Natural Herb Remedy for IgA Nephropathy: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

In our country and other Southeast Asian regions, the incidence rate of IgA Nephropathy occupy 30~40% of Primary Nephritis. IgA Nephropathy is the traditional statement and this statement is right. This traditional argument is based on the traditional diagnostic method to obtain the diagnosis. (The traditional diagnostic method is to analyze the structure of kidney from the histology point of view, then obtain the diagnosis).However, According to current international kidney disease theory by Western medicine treatment, theory of kidney disease has developed from organizational theory to a cellular theory, Therefore, the diagnosis of kidney disease has developed from clinical diagnosis to the pathological diagnosis. To this end, the scientific diagnosis of kidney disease has become analysis of cell function injury which is based on the cell injury. That is to say, from the cytological point of view, you have the Mesangial Cell Proliferative Glomerulonephritis, Mainly by IgA deposition.

What is the reason of causing this disease? The mainly reason is the patient who with the deficiency of mucosal immune function, after bacterial virus infect from the Upper respiratory tract ( Tonsilitis, Rhinitis, Pharyngitis,etc) Gastrointestinal or urinary, the bacterial virus as antigen into human body, combined with unusual structure of the IgA molecule, form antigen-antibody immune complex, antigen-antibody immune complex deposit in the glomerular capillary loops and mesangial region, caused glomerular mesangial cells Immune injury, after Mesangial cells injury, Hyperplasia, proliferation, Activation lost the barrier function of Filtration membrane. At that time, there is no way to prevent leakage of red blood cell. The red blood cells are discharged with the urine, there are + in the urine routine examination. Meanwhile, after mesangial cell was damaged, the mesangial cell will release a series of inflammatory cytokines, in turn, these inflammatory factors increase the damage of mesangial cells, form the vicious circle, mesangial cells synthesize type 1 and type 3 collagen which can not be degraded, lead to a large number of extracellular matrix accumulation, Promote glomerular sclerosis, start the process of renal fibrosis. From this pathogenesis,from the Western diagnostic conclusion of kidney disease,IGA immune complexes causes Glomerular mesangial cells disease, the symptom of this disease is urine red blood cells as the indictor and a series of discomfort.

1. Why do you have this disease?
IgA nephropathy is a self mucosal immune dysfunction disease, the reason why you have this disease is that your immunity drops in a certain period of time, in a certain time bacteria or viruses invade the body, at that time, the mucosal of upper respiratory tract or Gastrointestinal get infected ,combined with the unusual structure of IgA molecule, stimulate the body to produce appropriate antibodies, form Antigen-antibody immune complex, Antigen-antibody immune complex have a high degree of affinity with binding protein or receptor in Mesangial cells, After the combination can induce mesangial cell Hyperplasia, proliferation, activation and secretion of inflammatory cytokines, activated complement, leading to renal ischemia, hypoxia, resulting in immune and inflammatory injury of Mesangial cells.

2. The correct treatment: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
In the process of treatment, whether you use the western medicine, or use the Chinese medicine, we should through the following ways to get treatment.
1) Vasodilator: why should we expand the blood vessel? Because once the immune complexes deposited in the glomerular capillary vessel, it will inevitably lead to tissues in the blood vessels get injury or damaged. So it will result in the poor blood circulation, it lead to the microcirculatory system resulting in ischemia, hypoxia. And this ischemia, hypoxia will result in glomerular epithelial cells injury. The purpose of vascular dilation is trying to improve the renal blood circulation, alleviate the inherent cell of ischemia, hypoxia, it will provide a favorable environment for next step of repair the epithelial and mesenteric cell, then alleviate the kidney symptom.
Why should we Anti-inflammatory? Because glomerular mesangial cell damage, a large number of inflammatory mediators are released in the blood circulation, it will increase the cell injury, so we called anti-inflammatory treatment, reduce the infiltration of inflammatory cell; reduce re-injury of mesangial cells.
3) Anticoagulant:
The increase of inflammatory cells in the blood will increase the viscosity of the blood to a certain extent. Also increase the micro-thrombus in the glomerular capillary vessel. The purpose of using the anticoagulant drugs is to reduce the pressure of thrombosis, then lay the foundation for the repairing of epithelial cells.
4) Degradation:
The injured mesangial cells synthesize type 1 and type 3 collagen which can not be degraded, lead to a large number of extracellular matrix accumulation, promote glomerular sclerosis. You must use the relative drugs to keep down the degradation of the extracellular matrix deposition, then excreted with the urine.
On the use of drugs, the scientific method should use the Chinese and Western method together (conjunction or combination).we can’t only use one method, Can't simply use Chinese medicine or western medicine. Because the results of only use one method have limitations

Through rational application of the above-mentioned four treatments, the glomerular epithelial cells can be repaired; the normal functions can be spontaneous recovery. The barrier functions of epithelial cells can be recovery. After all these functions get recovery,the symptoms of hematuria, protein and other the clinical symptoms will disappear. For more information, please Email us at

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