Why Choose Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital (SKDH)

Deciding where to seek kidney disease treatment is difficult. We know you have many options. Here are some of the reasons why SKDH is your best hope for kidney disease care.
● We are one of the largest kidney disease hospitals in the world. Within 26 years, we see over 10,000 people with various types of kidney disease each year. Our depth of experience informs every aspect of your care
● We focus exclusively on cancer and have seen cases of every kind. Our doctors treat more rare kidney disease in a single day than most physicians see in a lifetime. That means you receive expert care no matter what your diagnosis.
● We are the first one in China that treats children and adults with kidney diseases from home and abroad with innovative form of traditional Chinese medicine.
● We have the largest team of experts on kidney disease treatment which gives us more confidence and expertise in increasing chances of successful treatment.
Unique therapies
● For 26 years, SKDH has been dedicated to explore new methods to prevent and treat every kind of kidney disease. At SKDH, we combined Traditional Chinese Medicine with Western Medicines therapy, plus Immunotherapy which offer you the totally different and best treatment for your kidney disease.
● New and innovative therapies generally are available at SKDH. We are proud of Micro-Chinese Medicine, a new form of traditional Chinese medicine that abandons the weakness of traditional Chinese medicine and inherits the advantages. Thousands of kidney disease patients are cured with Micro-Chinese Medicine.
● We have more nurses per patient than many hospitals in the country, so you receive the utmost attention and quality care. In the International Medical Center, one patient has one excusive nurse.
● At SKDH, you will receive personalized and comprehensive care from our culturally diverse, experienced and specialized staff. We deeply understand that no two people are exactly alike and no two kidney diseases are exactly alike either. Each patient is focused on as an individual by the experienced and specialized experts. SKDH treats the whole person, taking into account medical history, lifestyle and other health issues.
● Within 26 years, we receive patients from over 50 countries, making their comfort a top priority. Our professionals will do everything they can to make you feel at home so you and your family can focus on your treatment.
● Language is not a problem. Each patient who comes to our hospital is accompanied by an interpreter who is responsible to translate.

We invite you to learn more about SKDH and why thousands of patients from around the world have entrusted their kidney disease care to us. For more information, please Email us at khkpcn@hotmail.com

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