How to Prevent End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)

At present, there is no cure for End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), a kidney disease that kidneys stop working well enough. Usually, sufferers will rely on dialysis or kidney transplant to sustain their lives. ESRD is a serious and potentially life-threatening disease.
The kidney damage that causes ESRD can not be reversed; however, it can often be prevented. It is very important to know the risk factors for ESRD, as they will help you avoid damaging your kidneys in the first place.
Things that increase your risk for ESRD include those you can control, such as high blood pressure and Diabetes, and others you cannot control, such as family history of Polycystic Kidney Disease, the fourth leading cause of ESRD.
Risks you can control
High blood pressure and high blood sugar. Statistics say that more than two thirds ESRD cases are caused by either diabetes or high blood pressure. And about one third patients with Diabetes will develop into CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease), which might eventually lead to ESRD. So, patients with Diabetes should keep your blood sugar under control and you blood pressure lower than 130/80mm Hg.
Other kidney problems Uncontrolled kidney problems like Polycystic Kidney Disease, IgA Nephropathy, Lupus Nephritis, Purpura Nephritis and other conditions will develop into ESRD finally. However, measures can be taken to control these conditions from aggravating, which requires patients to have an early diagnose and an early treatment.
As for Polycystic Kidney Disease, a hereditary condition, patients can use natural herbs to control the growth of cysts. IgA Nephropathy, Lupus Nephritis and Purpura Nephritis are all connected with immunity system. Immunotherapy can deal with these disorders very well and patients can have a try. All these kidney problems can develop very slowly at their primary stage. However, once kidney function decline presents, the condition can progress very quickly into ESRD.
Changing your lifestyle and dietary habits is also important. You will need special diet which is friendly to your kidney. As for the diet, you can email me at If you have some questions about ESRD, please feel free to contact us to get further information.

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