What Kind of Foods can People with Kidney Disease Take

First.The diet should be mild. Avoid taking spicy foods and drinking liquor. Take less oily food and meat and fish with much animal-protein. (such as fatty meat, shrimp, and crab, etc.)

Second. Avoid taking beans and beans products (such as bean curd, bean sprout, and bean flour, etc.)

Third. Patients with edema, hypertension, and heart failure, should take food with less salt or without salt.

Fourth. Patients who are kidney insufficiency or uremia should pay special attention to:

1) Control the quantity of high protein food intake every day (such as, meat, milk, and eggs, etc.). According to every patients illness conditions, the adult can take protein about 100-150g every day generally, but also in 3-5 times.

2) Avoid taking beans and beans products, taking less nut( such as, walnut, chestnut, and almond, etc.) and cure foods( such as, pickles, preserved vegetable in soy.)

3) In order to increase discharge quantity of Creatinine and Urea nitrogen, patients should keep relieving the bowels smoothly. White gourd, watermelon, and calabash, are good fro urination. Red bean soup and mung bean soup with sugar can reduce fever and cause diuresis. Honey, banana, pear, radish, walnut, and black sesame can relax bowels. All these foods can coordinate with medicine to take.

4) While kidney failure, drainability of kidney is limited, so, water intake should be limited. The formula of water intake: quantity of water intake = total urine volume of previous day + 500-800ml.

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