Who Can Help Me Escape from Chronic Renal Failure

Jimmy (alias) is a 27 year old and lives in Canada. He has a beautiful wife and two cute daughters. Two years ago, Jimmy was diagnosed with Chronic Renal Failure, their peaceful life is disordered then.
Though the disease had developed into stage 3 CKD, Jimmy did not present severe symptoms or discomforts at that time, but only had swelling around eyelids occasionally. At that time, he consulted our experts on line and we expected the development tendency of his disease and suggested him to come to China to receive treatment at once. We all knew that there is no other effective treatment for Chronic Renal Failure in the western medicines besides dialysis and kidney transplant. However, he rejected our suggestion for various causes
As time goes by, a series of symptoms appeared one after one such as high blood pressure, anemia, hyperkalemia etc. His creatinine level rose to 5.5 from 2 in only one year. For high creatinine level along with a series of complications, he had to start dialysis immediately. It only took about one year from the diagnosis of Chronic Renal Failure to starting dialysis.
I regretted that I could not have Jimmy treated just when he was diagnosed with Chronic Renal Failure. If he received proper treatment, the result would be totally different from today. He still could go to work and live a happy life together with his family. However, we could not change the past.
So I hope every patient with Kidney Disease can take their disease more seriously and receive treatment as early as possible. Any help, feel free to email to khkpcn@hotmail.com.

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