What are the Main Factors Influencing the Development of Chronic Nephritis

Cold and infection: the Chronic Nephritis is a kind of immunological disease and it often is caused by a cold or infection. When the external antigen ( bacterium or virus) invades the human body, the human body will mobilize its defensive system and produce antibody to unite with the antigen, forming the antigen antibody immune complex. This is the immune response of body. When the antigen antibody immune complex flows through the kidney along with the blood circulation, it will deposit in the special site of glomertuli and damage glomerular permeability, therefore, large quantity of macromolecular substances are leaked into the urine, such as albumin, red blood cells. In the long course of Chronic Nephritis, the repeated immune response will lead to the damage of massive glomerulis and promote the chronic nephritis to process into the Chronic Renal Failure.
So we should take exercise positively in daily life and prevent the cold and infection.

Dietary factors: during the Glomerular Nephritis, its filtration membrane is damaged seriously. So in this situation, if we take much food with high protein, the kidney burden will be aggravated, which can accelerate the leakage of protein. The long-term and large quantity intake of food with high protein will make the kidney under overworked state and aggravate the illness condition gradually. When the disease develops into the Renal Failure, the intake of abundant protein will make the serum creatinine and urea nitrogen rise rapidly.
So we should take a reasonable diet and avoid the intake of abundant food with high protein.

Medicine factors: most of the medicines will be discharged by the kidney after the metabolism. However, some medicines will cause damage to kidney. We call them renal toxic medicines. If a healthy person has taken renal toxic medicines, it still has the possibility to damage his kidney, and even lead to the Renal Failure. Clinically, the commonly seen renal toxic medicines are gentamicin, kanamycin, tetracyclines family etc..The Chinese medicines which have renal toxicity are caulis aristolochiae manshuriensis and so on.
So we should avoid the western and Chinese medicines which have renal toxicity.

Hypertension: during the course of Chronic Glomerular Nephritis, it may be accompanied by the hypertension which is called renal hypertension. And the primary high blood sugar can give rise to the damage on kidney. The hypertension makes capillaries under the state of convulsion and sclerosis for a long time and cause the kidney ischemia and glomerular sclerosis. This is the main reason for the Kidney Atrophy and Renal Failure.
We should take the blood pressure medicine and control the blood pressure in the appropriate level.

Hyperlipidemia and hypercoagulability: the Glomerular Nephritis is often companied with hyperlipidemia which can worsen the glomerular capillary tissue damage and severely influence the restoration of kidney disease. Another complication of Chronic Nephritis is hypercoagulability. The blood viscosity will increase and the blood platelet is likely to gather. All of these can directly cause microcirculatory disturbance and block the glomerular capillaries.

The effect of mental state: the process of any disease will be affected by the mental state of patients. And a good mood is favorable for the recovery. During the Chronic Nephritis and Renal Failure, if the patient is in the long-time anxiety, frightening mood, the immunity will be reduced and the hypertension will rise then the illness condition will be aggravated. So we should be confident to ourselves and regulate our mentality to enjoy each day fully.

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