Chronic Kidney Failure: What Treatment Options are Available for You

For people who have been diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Failure, what treatment options are available for you? Read on to learn more about this.
Dialysis is a common replacement therapy for Chronic Kidney Failure. Generally speaking, you are recommended to start dialysis when creatinine level rises to 5. Dialysis is also called artificial kidney and it can take a partial function of the native kidneys to filter blood. However, it can not discharge the macromolecular and middle-molecular wastes products at all. They will remain in blood and do more damage to kidneys. That is the real function still keeps declining during dialysis process.
Moreover, kidneys can secrete necessary hormones for regulating blood pressure and producing red blood cells. However, dialysis does not have these functions at all.
Natural remedy-Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural remedy for Chronic Kidney Failure. It is an innovative application of traditional Chinese medicine which originates from ancient China. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherpay is an external therapy and the effective medicines can be permeated into kidney lesions directly from skin on the kidney area. Hence, it avoids disadvantages of the traditional Chinese herbal medicine completely.
Immunotherapy is a new breakthrough in treating Chronic Kidney Failure. As a holistic therapy, Immunotherapy include 6 steps: Immune special diagnosis, immune blocking, immune tolerance, immune adjustment, immune protection and immune clearance. Different steps will be taken according to specific conditions in order to ensure the best treatment effects. Hence, you will be able to improve the function of your native kidneys greatly.
The above article has introduced the available treatment options for Chronic Kidney Failure. You should assess the advantages and disadvantages from a overall point and think twice before you leap. If you want to know more information about other aspects about the disease or treatment, it is free for you to leave a message in the below or email to

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