Does Blood in Urine/Hematuria Mean Pediatric Nephritis

Blood in urine or Hematuria is among the common symptoms of Pediatric Nephritis. However, if you undergo a Hematuria suddenly, your doctor cannot make a diagnose just from a single sign.
Does Blood in Urine/Hematuria Mean Pediatric Nephritis?
Blood in urine or Hematuria refers to that excessive red blood cells leaking into the urine. In fact, there is, sometimes, red blood cell in the normal people's urine, but the point is the amount is very low. However, even a great amount of blood cells in urine, it is not a must of nephritis.
Blood in urine, roughly is categorized into 2 types—renal Hematuria, or glomerular Hematuria and non renal Hematuria or non glomerular Hematuria.
Renal Hematuria, refers to the blood in urine that the blood cells in urine comes from the damaged glomeruli. Usually, it relates to the kidney diseases, such as nephritis, IgA Nephropathy, diabetic nephropathy etc.
Non renal Hematuria means the blood in urine which results from other factors that have no effects on kidneys directly. The factors may include: urinary infection, such as urinary tract infection, prostatitis, cystitis etc; and Physiology Hematuria, such as strenuous exercise, cool water bath, long-term standing and menstruation etc.
Thereby, if you find dark urine or blood urine in your children, don’t just say:” it must be nephritis.” Usually, if the blood in urine just last for couple days, it may not be serious. But, constant blood in urine may suggest you to send your children to hospital.
How should I know my Hematuria result from pediatric nephritis or not?
To figure out, the Hematuria comes from pediatric nephritis or not, some specific tests are necessary. And the way to tell the cause of Hematuria is to make use of the form of red blood cells in urine. Normally, the red blood cells will be malformed if it leaks from the damaged glomeruli and the normal ones may relate to the infections or exercise or sth that is not serious. For more information, please Email us at

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