46 Years Old with Chronic Kidney Disease and Creatinine 8.8

I am 46 years old patients with Chronic Kidney Disease and creatinine 8.8. Could you please suggested to best treatment for my disease?

Answer: I am from kidney disease hospital in China. I got your message to us asking the best treatment for your Chronic Kidney Disease and creatinine 8.8.

Now, I only know your creatinine is 8.8, which is not enough for me to give you a clear idea about the treatment and cost. I hope you can tell me more details, like:

1. how long have you had high creatinine? How was high creatinine found? or why did you come to hospital to check creatinine? Did you have any symptoms or discomforts at that time?
2. what is the primary cause of your kidney disease? Do you have any other disease history, like diabetes, hypertension, infection, medicine history, and so on?
3. is there blood or protein in urine analysis?
4. Are you under dialysis? if yes, when did you start dialysis and how many times per week? if no, what treatment or medicine are you taking?
5. The size of your two kidneys?
6. 24 hour urine output?

If you have your test report, you can also send us by Email to khkpcn@hotmail.com, and I can analyze it to have better idea about your condition. Then, we can start to discuss more details about the treatment procedure. If you have any difficulties in getting the above information, please let me know directly and we can work together to find a solution.

All in all, hope you get well

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