Risk Factors of End-Stage Renal Failure

Risk factors for End-stage Renal Failure are factors that do not seem to be a direct cause of the disease, but associated to it in some way. Having a risk factor for End-stage renal failure makes the chances of getting a condition higher.
The risk factors include :

People with Diabetes have high levels of glucose in their bloodstream. Those with diabetes mellitus type 1 have high levels because the cells in the pancreas that should release insulin have been destroyed. People with type 2 diabetes mellitus have tissues and organs that are resistant to insulin. Insulin is responsible for keeping normal glucose levels in the blood. The high levels make the capillaries in the kidneys hard and thick, which increases the blood pressure in the capillaries and leads to End-Stage Renal Failure.

High blood pressure affects the brain, eyes, heart and kidneys. The high pressure in the blood vessels of the body leads to high blood pressure in the capillaries of the kidneys as well. Hypertension makes the walls in the capillaries of the kidneys thick, but eventually the capillaries will rupture and hemorrhage. Hemorrhaging means the kidneys receive less blood flow and since the red blood cells carry oxygen, when the kidneys do not have enough oxygen, they cannot function and begin to fail. If they lose enough blood and oxygen, this leads to renal failure.
Also, people with high blood pressure, or hypertension, have increased odds of developing kidney disease. Hypertension also accelerates the progress of kidney disease where it already exists.

Obesity is a risk factor for several health disorders, including respiratory problems, heart disease, certain cancers, liver disease, sleep disorders, gynecological problems, diabetes type 2, hypertension and end-stage renal disease. Because obesity increases the risk for developing diabetes mellitus type 2 and hypertension, and these disorders are risk factors for end-stage renal disease, physicians consider obesity a risk factor for renal failure as well.

History of protein in the urine is a risk factor for ESRD

Smoking has been linked to the progression of renal disease among diabetic and hypertensive patients.

Various lipid disorders are associated with the development of and progression to chronic renal failure.

Drug use
Overuse of over-the-counter pain medication or abuse of illegal drugs increases your risk of ESRD.

Other diseases —These conditions also affect kidney functioning:
Kidney stones
Polycystic kidney disease (cysts in the kidney)
Systemic lupus erythematosis
Congenital nephrotic syndrome
All the above mentioned are the risk factors of the End-Stage Renal Failure.

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