Protein Intake for Different Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) occurs when the kidneys fail to function normally to filtering wastes and excess fluid. Common causes of this disorder include Diabetes, high blood pressure, autoimmune diseases, etc. People with kidney disease usually need to limit the intake of protein. What are the protein intake for different stages of CKD?

The intake of protein a CKD patient can consume is decided based in part on the stage of kidney failure. Kidney failure is divided into five stages, from I to V, with I being the least serious. The criterion for staging is the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), a count that determines how much blood the kidneys can filter. This rate is an indication of how well the kidneys are able to function.

In stages I to III, your GFR ranges from 30 to 90, the latter of which is considered normal. If the protein content is high, it means excess protein storage is occurring, which can be dangerous as an excess can cause weakness, nausea, vomiting, loss or increase of appetite, changes in taste and an itching sensation.

In stages I to III kidney disease, the protein level should be kept at 12-15% of the total calorie count of food consumption.
In stage IV, it should be kept at 10% of the daily calorie intake.
In stage V, patients should start dialysis. At this point, patients do not need to control the amount. Higher levels of proteins are suggested. If you are wondering the exact amount of protein in yoru situation, please Email us at

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