What Kinds of Foods should a Kidney Failure Person Avoid

What kinds of foods should a Kidney Failure person avoid? Next, we will answer this question for you.
Kidney Failure patients should avoid high –fluid foods. The kidneys are responsible for excrete excess water from the blood. If your kidneys are damaged, fluid can build up causing edema and weight gain. It is necessary for you to aware that some foods are high in water (including soup, gelatin desserts, popsicles, and ice cream) and should be limited. Fruits and vegetables such as oranges, apples, grapes, melons, lettuce, tomatoes and celery should also be limited.
Kidney Failure patients should avoid high –protein foods. Limiting the intake of protein can decrease the waste product urea in your blood and eases the burdens of the kidneys. Therefore, you should avoid eating too much milk, cheese, yogurt, fish, meat or eggs. The intake of protein also depends on whether you are on dialysis or not. You should keep a low-protein diet before dialysis, but a high-quality protein diet once you are on dialysis.
Kidney Failure patients should avoid high –sodium foods. Too much sodium can increase your fluid intake, and you will feel thirsty. You should avoid table salt and salty foods such as canned and processed meats, french fries, canned soups, sardines and salted snacks.
Kidney Failure patients should avoid high –potassium foods. Too much potassium is dangerous for the heart, so patients with renal failure should minimize the potassium intake by avoid high potassium foods including milk, yogurt, bananas, beets, peanuts, oranges, potatoes, tomatoes, avocados, prunes, figs, dates, raisins, nectarines, apricots, melons and pears.
Kidney Failure patients should avoid high –phosphorus foods. Too much phosphorus can pull calcium from your bones resulting in weak bones. You should avoid high phosphorus foods such as dairy products, beans, peas and nuts. Avoid high phosphorus drinks such as beer and cola flavored sodas.

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