Reduce Creatinine for Chronic Renal Failure by Stem Cells and Micro-Chinese Medicine

Clinically, for Kidney Disease patients with light symptoms, they should take Coated Aldehyde Oxystarch or Shen Shuanning orally; some patients use mannitol salt preparations or Chinese medicine enema. In a short time, these symptomatic treatment methods have lowered indexes, but with the development of illness condition, the creatintine will occur repeatedly. How to reduce creatintine and clear toxin substance?

The regular treatment principle of Western Medicine for Chronic Renal Failure (CRF)

1. Anemia Patients should replenish chalybeate, folic acid, rebuild human erythropoietin. For hemoglobin is lower than 60g/L, patients should be transfused a small amount of blood for several times. Patient with Neuromuscular Disease can replenish nutrition and vitamin D3; external emulsified oil can be used for skin problem, at the same time, take antihistaminics orally and control phosphorus intake.

2. The treatment of CRF should mainly pay more attention to treat primary disease and correct the reversible factors.

3. The treatment of Cardiovascular Complication: the usage of hypotensor is the same as the ordinary High Blood Pressure Disease, furosemidum has a good effect among diuretics. Uremic Pericarditis is likely to be improved after the positive dialysis.

4 Besides the normal medicine treatment, the diet treatment for CRF can’t be neglected; limit protein; patients should have O.6g/kg high quality protein every day, and regulate them on the basis of GFR. If GFR≤5ml/min, the daily protein intake should reduce to 20 g and add amino-acid therapy, general usage 0.1~0.2g amino acid, and take them orally by 3 times a day or use slow static drops one time.

5. Correct the imbalance of water, electrolyte and acid-base: sodium salt intake decrease as well as GFR, if patients present Hyponatremia and Hypernatronemia, they should limit or replenish water. Hyperkalemia patient present 6.5mmol/L potassium, they need to be treated immediately.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has special effect for treating Chronic Renal Failure. The pure Chinese medicine can promote the blood circulation by expanding all levels of renal arteries, alleviating “three high” state of glomerulus, repairing glomerular basement membrane, promoting metabolite such as toxin etc. to discharge from body, improving the symptom of high blood pressure and metabolic acidosis, thus the adverse symptoms of nausea will disappear, such as nausea, vomit etc; the active Chinese medicine will go into the renal lesion rapidly, which will closely connect with various pathogenic factors such as immune complex, nephritoxic factor etc, then attacking, breaking, dissociating and clearing these pathogenic factors with strong power, blocking the continuous deterioration of kidney.
In addition, the active substance of Chinese medicine has powerful repair function, which supplies renal needed substance, such as amino acid, protein etc, thus recovering the damaged function nephron, repairing the damaged renal inherent cells, restoring the metabolism function gradually, so as to reduce creatinine fundamentally and achieve the effect of non-recurrence.

Stem cells refer to those cells that are not mature and haven’t differentiated yet; they can renew themselves with a high degree of proliferation and potentials to develop into multi-lineage cell groups and further develop into different complicated organs. So what are the characteristics advantageous of stem cells, and which factors affect the curative effect of Stem Cells Transplant?
Stem cells can be divided into several kinds: 1. Topipotent; 2. Pluripotent; 3. Multipotent. Pluripotent will develop and grow to become multipotent gradually, but multipotent can only develop into one certain kind of cells in a certain organ (to maintain the self-renewal of a specific histiocyte; such as colorectal crypt cells).
Characteristics of stem cells: 1. stem cells keep its undifferentiated or low-differentiated situations all their lives; 2. number and position of stem cells in organism remain relatively unchanged; 3. stem cells have the ability to self-renew and unlimited proliferation; 4. stem cells have the potentials of multi-lineage, which can differentiate into different kinds of histiocytes; 5. stem cells can either proliferate for consecutive generations or remain resting state for a long period of time; 6. stem cells have activated factors which can activate the dormanting cells and maximize their effect to keep the health situation at its best level.

Therefore, the main function of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is reapir+block, the main function of Stem Cells Transplant is rebuild. The two combined treatment have a significant effect for Chronic Renal Failure. For more information, please Email us at

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