Chinese Medicine for Creatinine Level is More than 8 with CKD

Corresponding treatments for creatinine level is more than 8 with CKD will focus on detoxification and repairing inflammatory damages. The exact treatment schedule will be made after your admission based on experts team's evaluation with her case.
In general, seven TCM based therapies like cycle therapy, hot compress therapy (osmosis therapy), foot bath therapy, full bath therapy, enema therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy, moxibustion therapy, combing with thorough blood purification therapies to clean out these inflammatory factors like IL-6, CIC (circulating immune complex) to block further inflammatory factor concentration to kidneys. Clean plasma to alleviate inflammatory response is the new principle we adopt, and clinical application has proven its remarkable effect.
As to treatment course for creatinine level is more than 8 with CKD , even though controlling inflammatory response within kidneys can obviously alleviate kidney condition (this is also the first step treatment that will be adopted for your case), overall treatment course also takes months. I hope you are also prepared in mind for 4 to 5 months treatments. In general, treatments are differentiated into intensive treatments (about one month hospitalization here) and consolidating treatments (3 to 4 months treatments at home). Kidney disease is a chronic disease, its treatments and recovery also requires time. I hope you will understand this. for more information, please Email us at

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