BUN 80 and Creatinine 1.7 with CKD Best Diet Plan

Here are some suggestions on best diet plan for BUN 80 and Creatinine 1.7 with CKD:

1. Control the intake of protein. In general, patients with CKD should limit the intake of protein. They can eat some low protein foods to maintain the normal nutrition of the body. Some foods containing high quality protein include fish, lean meat, etc.

2. Do not eat much meat. Because meat contains high creatine which can increase the level of creatinine. Patients with high creatinine had better not eat too much meat.

3. Reduce the intake of sodium. Kidney's damage results in excessive fluid and sodium building up in the body, leading to edema. Sodium tends to promote water retention. So patients need to avoid salty foods, like pickles, bacon, potato soup, cheese sauce, etc.

4. Eat some vegetables and fruits according to their own condition. If there is much potassium in patients' body, patients should stay away from high potassium foods, for example: spinach, carrot, banana and orange. If patients with kidney failure suffer from hyperphosphatemia, they can not eat nut, yellow bean, gingili. They need to eat foods contained high calcium, like meaty bone, tofu and dried small shrimps.

Diet control is helpful in controlling BUN 80 and Creatinine 1.7 with CKD. But diet can't treat the disease. You should pay more attention to the treatment on the damaged glomerulus and recover the damaged kidney function. That's the right treatment and really can be helpful. For the latest treatment, please Email us at khkpcn@hotmail.com.

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