When Kidney Transplant Is Not Available in End Stage Renal Failure

Kidney Transplant can help people regain normal renal function and prolong life span. However, if Kidney Transplant is not available, what should the patients do?
Once people are diagnosed with Renal Failure, their names will be placed on a waiting lists after some preliminary evaluation of their health. However, not all people will get the chance of kidney transplant because they are not enough donors or they die while waiting. After evaluation of transplant, some people may be told kidney transplant is not available for their overall condition.
Circulatory system problem is a big problem for people who plan to receive transplant. Especially, pulmonary hypertension, it refers to increased blood pressure in arteries and veins of the lungs. pulmonary hypertension is a life-threatening condition. As there is no way to control the pressure in lungs, the success rate of kidney transplant is nearly zero.
Besides the above life threatening problem, there are still many other absolute contraindications.
1. Malignant tumor
If people with End Stage Renal Failure are accompanied by malignant, they are forbidden to receive kidney transplant. Because the patients have to keep a large amount of immunosuppressive agents which can accelerate of spreading of tumors and proliferation of tumor cells.
2. Active tuberculosis
Immunosuppressive agents will restrain the normal immune system and reduce the body's resistibility against tubercle bacillus, thus resulting in their transmission which can a life threatening condition.
3. Severe vascular diseases
If the patients with End Stage Renal Failure suffer from severe vascular diseases, they will carry high risk when receiving kidney transplant. That is because the vascular diseases may attack the transplanted kidneys again and cause kidney failure.
If kidney transplant is not available to people with End Stage Renal Failure, what should they do?
Immunotherapy is the optimal option for patients with the problem. This therapy aims at restoring the impaired kidney structure. Therefore, it can improve renal function remarkably.

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