What are the Causes of Diabetic Nephropathy (Diabetic Kidney Disease)

The primary cause of Diabetic Nephropathy (Diabetic Kidney Disease) is decompensation of Diabetes – Long-term hyperglycemia. Consequence of hyperglycemia is high blood pressure, which also affects the kidneys. With the high sugar and high blood pressure, which are easy to give rise to the Renal Insufficiency, at the same time, the toxic substances which are discharged by kidney begin to accumulate in the kidney, and then give rise to toxic symptoms of kidney.
Each kidney is made of hundreds of thousands of filtering units called Nephrons. Each Nephron has a cluster of tiny blood vessels called a Glomerulus. These structures work together to remove waste from the body. Too much blood sugar can damage these structures, cause them become more and more thick and get other damage. Slowly, over time, more and more blood vessels are destroyed. The kidney structures begin to leak and protein (albumin) begins to pass into the urine.
Diabetes patients are easy to suffer from DN if they have the following conditions:
African American, Hispanic, or American Indian origin
Family history of kidney disease or high blood pressure
Poor control of blood pressure
Poor control of blood sugars
Suffer from Type 1 Diabetes before age 20

Diabetic Nephropathy generally goes along with other diabetes complications including high blood pressure, retinopathy, and blood vessel changes. For more information, please Email us at khkpcn@hotmail.com

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