The Clinical Manifestation of Diabetic Nephropathy

It is known to all that Diabetic Nephropathy is a terrible disease, but what is the presentation of Diabetic Nephropathy? In order to keep a good health for you and you family, and for patients who are in the edge of Diabetic Nephropathy, while they are still don’t know, we can talk something about the clinical manifestation of Diabetic Nephropathy.
The first clinical manifestation of Diabetic Nephropathy is proteinuria.
Patients don’t have clinical protein in the early stage of Diabetic Nephropathy, only the radiation immune method can detect the micro-proteinuria. Proteinuria is the only clinical manifestation in the early stage of Diabetic Nephropathy, proteinuria will develop from intermittent to persistent gradually.
The second clinical manifestation of Diabetic Nephripathy is edema. Normally there is no edema in the early stage of Diabetic Nephropathy, a few of patients will appear the mild edema before reducing the plasma protein. The later period expression of Diabetic Nephropathy is that if it has a large number of proteinuria, the plasma protein is very low, the edema will aggravate gradually.
The third clinical manifestation of Diabetic Nepropathy is high blood pressure. The morbidity rate of Type 1 Diabetes patients who don’t have kidney disease will not increase, and Type 2 Diabetes patients who always accompanying with high blood pressure, and high blood pressure rise with proteinuria.
The fourth clinical manifestation of Diabetic Nephropathy is Kidney Failure. The development of Diabetic Nephropathy is very different. For some of the people with the mild proteinuria will continue for a long time, but the renal function is normal, and some patients have few urine protein, which can develop into the Nephrotic Syndrome quickly, the renal function deteriorate gradually, even develop into Uremia.
The fifth clinical manifestation of Diabetic Nephropathy is anemia. Patients with obvious azotemia, maybe he has mild anemia.

The sixth clinical manifestation of Diabetic Nephropathy is the complication of the others visceral organ, such as heart failure, myocardial infarction, diabetic neuropathy, and diabetic retinopathy. For more information, please Email us at

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