Stem Cells Help a Chronic Renal Failure Patient Get Rid of Dialysis

NAME:Guo Cangju
DIAGNOSIS: PKD, Renal Anemia, Chronic Renal Failure
REASON FOR COMING FOR TREATMENT: Before coming to Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital for treatment, she was admitted in the local hospital several times. Yet, the treatment did not work and she developed chronic renal failure. She came to Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital for a new path to high quality of life.
TREATMENT: Umbilical cord blood stem cells and Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment
BEFORE THE TREATMENT: She had back pain and fatigue for 13 years. In March 15th, 2010 she hospitalized in the local due to back pain without reasons. Then she was diagnosed with PKD but did not receive any treatment. One year ago, she was admitted into a hospital for general fatigue, nausea and vomit. Her creatinine was 463.6 umol/l. The ultrasound showed cysts on the kidneys. When she came to our hospital, she looked sick, skinny, and weak. The examinations and tests indicated creatinine 602 umol/l, BUN 29.17 mmol/l.
AFTER THE TREATMENT: One month after the completion of stem cells transplant, symptoms were minimized significantly. She stopped dialysis when creatinine was reduced to 565 umol/l. One and half a month, she was discharged.
4/17 creatinine 393 umol/l
5/17 creatinine 363 umol/l
6/17 creatinine 353 umol/l
7/18 creatinine 356 umol/l
By far, she has no longer undergone dialysis for about half a year and she feels very well and full of energy. She work and live a normal life as others do. for more information, please Email us at

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