Usually, there is only little protein in urine for healthy people. Why do you have the symptom of high proteinuria? When your proteinuria is high, it does not necessarily mean that you have problem with your kidneys. In fact, some conditions can lead to high proteinuria which will disappear in a short time. For example, when you have done some strenuous exercise or work, feel excited, or it is too cold or too hot, the proteinuria can be high. But it can come to normal level in a few hours or days. Except for some physiological proteinuria, the main cause of high proteinuria is renal damage. High proteinuria can be caused by the following diseases:
1. Kidney diseases: Acute Nephritis, Chronic Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome, Pyelonephritis, Lupus Erythematosus, Nephrotuberculosis, Kidney Stone, and Renal Arteriosclerosis etc.
2. Renal circulation obstruction: hyperemia, anemia and heart failure.
3. Other diseases: shock, dehydration, infection, toxicosis, leukemia and kidney transplant etc.
When you have high proteinuria, what should you do?
It can no be diagnosed according to one time examination. If you are found that you have proteinuria at the first time, you have to take anther examination. If there is proteinuria at the second time, you have to take the examinations of Urinary sediment test, RBC count, WBC count, and urinary system examination. According to all these examinations, it can be diagnosed whether there is kidney disease. When you have kidney disease, you have to do other examinations to diagnose which kidney disease you have.
If you are sure that proteinuria is caused by kidney damage, you have to receive a standard treatment. As the health care technology is developing rapidly, there is a great break in proteinuria treatment. To treat proteinuria completely, we have to treat the root at first. Clinical practice has proven that Micro-Chinese Medicine is effective and convenient in kidney disease treatment. For more information, please feel free to contact us or send us email at