What not to Eat If People Have Kidney Failure

For people with Kidney Failure, timely and proper treatment is critical but patients should also pay attention to their diet. What not to eat for persons with Kidney Failure?

First, the patients shouldn't eat foods rich in potassium, such as all the edible mushroom, potato, Chinese yam, pakchoi, red dates, bananas, oranges, tremella, peaches, apricot, spinach, rape and so on.

Second, they shouldn't eat foods rich in salt, such as aginomoto, soda biscuit, fine dried noodles, soy sauce, deep-fried dough sticks and so on. The patients with unstable blood pressure and severe swelling should limit salt intake. In general, daily intake of salt should be less than 3g.

Third, the patients shouldn't eat foods rich in phosphorus, such as marine products and thalassophyte, such as, kelp, nori, animal giblets, sesame, tea leaf, honey and yolk.

Fourth, they can't eat more vegetable protein, such as, beans and beans products, bean curd, soymilk and dry fruits, such as, peanuts, melon seeds and walnut. But the patients can have quality protein, such as egg white, milk, lean meat, less than 100g every day.
Fifth, the patients shouldn't have spicy food (fresh shallot, ginger, garlic and etc).

Note: No smoking and drinking!

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