneys can not discharge the metabolic nitrogen immediately, which also can cause transient azotemia. Once they adjust their diet, they will recover normal.
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