Causes of Heart Failure in Chronic Renal Failure Patients

Heart Failure is the serious complication of Chronic Renal Failure and the cause of death. The complication of Chronic Renal Failure—heart failure can be caused by many factors:

1. hypervolemia: when Chronic Renal Failure occurs, the blood volume increases. If heart can not complement it, the function of left ventricle will decline and it leads to heart failure.

2. Hypertension. Long time hypertension can lead to ventricle wall thickening and heart enlargement. As a result, it leads to heart failure. Besides, hypertension advances the development of atherosclerosis and then advances the occurrence of heart failure.

3. electrolyte disorder and acidosis. Chronic Renal Failure can lead to the change of myocardium excitability, which can lead to arrhythmia and then heart failure.

4. Renal anemia. Long time anemia can lead to anoxia in myocardium and the function of myocardium declines.

5. Dialysis. Dialysis leads to split-flow, which can impose the burden on heart. Long time dialysis may lead to heart failure.

6. Atherosclerosis. The complication of hypertension and hyperlipemia after dialysis can advance the development of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis can increase the mortality of Chronic Renal Failure.

7. Weak immunity. When patients are in the stage of uremia, their immunity is weak. And they are easily inflammatory. And then it can easily lead to Myocarditis or Pericarditis.

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