The Early Signs and Symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease

By asking many kinds of kidney diseases patients, we find out that the common problem is that there is no symptom in early stage of kidney disease while the illness condition is quite serious when the symptoms appear. Do Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) patients really have no symptoms? The answer is no. Through asking some disease symptoms of patients, we find out that they have s smattering of knowledge. Just imagine how patients can find out the symptoms if they don’t know symptoms. We will explain some early stage symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease?
The mainly symptoms of PKD are mainly as follows:
1. Hypertension. Hypertension always occurs before the renal function damages of PKD patients. The main reason of hypertension is that the oppression caused by cysts will lead to renal ischemia and then make the secretion quality of rennin increase. More than 50% of patients have high blood pressure when the kidney function is still normal. However, when kidney function declines, the rate of hypertension is much higher.
Abdominal mass. In the early stage of PKD, patients may have not much feeling for this symptom. However, with the continuous increase of cysts, 60% to 80% of patients can touch the swollen kidney. Thus, the swollen kidney may be the main reason for patients seeing a doctor. In general, the larger kidneys, the worse kidney function.
Hematuria. Once patients have hematuria, the main reason is kidney problems. The hematuria of PKD mainly appears microscopic hematuria and gross hematuria. It attacks in a circle. When it attacks, patients always feel backache. In addition, strenuous exercise, wound and infection may induce or aggravate this condition. The pathogenesis of hemorrhage is that there are many arteries below the cyst wall. The increase of pressure or concurrent infection will lead to cysts wall vessel rupture and bleeding because of excessive force. The reason for the discomfort of waist and abdominal is that the increase and expansion of kidney cysts which will make the tension of renal capsule increase. And then the kidney pedicle will be affected. The surrounding organs will also be oppressed.
Waist and abdomen pain. PKD patients hung different sized cysts on inside and outside kidney. There are full of cysts liquid in kidney, which leads to the increase quantity of water content and then kidney will be heavier. Kidney tenesmus will cause waist and abdomen pain. Patients may feel dull pain. If the cysts bleed or patients get infection, the pain will aggravate suddenly. Besides, if stones combine or blood clots block the urinary tract, patients may have renal colic.

The above is the introduction of early stage symptoms of PKD. With a good understanding on the early stage symptoms, patients can notice the disease timely and take a timely treatment. Furthermore, because PKD is a kind of hereditary disease with familial aggregation, someone in the family who gets PKD should check up immediately. Once the disease is diagnosed, patients should take a timely treatment.

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