Can People with Lupus Kidney Disease Eat Strawberries

Lupus nephritis is a typical Secondary Nephropathy in which immune system can not work normally and attacks the native tissues, leading to manage skin and kidney problems.Lupus nephritis is caused by the deposition of the antibodies that are secreted by immune system, which lowers kidney functions, leading to kidney failure finally.

Strawberries for your kidneys
 Strawberries are suggested to take by patients with any kidney disease for they work as anti inflammations. Some patients keep taking strawberry one cup a day for two moths and they say that those C reactive protein numbers start going down.
Strawberries are also great immune boosters, as we tend to lack on that aspect, because of the medications to treat our condition. They also increase HDL, (the good cholesterol).Other foods for lupus nephritisExcept strawberry, there are other beneficial foods for lupus nephritis, such as:-Honey-Cantaloupe-Cherries-fish oil-egg white Good foods can help retard your lupus nephritis development a lot.

However, only foods can not cure your disease. Regular treatment should be perform as soon as possible. If you don't know whether your favorite foods is good for your kidneys or not, you can consult our free online service or leave a message below.

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