Stage V, End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Treatment Options

If your kidney problem progresses into Stage V, End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), your gfr (glomerular filtration rate) is lower than 15 and your serum creatinine level is very high. People who have very severe ESRD often suffer from vomiting, nausea, swelling and anemia etc, and these life-threatening exacerbations will dramatically impair their quality of life.
Here are the recommended treatment for End Stage Renal Disease:
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Even if you are diagnosed with ESRD in the advanced stages of the disease, it’s never too late to reap the rewards of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Not only does Traditional Chinese Medicine help slow the progression of the disease, but it has many other health benefits as well.
Traditional Chinese Medicine, or Chinese herb, can dilate all levels of blood vessels in the kidney and relieve high blood pressure and the tension state of the vessels, thus improving the state of anemia and anoxia.
The active ingredients of Traditional Chinese Medicine can clear the inflammatory factors and kidney poisoning factors which can damage kidney intrinsic cells. In this way, the further damage of renal intrinsic cells can be stopped.
Traditional Chinese Medicine can prevent from forming the thrombus and then promote repairing kidney intrinsic cells.
If u r interested to know more about chinese medicine treatment for kidney disease, feel free to send an email to

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