In order to prevent the aggravation of Nephritis, patients should take timely
and effective measures. Now, let’s get to know something about the symptoms of
Nephritis in early stage.
1. Edema
The most obvious symptom for Nephritis in early stage is the edema of the
body, and it exists in the whole process of treatment for the disease. The
degrees of edema differ from patient to patient: for patients with slight edema,
they may show obvious swelling in face and eyelid in the morning and distinct
edema in ankle at noon; for those with severe edema, systemic edema will present
and at this time, patients should go to the hospital for early diagnosis and
treatments. In few cases, patients with Nephritis may have no edema.
2. Hypertension
This symptom should arouse much attention from patients, because generally
Nephritis has no direct relation with high blood pressure and they won’t affect
each other either, but once Nephritis develops into Renal Failure or Uremia,
high blood pressure will occur and develop very rapidly. In addition, the
post-prognosis physical functions (constitution and immunity of the body) of
those Nephritis patients with Hypertension will be much worse than that of those
without Hypertension. Therefore, patients should effectively prevent high blood
pressure and keep healthy rest and diet.
3. Sharply decreased urine volume
In general, if patient get Acute Nephritis, their urine volume will decrease
obviously and the urine color is always dark, and patients may also have edema.
Few patients may show anuria. In several serious cases, hematuria may occur and
last for a few days and even several weeks. Besides, Acute Nephritis patients
may also have a series of untoward reactions, such as oliguria, nausea,
weakness, poor appetite, etc.
4. Foam in urine
It is a mild symptom that patients most easily neglect. In increased foam in
urine indicates that the proteinuria in urine goes up and the body is losing
massive protein, which is caused by that the kidney is impaired and can not well
absorb the protein. When the kidney and ureter present dysfunction, a lot of
protein will leak out and form proteinuria. Patients should highly notice this
The above is the introduction about the symptoms of Nephritis in early stage.
As long as patients detect the symptoms early, can they undergo an early
diagnosis and receive relevant treatments.